The following data is taken from the lists of Irish convicts transported to NSW in the 1810s, contained in the extensive bundles of ‘Musters and other papers relating to convict ships, 1790-1849’. It is transcribed by Chris Bedford, matched to the convict indents, provided by Denise Adamson, and with visualisations by Mark Mclean. We are using this data to help test the DHT Criminal Coding scheme, before it is advanced as a universal system. All crimes have been assigned to 1 of 5 Major Class, and within that 1 of a range of Sub-Classes.
These musters are believed to have been taken on board the transports. It is not clear whether they were compiled at the point of departure or disembarkation, although there are some notations indicating incidences of deaths during the voyage. The lists are comparable, and in many respects very similar to the convict indents. The key and exciting exception is that where the indents recorded trade, these musters (from the mid-1810s) recorded convict offences.
So, here we are not only able to extract a partial snapshot of crime in Ireland in the 1810s, across the different counties, but also, by matching the musters and indents together we can begin to align offences and trades. Here we do so for a sample of just over 2,600 Irish convicts who arrived on 17 voyages between 1815 and 1821. This a period of severe climate abnormalities and widespread deaths caused famine and typhus, and a time of unrest promoted by Ribbonism.
The voyages have been selected more or less randomly from the [how many?] Irish voyages during the Macquarie-era (1810-1821). The contingent of the Almorah (2) in 1820 also included 37 prisoners sentenced to transportation at Newgate between May and July 1820, all of whom were Irish.
![]() |
Voyages in this dataset FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815 ALEXANDER II 1816 GUILDFORD (2) 1816 SURREY I (2) 1816 CANADA (4) 1817 CHAPMAN (1) 1817 EARL ST. VINCENT (1) 1818 ELIZABETH I (2) 1818 BENCOOLEN 1819 DAPHNE 1819 MARY I 1819 MINERVA I (2) 1819 TYNE 1819 ALMORAH (2) 1820 CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820 DOROTHY 1820 PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821 |
The transcription here is verbatim, although there has been some cleaning and standardisation of the place of trial: City of Dublin, for example, is given as Dublin City; County of Antrim is Antrim Co. This assists analysis of trials in a county versus a city jurisdiction, although the distinction is not always apparent in these records. The data is however sufficient to gain some idea of the spatial distribution of crimes in this period. Note that Queen’s County is now, of course, County Laois. King’s County is now Offaly.
The interactive map below uses the Folium framework to allow for spatial exploration of the data. You can pan around the map by clicking and sliding and you can also zoom using the plus and minus icons or mouse wheel. By clicking on each cluster (or simply zoom right in) you can see individual convictions. Clicking on an icon will show you summary information for each person including name, year of conviction, crime committed and sentence. For convenience, each marker indicates gender and is coloured by conviction class.
Note that the allotted location does not represent the physical location of an offence. In the source data, places of conviction are located generically within a town or county, so in the map, convicts are randomly allocated a location within 600m of a centroid position that represents this town or county. This has been done so that individual icons do not stack on top of each other and are easier to differentiate.
A cursory analysis highlights the preponderance of the offences of ‘robbery and stealing from the person’, and of housebreaking and unspecified forms of larceny. These are followed by convictions for cattle and sheep stealing, which account for just under 1 in every 5 convictions in this period. The large percentage of convictions for assault evoke the violent reputation of the Irish in this period, although there are records for only 8 convictions for murder (because, obviously, murderers were rarely reprieved on condition of transportation).
There are an equal number of convictions for horse-stealing and vagrancy, and a very small but notable number of convictions for bigamy, infanticide and rape. of great interest will be the number of offences categorised (perhaps problematically) as ‘Conspiracy’ – amounting to only about 4% of convictions, some of these were described as being offences under the Insurrection Act of 1796, which by now imposed penalties of transportation rather than death. Other convictions under this category were described as being for “seditious & treasonable practices”, for being a “riotous, seditious & disorderly person” or for “taking an illegal oath”.
Graph showing the distribution of offences by county, broken into major crime classes as per the DHT Criminal Coding scheme |
![]() |
Class I: Offences against the Person; Class II: Offences against Property; Class III: Forgery and Offences against the Currency; Class IV: Offences against Good Order; Class V: Offences not Included in Preceding Classes; Class VI: Military Offences; Class VII: Not Classified Elsewhere |
The database below is searchable, and the arrows in the heading row can be used to sort the entries. The ship name accords with our ‘Bateson System’ for labelling convict voyages to Australia, including the unique voyage ID, explained here.In the centre of the table is the statement of the crime, preceded by our classification codes for that crime. See here for an explanation of the DHT Criminal Coding scheme. That is followed by the unique ID number [une-uid] we have assigned to each individual, and our summary statement used to identify that individual [for example: “KAVENAGH MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, life”]. Sometime it is noted that a convict has been removed from New South Wales (usually to Van Diemen’s Land).
To the right is a statement of the trade of each convict, as given in their respective Indents, and a standard code for that trade, as per the Historical International Standard Classification of Occupations (HISCO) scheme.
