On Friday the 22nd May UNE played host to Jack and Merianne Corey (Nandewar) and John Watson (Kilmarnock) to tell them about the exciting work that has been taking place on their properties over the last decade.
The day was hosted by Professor Nick Reid with a range of presentations and discussion taking place. Dr Rhiannon Smith informed the group of the 10 years of ecosystem relevant activities she has been involved in on our visitors’ farms. Heidi Kolkert informed the group of the bird and bat work she has been doing and of the importance of this to natural insect control, whilst Karra informed us of his interrogation of 5 years of insect survey work conducted on the properties. The presentations were rounded off with overviews from Professor Peter Gregg and Dr Oliver Knox on their work in the Namoi on moth busting and nematodes, respectively.
The day presented a fantastic opportunity for the researchers to share their findings, which highlighted that management decisions made at the farm level are having a positive impact on the provision of valuable ecosystem services. Appreciation from both parties was evident over the course of the day and promises to continue to foster this wonderful working relationship were made.