Open access dataset by Cathy Dunn
In June 1825, a settlement was established on Norfolk Island to serve as a penitentiary for the colony’s worst re-offenders, many of them reconvicted by the colony’s Supreme Court. As UNE historians and archaeologists have demonstrated, this ‘island of exile’, from 1825 to 1855, was characterised by the ‘high levels of control of a total institution, [with] strict limitations on access and virtually no potential for escape’.[1] Importantly, Tim Causer, who has undertaken the most extensive study of the Norfolk Island population for his doctoral research at the Menzies Centre for Australian Studies (London) argues that the convicts sent to the island in these decades have been misrepresented in historical narratives and memory as vicious criminals. The Norfolk Island convicts were, in fact, generally younger and more literate than the broader convict cohort of New South Wales, and a high proportion of them were skilled tradesmen.[2] Current Higher Degree research underway by Janice Wellard at UNE is testing these conclusions via a sample of 361 Norfolk Island men were returned to Sydney during 1839 under the provisions of the 1838 Transports’ Sentences Remissions Act.
The purpose of this research by UNE associate Cathy Dunn, is to identify who participated in the resettlement of Norfolk Island in June 1825, in the expedition under Captain Richard Turton of the 40th Regiment (as we approach the bicentenary of that significant event). Turton’s instructions emphasised measures to ensure the security and self-sufficiency of the settlement in its founding phase, including the construction of necessary buildings and the cultivation of land for food.[3] But who were the convicts sent on this expedition? Different sources relate varying numbers of people involved. The Sydney Gazette reported that the brig Brutus, under Captain Powditch, and the Government cutter Mermaid, sailed with Captain Turton, Lieutenant Richardson (Assistant Engineer of the 40th Regiment), “Dr. Coleman” (Assistant Surgeon Coleman of the 40th Regiment who arrived in the colony on the Medina from Cork in 1824 and died in the military barracks in Sydney in 1829) along with “2 Serjeants, 1 corporal, 29 privates, 6 women, and 6 children; together with 53 male, and 3 female prisoners”. However, different numbers were reported by NSW Governor Ralph Darling, who informed the Secretary of State in London that 57 convicts, 30 private soldiers and three sergeants, several civilian officers, six women and six children, had departed for the Island.[4]
Calculating the exact numbers and names of the male and female convicts who were sent to Norfolk Island on the Brutus, and identifying who they were, was difficult and necessary as there is no surviving shipping muster for that voyage. So, the list has been compiled through a range of primary records including (but not limited to):
- 1823 – 1825 Muster, TNA, HO 10/19; 10/20.
- Colonial Secretary Letters Received, SRNSW, 4/1884; 4/1889.
- Colonial Secretary Papers, SRNSW, 4/3514.
- Copies of Letters sent re Convicts (to Hely), October 1826 – November 1827, SRNSW, 4/3665.
- Port Macquarie Population Book, SRNSW, 4/3864.
- Norfolk Island Papers 1825 – 1831, SRNSW, 4/3821.
This research has identified and named 57 male convicts, three wives and three children of convicts (all born in the colony) who sailed on the Brutus to Norfolk Island in June 1825.
Each person is matched to the unique identifier (uid) and the ‘stub’ (or ID summary) assigned to them by the UNE Convict History Collective (excepting 8 convicts who arrived after 1822 and are not yet in the Collective’s ‘Directory’, and 3 children who were born in the colony). The NIPS Voyage” and “CD_ID” numbers are assigned by Cathy Dunn in relation to her ongoing work with Australian History Research <>
Further, based on research across a range of source, the date of departure from Norfolk Island is given for everyone, where known. Some departure details cannot be precisely located.
Other columns record the convict’s trade or occupation, as stated on for the convict indents on arrival in the colony, which reflects on observations by Causer, noted above. There is also a summary of the details recorded for everyone in the 1828 NSW Census, where available (many have not yet been located in the census but there is sufficient data to see most convicts had left the island by 1828, although at least 6 men remained).
This data is made available below for free and fair use to promote the preservation of our cultural heritage and to encourage critical thinking and scholarly research into this important aspect of our history.
