
2015/16 is over. Roots pulled, pupae busted and all set for 2016/17.

Last week brought an end to the 2015/16 season for those of us engaged in the CRDC funded project UNE1603 looking at nutrient and carbon cycling under cotton. Over the year we’ve made four trips to Narrabri and abandoned two others, taken over 80 intact cores to 1 m depth at ACRI and a couple more from near by native sites, conducted over 200 penetrometer insertions and had a lot of fun.


“penetrometry is such fun”


Ivannah Oliver and Hika Safi helping out. Thank you.


The off season provides an opportuinity to finish the sample processing, analysis and interpretation. I wonder what we’ll find?

2016/17 will sneek up on us soon enough and we’ll be back in to it. Thanks to all who have helped out over the last year and made the work enjoyable.