Both students found the conference to be a great experience, which involved excellent networking opportunities between other institutions within the industry. It also provided a great snapshot of what other universities are doing to achieve student engagement and success. Koady and Penny were particularly interested in the governance structures of other student groups as they are currently working on redeveloping the student leadership model at UNE.

Whilst at the conference Koady participated on a panel entitled ‘Students, Quality, Success – Regional Education.’ He spoke about the importance of student consultation when making decisions. Koady was able to broadcast his experience at UNE where he is completing his Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws.


Koady Williams whilst presenting at the conference

Koady Williams whilst presenting at the conference

It is fair to say that Koady and Penny have significantly different life experiences. Koady attended UNE straight after school, whereas Penny had already studied and worked in several professional roles. Before starting at UNE, Penny was an intensive care paramedic for nearly 6 years and a practising lawyer for 10 years. During this time, Penny held numerous leadership roles, and advocated on behalf of clients, colleagues and patients. Penny started at UNE as a part-time, online student. She found the UNE community to be so welcoming, full of encouragement and support that she moved her family to Armidale.

Since starting at UNE in 2014, Koady has been involved in at least 6 different leadership positions. When asked what motivates him to undertake these roles he noted:

Penny Leary and Koady Williams from UNE

Penny and Koady

I often question what has driven me to these positions, and it definitely wasn’t some sort of power hunger or ‘resume box ticker affliction.’ Instead it is the desire to create positive change in the cohorts that those positions represent. My current role, UNESA President, was truly motivated by my ambition to be the voice of all UNE students as the leader of the Association. In fact, this motivation has grown into the strategic plan the Association now operates from, titled ‘Your Voice’.

Another motivation of mine is the ability to practice the theory of the classroom in real world situations. My Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws has definitely come in handy in many of my positions, from standard project management and client management within Enactus UNE and Townies UNE, to organisational leadership and strategic planning in UNESA.’

Thank you Penny and Koady for selflessly helping your fellow students and UNE!