document ref | voyage | voyage_ID | arrived | firstname | surname | alias | where tried | age | when day | when month | when year | crime | term | class | sub_class | description_clean | une-uid | stubs summary | m_f | not in NSW? | 1st trade clean | clean_trade_hisco2 |
2-8240-213-01 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Margaret | Donelan | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | October | 1814 | Stealg pocket book | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-024 | DONELAN MARGARET per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8240-213-02 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Rose | McClean | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | October | 1814 | Stealg pocket book | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-054 | MCCLEAN ROSE per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-28] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-213-03 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Margaret | Kelly | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | October | 1814 | Street robbery | Life | II | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0055-042 | KELLY MARGARET per ALEXANDER II 1816, Life | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-25] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-213-04 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Agnes | Foley | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | October | 1814 | Street robbery | Life | II | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0055-030 | FOLEY AGNES per ALEXANDER II 1816, Life | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-213-05 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Stott | Foy | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | December | 1814 | Stealg apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-076 | STOTT MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8240-213-06 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Cath | Ogle | Oaks | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | December | 1814 | Stealg banknotes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-066 | OGLE CATH per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-12] | country service | 6-21.20 |
2-8240-213-07 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Catherine | Thorpe | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | December | 1814 | Stealg money | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-078 | THORPE CATHERINE per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-19] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-213-08 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Eleanor | Murphy | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | December | 1814 | Stealg pocket book & banknotes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-062 | MURPHY ELEANOR per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-09] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-213-09 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Elizabeth | McEvoy | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | December | 1814 | Stealg apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-057 | MCEVOY ELIZABETH per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-10] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8240-213-10 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Eleanor | McEvoy | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | Stealg apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-056 | MCEVOY ELEANOR per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-08] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8240-213-11 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Catherine | Byrne | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | Stealg watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-014 | BYRNE CATHERINE per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-13] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-213-12 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Martha | Fegan | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | Stealg linen | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-028 | FEGAN MARTHA per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-06] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-213-13 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Martin | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | Stealg <[…]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-053 | MARTIN MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | country service | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8240-213-14 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Catherine | Eustace | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | Stealg shoes & plate | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-026 | EUSTACE CATHERINE per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | country service | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8240-213-15 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Rock | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | Stealg linen | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-073 | ROCK MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-16] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8240-213-16 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Maria | Keely | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | Stealg apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-037 | KEELY MARIA per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-05] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-213-17 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Ann | Foster | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | Stealg banknotes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-031 | FOSTER ANN per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-11] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-213-18 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Power | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | Stealg apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-069 | POWER MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-213-19 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Phebe | McClusky | Dublin City | 34 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | Possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0055-055 | MCCLUSKY PHEBE per ALEXANDER II 1816, 14 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-14] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8240-213-20 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Ann | Beckett | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | Stealg apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-005 | BECKETT ANN per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-29] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-213-21 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Ann | Watson | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | Stealg watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-082 | WATSON ANN per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | country service | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8240-213-22 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Isabella | Connor | Dublin City | 27 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | Possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0055-021 | CONNOR ISABELLA per ALEXANDER II 1816, 14 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-30] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-213-23 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Carr | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | Stealg watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-016 | CARR MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-213-24 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Johnston | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | Stealg apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-036 | JOHNSTON MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-12] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-214-01 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Catherine | Kelly | Dublin City | 50 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | Stealg banknotes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-039 | KELLY CATHERINE per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-214-02 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Elizabeth | Aspill | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | Stealg cotton | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-001 | ASPILL ELIZABETH per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-15] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8240-214-03 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Bradshaw | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | Stealg cotton | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-008 | BRADSHAW MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-17] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8240-214-04 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Hamilton | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | Stealg watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-033 | HAMILTON MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-20] | <[?]> | <[na]> | |
2-8240-214-05 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Margaret | Kelly | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | Stealg watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-043 | KELLY MARGARET per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-11] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8240-214-06 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Hester | Webb | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | Stealg apparel etc | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-083 | WEBB HESTER per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-08] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-214-07 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Bridget | Kelly | Dublin City | 50 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | Stealg cloth | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-038 | KELLY BRIDGET per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-17] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-214-08 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Elizabeth | McNally | Dublin City | 29 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | Stealg shirts etc | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-060 | MCNALLY ELIZABETH per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | country service | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8240-214-09 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Ann | Talbot | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | Stealg pocket watch & banknotes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-077 | TALBOT ANN per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8240-214-10 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Murray | Barret | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | Stealg hats | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-064 | MURRAY MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8240-214-11 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Angelica | Beaty | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | Stealg watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-004 | BEATY ANGELICA per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-14] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-214-12 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Ann | Magarry | Dublin City | 42 | <[blank]> | April | 1815 | Stealg watch & banknotes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-050 | MAGARRY ANN per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-26] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-214-13 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Bridget | Lamb | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | April | 1815 | Stealg watch & banknotes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-049 | LAMB BRIDGET per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-04] | market woman | 4-52.20 | |
2-8240-214-14 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Ann | Farrell | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | May | 1815 | Stealg plate & apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-027 | FARRELL ANN per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-21] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-214-15 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Bridget | Byrne | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | May | 1815 | Stealg apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-013 | BYRNE BRIDGET per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-27] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-214-16 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Brown | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | May | 1815 | Stealg watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-010 | BROWN MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-19] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8240-214-17 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Judith | Blake | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | May | 1815 | Stealg watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-007 | BLAKE JUDITH per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-24] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-214-18 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Savage | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | May | 1815 | Stealg shawls | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-074 | SAVAGE MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-07] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-214-19 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Eleanor | Kelly | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | May | 1815 | Stelg apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-040 | KELLY ELEANOR per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-18] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-214-20 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary Ann | Cahill | Delany | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | May | 1815 | Stealg banknotes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-015 | CAHILL MARY ANN per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-07] | servant | 5-40.10 |
2-8240-214-21 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Smith | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | May | 1815 | Stealg apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-075 | SMITH MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-214-22 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Ann | Kennedy | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | June | 1815 | Stealg banknotes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-045 | KENNEDY ANN per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-214-23 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Ann | Ward | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | Stealg banknotes & watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-081 | WARD ANN per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-214-24 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Mullen | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | Stealg apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-061 | MULLEN MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-04] | ribbon weaver | 7-54.90 | |