Cathy Dunn and David Andrew Roberts, UNE Armidale
[1] Gibbs, M., Duncan, B., & Varman, R. (2017). The free and unfree settlements of Norfolk Island: an overview of archaeological research. Australian Archaeology, 83(3), 82-99.
[2] T.J. Causer, ‘”Only a Place Fit for Angels and Eagles”: the Norfolk Island Penal Settlement, 1825-1855′, PhD thesis, University of London, 2010. Tim’s data can be accessed via the Prosecution Project at <>
[3] Brisbane to Turton, May 1825, SRNSW, 4/3821: 1.
[4] Sydney Gazette, 2 June 1825: 2; Brisbane to Bathurst, 1 August 1825, HRA, ser.1, vol.11: 698.
NIPS_voyage | CD_ID | nsw_uid | stubs_summary (arrived; convicted) | firstname | surname | variation | trade_indents | status | NI_departure | 1828_census | |
NIPS001-002 | CON02 | nswnBV012-01 | BARRY PATRICK per FREDERICK 1815; MADRAS October 1813, 7 years | Patrick | Barry | cooper | colonial sentence | 1828 February: per Governor Phillip | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-006 | CON06 | nswBV0064-015 | BROWN JOHN per MORLEY (1) 1817; MIDDLESEX April 1816, Life | John | Browne | tailor | colonial sentence | 1828 July: per Isabella | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-007 | CON07 | nswBV0123-015 | BULL JACOB per ELIZABETH I (3) 1820; NOTTINGHAMSHIRE April 1820, 7 years | Jacob | Bull | labourer | colonial sentence | 1828 October: per Lucy Ann | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-008 | CON08 | <[no_uid]> | <[post-1823 convict]> | William | Calcomb | <[n/a]> | convict Imperial sentence (life) | <[n/a]> | |||
NIPS001-010 | CON10 | nswBV0092-028 | CLARK WILLIAM per SURREY I (3) 1819; SURREY August 1818, 7 years | William | Clark | house carpenter | colonial sentence | 1828 July: per Isabella | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-016 | CON16 | nswBV0042-050 | DOONY JOHN per THREE BEES 1814; TIPPERARY March 1812, 7 years | John | Doohey | Doony | labourer | colonial sentence | Killed 26 September 1826 Uprising shot on Phillip Island | <[n/a]> | |
NIPS001-017 | CON17 | nswBV0131-039 | DORSETT THOMAS per GRENADA (2) 1821; London October 1820, Life | Thomas | Dorsett | sailor | convict Imperial sentence (life) | <[n/a]> | |||
NIPS001-018 | CON18 | nswBV0122-051 | EARL JOHN per ASIA I (1) 1820; LANARKSHIRE April 1820, 7 years | John | Earl | labourer | colonial sentence | <[n/a]> | |||
NIPS001-019 | CON19 | nswBV0106-043 | EATON JOHN per ELIZA I (1) 1820; CHESHIRE April 1819, Life | Joseph | Eaton | labourer | colonial sentence | pre 1830 | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-021 | CON21 | nswBV0117-065 | GUILFORD JOHN per AGAMEMNON 1820; LANCASHIRE January 1820, 7 years | John | Guildford | weaver | convict volunteer | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-022 | CON22 | nswBV0115-063 | HAMILTON JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (2) 1820; MIDDLESEX January 1820, 7 years | James | Hamilton | merchants clerk | convict volunteer | <[n/a]> | |||
NIPS001-023 | CON23 | nswBV0139-077 | HARTY JOHN per ISABELLA I (2) 1822; CARLOW October 1821, 7 years | John | Harty | carter | colonial sentence | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-024 | CON24 | nswBV0130-053 | HENWRIGHT JAMES per ADAMANT 1821; London December 1820, 14 years | James | Henwright | waterman | colonial sentence | 1828 July: per Isabella | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-025 | CON25 | nswBV0088-062 | HOLLINGER JOHN per MARTHA 1818; ANTRIM March 1818, Life | John | Hollingner | labourer | convict volunteer | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-028 | CON28 | nswBV0112-076 | HUTTON JAMES per NEPTUNE I (2) 1820; NORTHUMBERLAND August 1819, 14 years | James | Hutton | sailor | convict volunteer | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-034 | CON34 | nswBV0060-094 | MCCABE EDWARD per SURREY I (2) 1816; MONAGHAN March 1815, 7 years | Edward | MacCabe | labourer | colonial sentence | 1828 July: per Isabella | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-035 | CON35 | nswBV0112-097 | MCCRAW JOHN per NEPTUNE I (2) 1820; ABERDEENSHIRE September 1819, 7 years | John | McGraw | waterman | convict 7 years | 1827 April: per Amity | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-037 | CON37 | uneBV0121-108 | MCDONOUGH MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820; NEWGATE May 1820, 7 years | Michael | McDonough | Donnelly | <[n/a]> | colonial sentence | 1828 February: per Governor Phillip | <[n/a]> | |
NIPS001-042 | CON42 | <[no_uid]> | <[post-1823 convict]> | Thomas | Randel | <[n/a]> | colonial sentence | <[n/a]> | |||
NIPS001-047 | CON47 | nswBV0123-136 | SMITH THOMAS per ELIZABETH I (3) 1820; WORCESTERSHIRE March 1820, Life | Thomas | Smith | shoemaker | convict volunteer | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-049 | CON49 | nswBV0117-145 | STILL JOSEPH per AGAMEMNON 1820; MIDDLESEX December 1819, Life | Joseph | Still | butcher | colonial sentence | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-052 | CON52 | nswBV0070-189 | TENNENT DAVID per LORD ELDON 1817; DUMFRIESSHIRE September 1815, Life | David | Tennant | miller | convict volunteer | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-054 | CON54 | nswBV0118-135 | WARREN STEPHEN per SHIPLEY (3) 1820; Southampton February 1820, 7 years | Stephen | Warren | stonemason | colonial sentence | between June 1826 and February 1827 | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-056 | CON56 | nswBV0132-178 | WOLF PATRICK per JOHN BARRY (2) 1821; DUBLIN, 7 years | Patrick | Wolfe | house carpenter | colonial sentence | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-058 | WOM01 | nswBV0030-036 | COLLOGAN ANNE per PROVIDENCE (1) 1811; DUBLIN February 1809, 7 years | Ann | Collogan | <[na]> | colonial sentence; convict wife; married to Thomas Mitchell | 1826 April: per Isabella | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-059 | WOM02 | nswBV0105-043 | GREEN LYDIA per LORD WELLINGTON 1820; London September 1818, 7 years | Lydia | Green | shoebinder | convict wife; Married to Stephen Warren | 1826 April: per Isabella | <[n/a]> | ||
NIPS001-050 | CON50 | <[no_uid]> | <[post-1823 convict]> | William | Steel | <[n/a]> | convict Imperial sentence (life) | pre 1828 November | Barracks, Newcastle | ||
NIPS001-014 | CON14 | nswBV0140-041 | DODD WILLIAM per SHIPLEY (4) 1822; STAFFORDSHIRE September 1821, 7 years | Dodd | William | ploughman | colonial sentence | pre 1828 October | Benevolent Asylum Sydney | ||
NIPS001-044 | CON44 | nswBV0101-119 | RICKARDS THOMAS per GRENADA (1) 1819; MIDDLESEX October 1818, Life | Thomas | Rickards | harnessmaker | colonial sentence | 1827 April: per Amity | Carters Barracks Sydney | ||
NIPS001-013 | CON13 | nswBV0079-039 | CROOKSHANKS JAMES per GLORY 1818; MIDDLESEX December 1817, Life | James | Crookshanks | cabinetmaker | colonial sentence | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | colonial sentence 3 years, Moreton Bay | ||
NIPS001-057 | CON57 | <[no_uid]> | <[post-1823 convict]> | Richard | Yates | <[n/a]> | colonial sentence | pre 1828 November | Engineers Department, Parramatta | ||
