An early start on the 21st April saw Rhiannon Smith and Oliver Knox head down to Ruvigne, near Gunnedah where they caught up with Peter Gregg, Katie Slade (Regional Development Officer, upper Namoi) and Adrian (Ruvigne’s agronomist). The reason for this rendezvous was to meet with and discuss cotton production challenges, ecosystem services and extension tools with a group representing Associação Maranhense dos Produtores de Algodão (AMAPA), which is the Brazilian state of Maranhão Cotton Producers Association. The group of twelve visitors, which comprised of nine from SLC Agricola management, two from Fazenda Pequena Holanda and the President of Sunrise Resources Ltd, were being hosted by Quadrant Australia and guided by Mr Kees van Haasteren, who also acted as translator.
The group discussed the farm and its general operations with Adrian, resistance to Bt and insecticides in all Helicoverpa species with Peter, extension methods with Katie and Oliver and the importance of bats and natural vegetation with Rhiannon. We even managed into the field to see some picking and refuge areas. Feedback on the morning’s activities from Aldo Roberto Tisott, Chief Sales Officer of SLC Agricola, was that the morning had been their best to date during the first four days of their weeklong tour. Good byes were said after lunch and as we headed back to Armidale the AMAPA group returned to Narrabri with Griffith calling for the remainder of their tour.


AMAPA in teh field at Ruvigne with Adrian, Katie and Rhiannon


Peter gives the low down on Helicoverpa control