2-8240-214-25 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Abigal | Maguire | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | Stealg banknotes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-051 | MAGUIRE ABIGAL per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-10] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-214-26 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Maria | Maguire | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | Stealg banknotes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-052 | MAGUIRE MARIA per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-16] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-214-27 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Ann | Bennett | Dublin City | 36 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | Stealg banknotes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-006 | BENNETT ANN per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-03] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-214-28 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Catherine | Barnett | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | Stealg apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-002 | BARNETT CATHERINE per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-18] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8240-214-29 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Barnett | Dublin City | 31 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | Stealg apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-003 | BARNETT MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-23] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-214-30 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Ann | Darcy | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | Stelg child's apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-023 | DARCY ANN per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-01] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-214-31 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Powell | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | Stealg apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-068 | POWELL MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-214-32 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Brown | Kirk | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | Stealg watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-011 | BROWN MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-22] | servant | 5-40.10 |
2-8240-214-33 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Redmonds | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | September | 1815 | Stealg cotton | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-070 | REDMONDS MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-13] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8240-215-01 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Elizabeth | Brown | Armagh Co | 20 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | Stealg corduroy | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-009 | BROWN ELIZABETH per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-01] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-215-02 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Jane | Reed | Armagh Co | 35 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | Stealg piece of lace | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-071 | REED JANE per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8240-215-03 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Eleanor | Kinsela | Carlow Co | 29 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | House Burning | Life | II | 28 | Arson | uneBV0055-048 | KINSELA ELEANOR per ALEXANDER II 1816, Life | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-02] | country work | 6-21.20 | |
2-8240-215-04 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Rochfort | Cork City | 48 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | Shoplifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-072 | ROCHFORT MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | Nurse | |||
2-8240-215-05 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Johanna | Murphy | Cork City | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | House Robbery | 14 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0055-063 | MURPHY JOHANNA per ALEXANDER II 1816, 14 years | F | country work | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8240-215-06 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Bridget | Connell | Cork City | 19 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | House Robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0055-020 | CONNELL BRIDGET per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-215-07 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Catherine | Clarke | Cork City | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | Robbing a person | 14 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0055-019 | CLARKE CATHERINE per ALEXANDER II 1816, 14 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-215-08 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Judith | Burke | Cork City | 15 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | Shoplifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-012 | BURKE JUDITH per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-03] | country work | 6-21.20 | |
2-8240-215-09 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Isabella | Hunter | Davidson | Down Co | 28 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | Stealg apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-034 | HUNTER ISABELLA per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | country work | 6-21.20 | |
2-8240-215-10 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Martha | Wales | McElroy | Down Co | 38 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | Stealg cotton | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-079 | WALES MARTHA per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | country work | 6-21.20 | |
2-8240-215-11 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Catherine | Goff | Drogheda | 21 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | Picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0055-032 | GOFF CATHERINE per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-215-12 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Ann | McGuinness | Drogheda | 27 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | Picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0055-058 | MCGUINNESS ANN per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-215-13 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Murray | Dublin Co | 30 | <[blank]> | June | 1815 | House Robbery | Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0055-065 | MURRAY MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, Life | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-06] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-215-14 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Judith | Kelly | Dublin Co | 34 | <[blank]> | June | 1815 | House Robbery | Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0055-041 | KELLY JUDITH per ALEXANDER II 1816, Life | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 054-09] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8240-215-15 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Kennedy | Kings Co | 50 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | Receiving stolen goods | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0055-047 | KENNEDY MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-02] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-215-16 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Johanna | Conway | Limerick City | 23 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | Larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-022 | CONWAY JOHANNA per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-22] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-215-17 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Bridget | Carty | Cassidy | Limerick City | 33 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | Larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-017 | CARTY BRIDGET per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-216-01 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Bridget | Hurley | Louth Co | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | Grand larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-035 | HURLEY BRIDGET per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-23] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-216-02 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Margaret | Perry | Meath Co | 19 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | Possessing forged notes | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0055-067 | PERRY MARGARET per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-216-03 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Catherine | Wills | Meath Co | 40 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | House Robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0055-084 | WILLS CATHERINE per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-25] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-216-04 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Ann | McKeon | Meath Co | 24 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | Picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0055-059 | MCKEON ANN per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-24] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-216-05 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Margaret | Fennessy | Tipperary Co | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | Stealg banknotes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-029 | FENNESSY MARGARET per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 060-30] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-216-06 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Bridget | Kennedy | Tipperary Co | 19 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | Perjury in Court | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0055-046 | KENNEDY BRIDGET per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-28] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-216-07 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Ann | Ellis | Tipperary Co | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | Stealg clothing | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-025 | ELLIS ANN per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-216-08 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Mary | Kelly | Westmeath Co | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | Stealg apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-044 | KELLY MARY per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-26] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-216-09 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Bridget | Walsh | Wexford Co | 50 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | Stealg <[spirits?]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-080 | WALSH BRIDGET per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-15] | midwife | ||
2-8240-216-10 | ALEXANDER II | BV0055 | 1816 | Judith | Chambers | Wexford Co | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | Stealg apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0055-018 | CHAMBERS JUDITH per ALEXANDER II 1816, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 055-27] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-237-01 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | George | Williams | Newgate | 34 | <[blank]> | January | 1820 | stealing a looking glass | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-159 | WILLIAMS GEORGE per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | Stone cutter | |||
2-8240-237-02 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Patrick | Keely | Newgate | 16 | <[blank]> | April | 1820 | stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-084 | KEELY PATRICK per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | stable boy | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8240-237-03 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Murray | Newgate | 21 | <[blank]> | April | 1820 | stealing muslins, shawls etc | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-135 | MURRAY JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | brewers man | 7-78.10 | ||
2-8240-237-04 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Donnelly | Newgate | 30 | <[blank]> | April | 1820 | felony in a chapel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-045 | DONNELLY JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8240-237-05 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Johnston | Newgate | 35 | <[blank]> | April | 1820 | felony bridle, saddles etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-077 | JOHNSTON JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8240-237-06 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Edward | McGuinness | Newgate | 17 | 9 | May | 1820 | felony iron etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-113 | MCGUINNESS EDWARD per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | millwright | 8-41.75 | ||
2-8240-237-07 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Michael | McDonough | Walsh | Newgate | 20 | 9 | May | 1820 | felony plate & <[jewelry]> | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-108 | MCDONOUGH MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8240-237-08 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Peter | Stewart | Newgate | 15 | 9 | May | 1820 | stealing of a handkerchief | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-153 | STEWART PETER per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | cotton weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8240-237-09 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Donnelly | Newgate | 17 | 9 | May | 1820 | stealing of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-044 | DONNELLY JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | bellowsmaker | |||
2-8240-237-10 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | William | Corcoran | Newgate | 19 | 9 | May | 1820 | stealing of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-033 | CORCORAN WILLIAM per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | bellowsmaker | |||
2-8240-237-11 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Patrick | Clarke | Newgate | 27 | 9 | May | 1820 | stealing of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-025 | CLARKE PATRICK per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8240-237-12 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Thomas | Walsh | Newgate | 33 | 26 | May | 1820 | stealing of barley | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-158 | WALSH THOMAS per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-237-13 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Bryan | Derham | Newgate | 19 | 26 | May | 1820 | stealing of counterpane | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-042 | DERHAM BRYAN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8240-237-14 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Cowan | Newgate | 17 | 26 | May | 1820 | stealing of hides | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-035 | COWAN JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | weaver | |||