NIPS001-026 | CON26 | nswBV0112-073 | HORTON WILLIAM per NEPTUNE I (2) 1820; HERTFORDSHIRE July 1819, 7 years | William | Horton | dyer | colonial sentence | 1827 April: per Amity | free by servitude, age 25, Brickmaker to John Raine, Parramatta | ||
NIPS001-005 | CON05 | nswBV0132-011 | BREON WILLIAM per JOHN BARRY (2) 1821; CORK, 7 years | William | Broen-Brien | shoemaker | colonial sentence | 1827 April: per Amity | free by servitude, age 25, Shoemaker, Hunter St, Sydney | ||
NIPS001-020 | CON20 | nswBV0130-039 | FAULKNER THOMAS per ADAMANT 1821; London January 1821, 7 years | Thomas | Faulkner | printer | convict volunteer | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | free by servitude, age 26, labourer to Roger Skene, Lower Portland Head | ||
NIPS001-039 | CON39 | nswBV0113-110 | NOONAN WILLIAM per HADLOW (2) 1820; CORK Summer 1819, 7 years | William | Noonan | whitesmith (apprentice) | colonial sentence | by July 1827 | free by servitude, age 27, Blacksmith With Geo. Hills, George St, Sydney | ||
NIPS001-055 | CON55 | nswBV0110-296 | WINDLEY JOHN per COROMANDEL II 1820; ESSEX July 1819, 7 years | John | Windley | labourer | colonial sentence | 1827 April: per Amity | free by servitude, age 29, Sawyer at Isaac Williams, Kissing Point | ||
NIPS001-060 | WOM03 | nswBV0043-060 | JONES SUSANNAH per BROXBORNBURY 1814; LEICESTERSHIRE August 1813, 7 years | Susannah | Jones | servant | convict wife; Married to Moses Jones | 1826 June: per Amity | free by servitude, age 36 years, catholic, living at Sussex Street Sydney with their three children John age 13 years, Lucy age 8 years and William age 4 years. | ||
NIPS001-040 | CON40 | nswBV0117-118 | PEASE GEORGE per AGAMEMNON 1820; MIDDLESEX September 1819, 7 years | George | Pearse | Pearce | chimneysweep | colonial sentence | 1827 April: per Amity | free by servitude, age, Lodger At Geo. Coy, Pitt St, Sydney | |
NIPS001-041 | CON41 | nswBV0020-144 | PORTER BENJAMIN per DUKE OF PORTLAND 1807; DUBLIN July 1804, life | Benjamin | Porter | <[na]> | convict Imperial sentence (life) | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | Gaol, Parramatta | ||
NIPS001-032 | CON32 | nswBV0045-080 | JONES MOSES per SOMERSETSHIRE (1) 1814; LEICESTERSHIRE August 1813, 7 years | Moses | Jones | tinman | colonial sentence | 1827 April: per Amity | Gaol, Sydney | ||
NIPS001-009 | CON09 | nswBV0059-021 | CASEY JAMES per MARINER (1) 1816; MIDDLESEX October 1815, Life | James | Casey | copper founder | colonial sentence | 1828 February: per Governor Phillip | government servant, age 28, sawyer at Field of Mars | ||
NIPS001-053 | CON53 | nswBV0044-181 | TOPP JAMES per SURREY I (1) 1814; WILTSHIRE July 1813, life | James | Topp | labourer | colonial sentence | 1827 April: per Amity | government servant, age 29, labourer John Andrew, Evan | ||
NIPS001-038 | CON38 | <[no_uid]> | <[post-1823 convict]> | Thomas | Mitchell | <[n/a]> | colonial sentence | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | Hyde Park Barracks | ||
NIPS001-046 | CON46 | <[no_uid]> | <[post-1823 convict]> | James | Sharpe | <[n/a]> | colonial sentence | 1828 February: per Governor Phillip | Hyde Park Barracks | ||
NIPS001-045 | CON45 | nswBV0122-157 | ROBERTS JOHN per ASIA I (1) 1820; BRECKNOCKSHIRE April 1820, 7 years | John | Roberts | farm boy | colonial sentence | 1827 April: per Amity | Iron Gang-1, Bathurst Road, Bathurst | ||
NIPS001-031 | CON31 | <[no_uid]> | <[post-1823 convict]> | James | Jones | <[n/a]> | colonial sentence | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | Iron Gang-10, Western Road Melville | ||
NIPS001-027 | CON27 | nswBV0078-080 | HUGHES EDWARD per NEPTUNE I (1) 1818; STAFFORDSHIRE July 1817, Life | Edward | Hughes | seaman | colonial sentence | 1827 April: per Amity | Moreton Bay | ||