2-8240-237-15 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Maginnis | Newgate | 16 | 26 | May | 1820 | stealing of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-099 | MAGINNIS JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | silkweaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8240-237-16 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Barrett | Newgate | 19 | 26 | May | 1820 | intent to commit felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-003 | BARRETT JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | cotton weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8240-237-17 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | McCabe | Newgate | 20 | 6 | June | 1820 | felony of cotton | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-101 | MCCABE JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | Rope walk labourer | |||
2-8240-237-18 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Thomas | Murphy | Newgate | 19 | 6 | June | 1820 | felony of a handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-134 | MURPHY THOMAS per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | cotton weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8240-237-19 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Robert | Muldoon | Newgate | 16 | 6 | June | 1820 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-130 | MULDOON ROBERT per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | schoolboy | |||
2-8240-238-01 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Thomas | Alcock | Newgate | 19 | 20 | June | 1820 | felony of decanter etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-001 | ALCOCK THOMAS per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8240-238-02 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Mathew | Cassidy | Newgate | 17 | 20 | June | 1820 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0121-023 | CASSIDY MATHEW per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | cotton weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8240-238-03 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Patrick | Byrne | Newgate | 16 | 20 | June | 1820 | felony of a handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-016 | BYRNE PATRICK per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | schoolboy | |||
2-8240-238-04 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Thomas | Shaw | Newgate | 20 | 20 | June | 1820 | felony of watch, chain & seal | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-146 | SHAW THOMAS per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-238-05 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | William | Browne | Newgate | 20 | 20 | June | 1820 | felony of three dozen plates | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-011 | BROWNE WILLIAM per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | cotton weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8240-238-06 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Charles | Daley | Newgate | 26 | 20 | June | 1820 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-039 | DALEY CHARLES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | hatter | 7-93.10 | ||
2-8240-238-07 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Thomas | Collins | Newgate | 29 | 20 | June | 1820 | felony of saddles & bridles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-028 | COLLINS THOMAS per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-238-08 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Michael | McCormick | Newgate | 23 | 20 | June | 1820 | felony of lead & wool | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-102 | MCCORMICK MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | Slater | |||
2-8240-238-09 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Thomas | O'Neill | Newgate | 26 | 20 | June | 1820 | felony of money | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-142 | ONEILL THOMAS per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | Travelling groom | |||
2-8240-238-10 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Timothy | Fahy | Newgate | 19 | 24 | June | 1820 | felony of bank post bills | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-051 | FAHY TIMOTHY per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-238-11 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Patrick | Walsh | Newgate | 20 | 24 | June | 1820 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-157 | WALSH PATRICK per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | baker | 7-76.10 | ||
2-8240-238-12 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Peter | Kane | Newgate | 23 | 24 | June | 1820 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-080 | KANE PETER per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | Stocking weaver | |||
2-8240-238-13 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Peter | Kelly | Newgate | 17 | 24 | June | 1820 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-085 | KELLY PETER per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | Paper cutter | |||
2-8240-238-14 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Creevy | Newgate | 25 | 24 | July | 1820 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-037 | CREEVY JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8240-238-15 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Daniel | Mulvey | Newgate | 44 | 6 | July | 1820 | felony of money, clock etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-133 | MULVEY DANIEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | inn keeper | |||
2-8240-238-16 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | William | Bushell | Newgate | 25 | 6 | July | 1820 | felony of money | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-014 | BUSHELL WILLIAM per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-238-17 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Brien | Newgate | 16 | 6 | July | 1820 | felony of a watch | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-010 | BRIEN JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8240-238-18 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Luke | Byrne | Newgate | 18 | 6 | July | 1820 | felony of blankets & counterpane | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-015 | BYRNE LUKE per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | upholsterer | 7-96.20 | ||
2-8240-238-19 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Michael | Gaul | Newgate | 17 | 6 | July | 1820 | felony of pocket books | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-058 | GAUL MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | cotton weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8240-238-20 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Higgins | Newgate | 24 | 6 | July | 1820 | felony of table cloth etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-067 | HIGGINS JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | stable boy | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8240-238-21 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Thomas | Clarke | Newgate | 16 | 6 | July | 1820 | felony of bank notes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-026 | CLARKE THOMAS per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | Boy at school | |||
2-8240-239-01 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Edward | Evans | Newgate | 16 | 6 | July | 1820 | felony of a handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-050 | EVANS EDWARD per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8240-239-02 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Connolly | Newgate | 46 | 11 | July | 1820 | felony of tea | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-031 | CONNOLLY JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-239-03 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Henry | Smith | Dublin Co | 40 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0121-149 | SMITH HENRY per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8240-239-04 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Peter | Faunings | Kilmainham | 35 | <[blank]> | April | 1820 | arson | life | II | 28 | Arson | uneBV0121-052 | FAUNINGS PETER per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-239-05 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | William | Nangle | Kilmainham | 36 | <[blank]> | April | 1820 | notorious vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0121-136 | NANGLE WILLIAM per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-239-06 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | William | Sullivan | Kilmainham | 33 | 24 | June | 1820 | stealing a horse | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0121-154 | SULLIVAN WILLIAM per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-239-07 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Smith | Kilmainham | 30 | 24 | June | 1820 | stealing a horse | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0121-150 | SMITH JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-239-08 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | William | Lampton | Kilmainham | 19 | 24 | June | 1820 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-090 | LAMPTON WILLIAM per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-239-09 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Michael | Rafter | Kilmainham | 23 | 24 | June | 1820 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0121-143 | RAFTER MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-239-10 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | McFarland | Kilmainham | 28 | 24 | June | 1820 | burglary & robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-110 | MCFARLAND JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | carpenter | 9-54.10 | ||
2-8240-239-11 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Thomas | Fox | Kilmainham | <[blank]> | 12 | July | 1820 | felony of wheelbarrow etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-054 | FOX THOMAS per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-239-12 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | William | Doyle | Kilmainham | 25 | 27 | June | 1820 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0121-048 | DOYLE WILLIAM per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Fourteen years | M | Wine vendor | |||
2-8240-239-13 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Michael | Rush | Kearney | Kilmainham | 30 | 27 | June | 1820 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0121-144 | RUSH MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Fourteen years | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | |
2-8240-239-14 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Peter | Gartlany | Louth | 53 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-057 | GARTLANY PETER per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-239-15 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Patrick | Morris | Flynn | Louth | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0121-128 | MORRIS PATRICK per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | herdsman | 6-24.90 | |
2-8240-240-01 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Thomas | Irwin | Louth | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0121-075 | IRWIN THOMAS per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-240-02 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Thomas | Mullen | Byrne | Louth | 52 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0121-131 | MULLEN THOMAS per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Fourteen years | M | herdsman | 6-24.90 | |
2-8240-240-03 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Patrick | Canlin | Louth | 36 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0121-018 | CANLIN PATRICK per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Fourteen years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-240-04 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Hugh | Carrolan | Louth | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-021 | CARROLAN HUGH per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8240-240-05 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Laurence | Higgins | Louth | 31 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-068 | HIGGINS LAURENCE per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | ploughman | 6-21.05 | ||
2-8240-240-06 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | McDonough | Westmeath | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-107 | MCDONOUGH JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | wine cooper | 8-19.30 | ||
2-8240-240-07 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Daniel | Macklin | Antrim | 29 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-098 | MACKLIN DANIEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | Rough [ ] | |||
2-8240-240-08 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Kerr | Joseph | Antrim | 33 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0121-088 | KERR JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | |
2-8240-240-09 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Neal | McKindry | Antrim | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | murder of an infant | life | I | 1 | Infanticide | uneBV0121-118 | MCKINDRY NEAL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-240-10 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | William | Lee | Antrim | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing from Bleach Green | life | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-094 | LEE WILLIAM per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8240-240-11 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | McIlvee | Antrim | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing from Bleach Green | life | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-115 | MCILVEE JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8240-240-12 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Johnston | Antrim | 35 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0121-078 | JOHNSTON JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Fourteen years | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8240-240-13 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Andrew | Crawford | Antrim | 34 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | fraud | 7 years | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0121-036 | CRAWFORD ANDREW per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | tanner | 7-61.45 | ||
2-8240-240-14 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Patrick | Bradley | Antrim | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing a hat | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-006 | BRADLEY PATRICK per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | tobacco spinner | 7-81.00 | ||
2-8240-240-15 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | William | Dougall | Antrim | 55 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing books | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-046 | DOUGALL WILLIAM per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8240-240-16 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Michael | McCoy | Antrim | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0121-103 | MCCOY MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-241-01 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Daniel | O'Neill | Antrim | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0121-141 | ONEILL DANIEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8240-241-02 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Simon | Antrim | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-147 | SIMON JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | weaver | labourer | ||
2-8240-241-03 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | McDonnell | Burne | Antrim | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-106 | MCDONNELL JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8240-241-04 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | McDonagh | Donaghy | Antrim | 57 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing from Bleach Green | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-104 | MCDONAGH JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8240-241-05 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Samuel | Homer | Antrim | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing a hat | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-071 | HOMER SAMUEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | hatter | 7-93.10 | ||
2-8240-241-06 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Connolly | Antrim | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | street robbery | 7 years | II | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0121-030 | CONNOLLY JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8240-241-07 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Charles | Wilson | Antrim | 52 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-160 | WILSON CHARLES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-241-08 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | McKindry | Antrim | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | assault with intent to rob | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-117 | MCKINDRY JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8240-241-09 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Hugh | Burgess | Antrim | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | assault with intent to rob | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-012 | BURGESS HUGH per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | cooper | 8-19.30 | ||
2-8240-241-10 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Robert | Bell | Antrim | 45 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | street robbery | 7 years | II | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0121-005 | BELL ROBERT per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | flaxdresser | 7-56.35 | ||
2-8240-241-11 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | McHoogue | Antrim | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | street robbery | 7 years | II | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0121-114 | MCHOOGUE JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-241-12 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | McEloogue | Armagh | 66 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | street robbery | 7 years | II | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0121-109 | MCELOOGUE JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | weaver | labourer | ||
2-8240-241-13 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Lynch | Armagh | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-095 | LYNCH JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8240-241-14 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | McStay | Down | 26 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0121-121 | MCSTAY JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-241-15 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | William | Irwin | Down | 21 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-076 | IRWIN WILLIAM per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-241-16 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Peter | Greenan | Down | 17 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | felony of a watch & wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-063 | GREENAN PETER per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | country servant | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8240-241-17 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Peter | Burns | Down | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0121-013 | BURNS PETER per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | gentlemans servant | 5-40.30 | ||
2-8240-242-01 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Kearns | Down | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-082 | KEARNS JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-242-02 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | McAlin | Down | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | murder | 7 years | I | 3 | Murder | uneBV0121-100 | MCALIN JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-242-03 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Thomas | Grant | Down | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing linen | 7 years | II | 28 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-062 | GRANT THOMAS per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | carter | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8240-242-04 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | McGolrick | Down | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing money | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-111 | MCGOLRICK JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-242-05 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | William | Dewart | Down | 46 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-043 | DEWART WILLIAM per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-242-06 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Henry | Down | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing hats | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-066 | HENRY JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | Stone mason, cutter & setter | |||
2-8240-242-07 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Patrick | Nowlan | Kildare | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0121-140 | NOWLAN PATRICK per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-242-08 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Thomas | Keegan | Kildare | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0121-083 | KEEGAN THOMAS per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | carter | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8240-242-09 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Brady | Kildare | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-008 | BRADY JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8240-242-10 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Garret | Grace | Kildare | 50 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0121-061 | GRACE GARRET per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8240-242-11 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Richard | Carpenter | Kildare | 50 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0121-020 | CARPENTER RICHARD per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8240-242-12 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Michael | Hines | Kildare | 42 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-069 | HINES MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-242-13 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Mathew | Moran | Kildare | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0121-126 | MORAN MATHEW per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-242-14 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Moran | Kildare | 42 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0121-125 | MORAN JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-242-15 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | George | Harrison | Kildare | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-064 | HARRISON GEORGE per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | hostler | 5-10.20 | ||
2-8240-242-16 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Kane | Kildare | 52 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-079 | KANE JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8240-242-17 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | William | Carty | Kildare | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | grand larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-022 | CARTY WILLIAM per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | carpenter | 9-54.10 | ||
2-8240-242-18 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Geehan | Kildare | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-059 | GEEHAN JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-243-01 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | William | Byrne | Kildare | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-017 | BYRNE WILLIAM per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-243-02 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | William | Brady | Kildare | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0121-009 | BRADY WILLIAM per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8240-243-03 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Kenny | Kings Co | 29 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-086 | KENNY JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8240-243-04 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Michael | Coulahan | Kings Co | 41 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-034 | COULAHAN MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-243-05 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Hugh | Singleton | Kings Co | 50 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-148 | SINGLETON HUGH per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-243-06 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Michael | Hogan | Kings Co | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0121-070 | HOGAN MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8240-243-07 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Lawrence | Delahunt | Kings Co | 36 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-041 | DELAHUNT LAWRENCE per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8240-243-08 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Michael | Scanlan | Kings Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0121-145 | SCANLAN MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-243-09 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Miles | Horan | Leitrim | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0121-072 | HORAN MILES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-243-10 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Peter | Horan | Leitrim | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0121-073 | HORAN PETER per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-243-11 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Marcus | Dougherty | Londonderry | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | stealing table linen | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-047 | DOUGHERTY MARCUS per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-243-12 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Shane | Bradley | Londonderry | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cutting & wounding | life | II | 4 | Attempted Murder | uneBV0121-007 | BRADLEY SHANE per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-243-13 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Patrick | Leadon | Londonderry | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cutting & wounding | life | II | 4 | Attempted Murder | uneBV0121-093 | LEADON PATRICK per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-243-14 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Lynch | Meath | 22 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-096 | LYNCH JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-244-01 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Newilliaman | Meath | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | grand larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-138 | NEWILLIAMAN JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | sportsman | |||
2-8240-244-02 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Robert | Swift | Meath | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-155 | SWIFT ROBERT per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-244-03 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Patrick | Smyth | Meath | 29 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-152 | SMYTH PATRICK per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-244-04 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | George | Mackin | Meath | 35 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0121-097 | MACKIN GEORGE per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | Stock keeper | |||
2-8240-244-05 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Michael | Gannon | Meath | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0121-056 | GANNON MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | carpenter | 9-54.10 | ||
2-8240-244-06 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Gannon | Meath | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0121-055 | GANNON JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Fourteen years | M | carpenter | 9-54.10 | ||
2-8240-244-07 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Carpenter | Meath | 58 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0121-019 | CARPENTER JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | publican | 5-10.50 | ||
2-8240-244-08 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Francis | Kirk | Monaghan | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0121-089 | KIRK FRANCIS per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-244-09 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Molloy | Monaghan | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | Bleach Green robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-122 | MOLLOY JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-244-10 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Hullahan | Monaghan | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-074 | HULLAHAN JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-244-11 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Patrick | Conlan | Sligo | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-029 | CONLAN PATRICK per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-244-12 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Dwyer | Sligo | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | administering unlawful oaths | life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0121-049 | DWYER JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-244-13 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Dominick | Healy | Sligo | 56 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-065 | HEALY DOMINICK per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-244-14 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | McDonagh | Sligo | 33 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | murder | life | I | 3 | Murder | uneBV0121-105 | MCDONAGH JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-244-15 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Gilligan | Sligo | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | horse stealing | 7 years | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0121-060 | GILLIGAN JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-244-16 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Andrew | Mulligan | Sligo | 29 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-132 | MULLIGAN ANDREW per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-245-01 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Joseph | Smith | Tyrone | 22 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | horse stealing | 7 years | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0121-151 | SMITH JOSEPH per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-245-02 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Charles | Armstrong | Johnston | Tyrone | 14 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-002 | ARMSTRONG CHARLES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | gamekeeper | 6-49.90 | |