NIPS001-051 | CON51 | NOT CONVICT | STUBBS JAMES guard aboard Providence 1811 1820 late of 73rd Regiment Criminal Court | James | Stubbs | <[n/a]> | colonial sentence | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | nailer, Hugh McHone at Parramatta, age 70 years | ||
NIPS001-003 | CON03 | nswBV0063-014 | BEAMES JOHN per SIR WILLIAM BENSLEY 1817; SOMERSETSHIRE April 1815, 7 years | John | Beams | labourer | colonial sentence | 1828 February: per Governor Phillip | Norfolk Island | ||
NIPS001-015 | CON15 | nswBV0098-044 | DONNELLY MICHAEL per DAPHNE 1819; ARMAGH Summer 1818, Life | Michael | Donnelly | labourer | colonial sentence | still on Island November 1829 | Norfolk Island | ||
NIPS001-029 | CON29 | nswBV0096-081 | HYDE PHILIP per MARY I 1819; CORK Spring 1818, 7 years | Phillip | Hyde | errand boy | colonial sentence | 1830 March | Norfolk Island | ||
NIPS001-033 | CON33 | nswBV0074-108 | LINEHAN THOMAS per GUILDFORD (3) 1818; CORK March 1817, 7 years | Thomas | Lineham | stonelayer | colonial sentence | 1833 July | Norfolk Island | ||
NIPS001-036 | CON36 | <[no_uid]> | <[post-1823 convict]> | Daniel | McDougall | <[n/a]> | colonial sentence | 1830 March | Norfolk Island | ||
NIPS001-048 | CON48 | nswBV0045-153 | SQUIRES JOHN LEVY per SOMERSETSHIRE (1) 1814; CAMBRIDGESHIRE January 1811, 7 years | John Levy | Squiries | sawyer | colonial sentence | 1835 March: per Governor Phillip | Norfolk Island | ||
NIPS001-004 | CON04 | nswBV0101-011 | BINGLEY WILLIAM per GRENADA (1) 1819; MIDDLESEX October 1818, Life | William | Bingley | Bringley | servant | convict Imperial sentence (life) | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | Road Gang-21, Sydney Road | |
NIPS001-011 | CON11 | nswBV0146-032 | CONNOR JOHN per COUNTESS OF HARCOURT (2) 1822; DUBLIN October 1821, 7 years | John | Connor | tailor | colonial sentence | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | Road Party-17, Grose Farm | ||
NIPS001-030 | CON30 | nswBV0131-066 | JAMES CHARLES per GRENADA (2) 1821; MIDDLESEX January 1821, 14 years | Charles | James | groom | convict 14 years | pre 1828 November | Road Party-17, Grose Farm | ||
NIPS001-061 | Child01 | BORN IN COLONY | John | Jones | <[n/a]> | convict Child: Parents Moses and Susannah Jones | 1826 June: per Amity | Sussex Street Sydney, Catholic, age 13 years. | |||
NIPS001-063 | Child03 | BORN IN COLONY | William | Jones | <[n/a]> | convict Child: Parents Moses and Susannah Jones | 1826 June: per Amity | Sussex Street Sydney, Catholic, age 4 years | |||
NIPS001-062 | Child02 | BORN IN COLONY | Lucy | Jones | <[n/a]> | convict Child: Parents Moses and Susannah Jones | 1826 June: per Amity | Sussex Street Sydney, Catholic, age 8 years | |||
NIPS001-012 | CON12 | nswBV0102-042 | CORNWELL THOMAS per MALABAR (1) 1819; MIDDLESEX April 1819, 14 years | Thomas | Cornwall | labourer | convict volunteer | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | ticket of leave, age 32, householder, Parramatta | ||
NIPS001-001 | CON01 | nswBV0099-001 | ABBOTT ROBERT per JOHN BARRY (1) 1819; London February 1819, Life | Robert | Abbott | butcher | convict volunteer | 1827 September: per Governor Phillip | ticket of leave, servant to Jas Chisholm, George Street Sydney 29 years | ||
NIPS001-043 | CON43 | nswBV0121-143 | RAFTER MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820; DUBLIN June 1820, Life | Michael | Rafter | labourer | colonial sentence | pre 1828 November | Windsor Town Gang and Gaol Sydney | ||
Well done Cathy. Good to see this list