2-8240-245-03 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | William | McLoughlin | James | Tyrone | 38 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-119 | MCLOUGHLIN WILLIAM per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | |
2-8240-245-04 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Monaghan | Tyrone | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-123 | MONAGHAN JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-245-05 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Patrick | Colgan | Tyrone | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-027 | COLGAN PATRICK per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8240-245-06 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Morrison | Tyrone | 34 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0121-129 | MORRISON JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-245-07 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Terence | McGuigan | Tyrone | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-112 | MCGUIGAN TERENCE per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-245-08 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Michael | McQuaid | Tyrone | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0121-120 | MCQUAID MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8240-245-09 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Arthur | McKernan | Tyrone | 34 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | <[hangling]> a horse | life | X | X | Insufficient information to code | uneBV0121-116 | MCKERNAN ARTHUR per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8240-245-10 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | John | Nimmons | Tyrone | 63 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | uttering forged notes | life | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0121-139 | NIMMONS JOHN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8240-245-11 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Connor | Clarke | Westmeath | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0121-024 | CLARKE CONNOR per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-245-12 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Owen | Laragy | Westmeath | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0121-091 | LARAGY OWEN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | houseservant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8240-245-13 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Peter | Thompson | Murphy | Westmeath | 26 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-156 | THOMPSON PETER per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | pedlar | 4-52.20 | |
2-8240-245-14 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Michael | Keoghe | Westmeath | 22 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-087 | KEOGHE MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-245-15 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Patrick | Moran | Westmeath | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0121-127 | MORAN PATRICK per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Fourteen years | M | attorneys clerk | 3-93.40 | ||
2-8240-245-16 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Moran | Westmeath | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0121-124 | MORAN JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-246-01 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Michael | Kavenagh | Wicklow | 26 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-081 | KAVENAGH MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-246-02 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Patrick | Bayly | Wicklow | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0121-004 | BAYLY PATRICK per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8240-246-03 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Bryan | Neill | Wicklow | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0121-137 | NEILL BRYAN per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-246-04 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Thomas | Lawless | Lynch | Wicklow | 37 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0121-092 | LAWLESS THOMAS per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Life | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | |
2-8240-246-05 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Cullen | Wicklow | 26 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0121-038 | CULLEN JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | bricklayer | 9-51.20 | ||
2-8240-246-06 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | James | Foster | Wicklow | 21 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0121-053 | FOSTER JAMES per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-246-07 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Michael | Connolly | Wicklow | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0121-032 | CONNOLLY MICHAEL per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8240-246-08 | ALMORAH (2) | BV0121 | 1820 | Thomas | Dalton | Wicklow | 35 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | felony & assault to murder | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0121-040 | DALTON THOMAS per ALMORAH (2) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8244-007-01 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Francis | Donnelly | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | Felony of handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-048 | DONNELLY FRANCIS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 227-01] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8244-007-02 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Joseph | Byrne | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | Vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0095-018 | BYRNE JOSEPH per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 227-02] | cotton weaver | 7-54.32 | |
2-8244-007-03 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Reilly | Dublin City | 16 | <[blank]> | June | 1818 | Felony of gold bracelet etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-129 | REILLY JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 227-03] | grocers boy | 4-10.30 | |
2-8244-007-04 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Dalton | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | August | 1818 | Felony of time piece | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-039 | DALTON JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 227-04] | weaver | 7-54.00 | |
2-8244-007-05 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Kelly | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | August | 1818 | Felony of time piece | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-080 | KELLY JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 227-05] | seaman | 9-81.35 | |
2-8244-007-06 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Cassidy | Dublin City | 12 | <[blank]> | August | 1818 | Felony of time piece | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-025 | CASSIDY JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 227-06] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8244-007-07 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Michael | McDonnell | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | August | 1818 | Felony of time piece | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-102 | MCDONNELL MICHAEL per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 227-07] | glass blower | 8-91.20 | |
2-8244-007-08 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Patrick | Murphy | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | August | 1818 | Felony of sugar bowl etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-116 | MURPHY PATRICK per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 227-08] | baker | 7-76.10 | |
2-8244-007-09 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | O'Meara | Dublin City | 35 | <[blank]> | August | 1818 | Felony of ribband | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-126 | OMEARA THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8244-007-10 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Langin | Lorgan | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | August | 1818 | Felony of <[kersinner]> | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-089 | LANGIN JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 227-09] | laborer | 9-99.10 |
2-8244-007-11 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Christr | Jackson | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | August | 1818 | Felony of handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-070 | JACKSON CHRISTOPHER per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 227-10] | bookbinder | 9-26.25 | |
2-8244-007-12 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Willm | Long | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | August | 1818 | Felony of bridles & other property | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-091 | LONG WILLIAM per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8244-007-13 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Michael | Farrell | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | August | 1818 | Felony of bridles & other property | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-057 | FARRELL MICHAEL per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 227-11] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-007-14 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Brady | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | August | 1818 | Felony of tablecloth & bag | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-010 | BRADY JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | slater | 9-53.20 | ||
2-8244-007-15 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Patrick | Murphy | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | August | 1818 | Felony of tablecloth & bag | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-117 | MURPHY PATRICK per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 227-12] | cooper | 8-19.30 | |
2-8244-007-16 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Peter | Hand | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | August | 1818 | Felony of towels & other property | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-066 | HAND PETER per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 227-13] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8244-007-17 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | William | Hanly | Dublin City | 41 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Felony of a saw | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-067 | HANLY WILLIAM per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 227-15] | gardener | 6-27.00 | |
2-8244-007-18 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Begly | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-004 | BEGLY JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 227-14] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8244-007-19 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Michael | Farrell | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-058 | FARRELL MICHAEL per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 227-16] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-007-20 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Connolly | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Felony of pistol & boots | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-030 | CONNOLLY THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-01] | gun lock filer | 8-39.20 | |
2-8244-007-21 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Atkinson | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Felony of a saddle | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-003 | ATKINSON THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-02] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8244-008-01 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Patrick | Byrne | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Felony of money & wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-020 | BYRNE PATRICK per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-03] | carpenter | 9-54.10 | |
2-8244-008-02 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Brennan | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Felony of silver spoons | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-011 | BRENNAN THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-04] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8244-008-03 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Edward | McCracken | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Felony of tablecloths | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-100 | MCCRACKEN EDWARD per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-05] | groom | 6-24.60 | |
2-8244-008-04 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Chas | Curran | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Felony of tablecloths | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-038 | CURRAN CHARLES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-06] | soldier | 5-83.40 | |
2-8244-008-05 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Ryan | Dublin City | 15 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Felony of great coat | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-136 | RYAN JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-07] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8244-008-06 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Browne | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Felony of handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-012 | BROWNE THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-08] | sailor | 9-81.35 | |
2-8244-008-07 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Nichs | Norton | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Felony of handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-125 | NORTON NICHOLAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-09] | sailor | 9-81.35 | |
2-8244-008-08 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Kelly | Kenny | Dublin City | 15 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Felony of calico & linen | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-081 | KELLY JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-10] | servant | 5-40.10 |
2-8244-008-09 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Jacob | Keane | Dublin City | 15 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Felony of calico & linen | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-077 | KEANE JACOB per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-11] | waiter | 5-32.10 | |
2-8244-008-10 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Paul | Corrigan | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Felony of handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-032 | CORRIGAN PAUL per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-12] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8244-008-11 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Pat | Murray | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Felony of cloth | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-121 | MURRAY PATRICK per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-13] | sailor | 9-81.35 | |
2-8244-008-12 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Henry | Cumerford | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Felony coat | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-036 | CUMERFORD HENRY per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | attorney | 1-21.10 | ||
2-8244-008-13 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Weldon | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Felony jaunting car | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-149 | WELDON JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-14] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-008-14 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Bryan | Carroll | Dublin City | 35 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Felony wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-024 | CARROLL BRYAN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-15] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-008-15 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Chas | Clargis | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-026 | CLARGIS CHARLES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-16] | carpenter | 9-54.10 | |
2-8244-008-16 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Edward | Stewart | Dublin City | 35 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Felony wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-142 | STEWART EDWARD per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-17] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8244-008-17 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Judge | Joyce | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Felony wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-074 | JUDGE THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-18] | servant | 5-40.10 |
2-8244-008-18 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Lynch | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Felony fire irons | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-093 | LYNCH JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-19] | coach smith | 8-19.20 | |
2-8244-008-19 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Lowe | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | Felony handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-092 | LOWE JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 228-20] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8244-008-20 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Donnellan | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Felony tea, sack & gold ring | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-047 | DONNELLAN JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | plaisterer | 9-55.10 | ||
2-8244-008-21 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Ryan | Dublin City | 50 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-137 | RYAN JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | bricklayer | 9-51.20 | ||
2-8244-008-22 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Pat | Stafford | Dublin City | 13 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-141 | STAFFORD PATRICK per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-01] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8244-008-23 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Edward | Sweeny | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Passing forged note | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0095-143 | SWEENY EDWARD per BENCOOLEN 1819, 14 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-02] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8244-008-24 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Edward | Bryan | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Felony mantle & <[…]> | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-013 | BRYAN EDWARD per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | cabinetmaker | 8-11.20 | ||
2-8244-009-01 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Garret | Kelly | Dublin City | 16 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Burglary & felony of plate | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-079 | KELLY GARRET per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-03] | waiter | 5-32.10 | |
2-8244-009-02 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Murphy | Dublin City | 16 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-118 | MURPHY THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-04] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-009-03 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Murphy | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-115 | MURPHY JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-05] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-009-04 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Pat | Doyle | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-051 | DOYLE PATRICK per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-06] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-009-05 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Michael | Dunne | Dublin City | 38 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Burglary | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-055 | DUNNE MICHAEL per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-07] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-009-06 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Michael | Cullen | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Burglary | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-034 | CULLEN MICHAEL per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 239-02] | slater | 9-53.20 | |
2-8244-009-07 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Austin | McGinty | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Uttering forged bill on Greenwick Hospital | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0095-103 | MCGINTY AUSTIN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 14 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-08] | tailor | 7-91.00 | |
2-8244-009-08 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Pat | Blaney | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Burglary with intent to rob | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-007 | BLANEY PATRICK per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | house carpenter | 9-54.15 | ||
2-8244-009-09 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Pat | Dogherty | Dublin City | 45 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Burglary with intent to rob | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-044 | DOGHERTY PATRICK per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-09]; VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 239-03] | coachman | 9-86.20 | |
2-8244-009-10 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Adderley | Dublin City | 50 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | Burglary with intent to rob | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-001 | ADDERLEY THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-10] | soap boiler | 7-42.20 | |
2-8244-009-11 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Sharkey | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | Felony bank notes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-139 | SHARKEY THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-11] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-009-12 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Nichs | Bourke | Dublin City | 55 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | Perjury | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0095-008 | BOURKE NICHOLAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | horse shoer | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8244-009-13 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Kavanagh | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | Felony of tea & sugar | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-076 | KAVANAGH JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-12] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-009-14 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Edward | Magennis | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | Felony wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-094 | MAGENNIS EDWARD per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-13] | play house assistant | 1-79.90 | |
2-8244-009-15 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Willm | Nelson | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | Felony wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-123 | NELSON WILLIAM per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-14] | stable boy | 6-24.60 | |
2-8244-009-16 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Clarke | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | December | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-027 | CLARKE JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8244-009-17 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Michael | Reilly | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | December | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-130 | REILLY MICHAEL per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-15] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-009-18 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Monks | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | December | 1818 | Shoplifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0095-106 | MONKS JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-16] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-009-19 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Kirwan | Dublin City | 15 | <[blank]> | December | 1818 | Felony of sacks | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-088 | KIRWAN JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-17] | iron founder apprentice | 7-25.00 | |
2-8244-009-20 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Peter | Allen | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1819 | Felony of a fender | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-002 | ALLEN PETER per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-18] | seaman | 9-81.35 | |
2-8244-009-21 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Paul | Bishop | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1819 | Felony of <[coal/coat]> & bags | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-006 | BISHOP PAUL per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-19] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-009-22 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Fay | Dublin City | 37 | <[blank]> | December | 1818 | Felony of bank notes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-059 | FAY JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 229-20] | lamplighter | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-009-23 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Quin | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | December | 1818 | Felony of <[fabbinal?]> | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-127 | QUIN JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-01] | stable boy | 6-24.60 | |
2-8244-009-24 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Peter | Fallon | Dublin City | 14 | <[blank]> | January | 1819 | Felony calico etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-056 | FALLON PETER per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8244-010-01 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Joseph | Byrne | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | January | 1819 | Felony of carbine | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-019 | BYRNE JOSEPH per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-02] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-010-02 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Henry | Judge | Dublin City | 32 | <[blank]> | January | 1819 | Felony of watch & seals | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-073 | JUDGE HENRY per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-03] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8244-010-03 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Patrick | Dunn | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | January | 1819 | Felony chair covers etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-054 | DUNN PATRICK per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-04] | calico printer | 9-29.50 | |
2-8244-010-04 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | McCann | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | January | 1819 | Felony of handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-098 | MCCANN JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-05] | sailor | 9-81.35 | |
2-8244-010-05 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Maguire | Dublin City | 29 | <[blank]> | January | 1819 | Felony wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-095 | MAGUIRE JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-06] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-010-06 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Kane | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | January | 1819 | felony calico | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-075 | KANE JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-07] | carpenter | 9-54.10 | |
2-8244-010-07 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Christr | Keegan | Dublin City | 34 | <[blank]> | February | 1819 | Felony of plate | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-078 | KEEGAN CHRISTOPHER per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-08] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-010-08 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Andw | Haydon | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1819 | Felony wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-069 | HAYDON ANDREW per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-09] | breeches maker | 7-91.00 | |
2-8244-010-09 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Kenny | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1819 | Felony lead | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-083 | KENNY THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | bricklayer | 9-51.20 | ||
2-8244-010-10 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Donnelly | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1819 | Felony handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-049 | DONNELLY THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-10] | weaver | 7-54.00 | |
2-8244-010-11 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Richd | Mooney | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | December | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0095-109 | MOONEY RICHARD per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-11] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-010-12 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Ross | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | February | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-135 | ROSS THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-12] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8244-010-13 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Patrick | McCluskey | Dublin City | 16 | <[blank]> | March | 1819 | Felony of tablecloths etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-099 | MCCLUSKEY PATRICK per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-13] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8244-010-14 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Binns | Dublin City | 16 | <[blank]> | March | 1819 | Felony of tablecloths etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-005 | BINNS JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-14] | painter | 9-31.20 | |
2-8244-010-15 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Nichs | Collins | Michael Woods | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1819 | Felony of tea | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-029 | COLLINS NICHOLAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-15] | hairdresser | 5-70.30 |
2-8244-010-16 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Michael | Mullen | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1819 | Felony of tea | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-111 | MULLEN MICHAEL per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-16] | butcher | 7-73.10 | |
2-8244-010-17 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Wilford | Creighton | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | March | 1819 | Felony of tea | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-150 | WILFORD JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | slater | 9-53.20 | |
2-8244-010-18 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Smith | Dublin City | 37 | <[blank]> | March | 1819 | Felony of lead from house | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-140 | SMITH THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | slater | 9-53.20 | ||
2-8244-010-19 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Doolan | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | March | 1819 | Felony shawls etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-050 | DOOLAN JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-17] | plaisterer | 9-55.10 | |
2-8244-010-20 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | George | Murphy | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | March | 1819 | Fraud in obtaining goods under false pretences | 7 years | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0095-113 | MURPHY GEORGE per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 233-07] | apothecary | 0-67.10 | |
2-8244-011-01 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Robert | Burke | Dublin Co | 18 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Robbing a paper mill | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0095-016 | BURKE ROBERT per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-18] | cotton spinner | 7-52.20 | |
2-8244-011-02 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Byrne | Dublin Co | 20 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Robbing a paper mill | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0095-021 | BYRNE THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-19] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-011-03 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Timothy | Mulligan | Dublin Co | 17 | <[blank]> | September | 1818 | Stealing plate | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0095-112 | MULLIGAN TIMOTHY per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 230-20] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-011-04 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Philip | Dalton | Dublin Co | 26 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | House Robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0095-040 | DALTON PHILIP per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-01] | hostler | 5-10.20 | |
2-8244-011-05 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Michael | McKeon | Dublin Co | 21 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | House Robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0095-104 | MCKEON MICHAEL per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-02] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-011-06 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Joseph | Sweeny | Dublin Co | 17 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | Highway Robbery | 7 years | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0095-144 | SWEENY JOSEPH per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-03] | woollen weaver | 7-54.32 | |
2-8244-011-07 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Kenny | Dublin Co | 18 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | Burglary | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-084 | KENNY THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-04] | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | |
2-8244-011-08 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Terence | Moony | Dublin Co | 27 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0095-110 | MOONY TERENCE per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-05] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-011-09 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Mathew | Teeling | Dublin Co | 31 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0095-145 | TEELING MATHEW per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-06] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-011-10 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Shalvey | Dublin Co | 21 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0095-138 | SHALVEY JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-07] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-011-11 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Pat | McMahon | Dublin Co | 32 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0095-105 | MCMAHON PATRICK per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-08] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-011-12 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Byrne | Dublin Co | 48 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-022 | BYRNE THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-09] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-011-13 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Peter | Bryan | Dublin Co | 41 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | Horse Stealing | Life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0095-014 | BRYAN PETER per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | flour machine maker | |||
2-8244-011-14 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Henry | Flannagan | Dublin Co | 36 | <[blank]> | December | 1818 | Bigamy | 7 years | I | 11 | Bigamy | uneBV0095-061 | FLANNAGAN HENRY per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-10] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8244-011-15 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | William | Johnston | Dublin Co | 32 | <[blank]> | December | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0095-072 | JOHNSTON WILLIAM per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-11] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8244-011-16 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Mooney | Dublin Co | 18 | <[blank]> | December | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0095-108 | MOONEY JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-12] | tailor | 7-91.00 | |
2-8244-011-17 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Lawrence | Gorman | Dublin Co | 35 | <[blank]> | February | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-065 | GORMAN LAWRENCE per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-13] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-011-18 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Henry | Rice | Dublin Co | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | February | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-132 | RICE HENRY per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-14] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-011-19 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Phelim | Crampsey | Bonner | Donegal | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | Administering unlawful oaths | Life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0095-033 | CRAMPSEY PHELIM per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-15] | laborer | 9-99.10 |
2-8244-011-20 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Philip | Flanigan | Down | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Robbing at Bleach Green | Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0095-060 | FLANIGAN PHILIP per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-16] | weaver | 7-54.00 | |
2-8244-012-01 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Rorke | Galway Town | 30 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | Sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0095-134 | RORKE JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8244-012-02 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Dogherty | Galway Town | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | Sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0095-046 | DOGHERTY THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8244-012-03 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Patrick | McCabe | Leitrim | 27 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | Stealing saddles | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0095-097 | MCCABE PATRICK per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-17] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-012-04 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | May | Meath | 31 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | Cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0095-096 | MAY THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-18] | tailor | 7-91.00 | |
2-8244-012-05 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Murtagh | Meath | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | Horse Stealing | 7 years | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0095-122 | MURTAGH JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-19] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8244-012-06 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Floody | Meath | 30 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | Robbery of arms | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-062 | FLOODY JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 231-20] | weaver | 7-54.00 | |
2-8244-012-07 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Byrne | Meath | 23 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | House Robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0095-017 | BYRNE JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-01] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-012-08 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Carney | Meath | 21 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-023 | CARNEY JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-02] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-012-09 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Barthw | Brady | Roscommon | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | Horse Stealing | Life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0095-009 | BRADY BARTHOLOMEW per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-03] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-012-10 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Regan | Roscommon | 23 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | Sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0095-128 | REGAN JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-04] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-012-11 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Funcheon | Tipperary | 36 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | Sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0095-063 | FUNCHEON JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-05] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-012-12 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Lawrce | Cunningham | Tipperary | 46 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | Perjury | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0095-037 | CUNNINGHAM LAWRENCE per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-06] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-012-13 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Timothy | Buckley | Waterford Co | 31 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | Vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0095-015 | BUCKLEY TIMOTHY per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-07] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-012-14 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Timothy | Murphy | Waterford Co | 22 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0095-119 | MURPHY TIMOTHY per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-08] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-012-15 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Kennedy | Waterford Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0095-082 | KENNEDY JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-09] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-012-16 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Michael | Lenaghan | Waterford Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | Sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0095-090 | LENAGHAN MICHAEL per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-10] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-012-17 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Edward | Roache | Waterford Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-133 | ROACHE EDWARD per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-11] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-013-01 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Patrick | Neville | Waterford City | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | Robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-124 | NEVILLE PATRICK per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8244-013-02 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Connor | Westmeath | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1817 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-031 | CONNOR JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-12] | butcher | 7-73.10 | |
2-8244-013-03 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Coleman | Westmeath | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1817 | Sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0095-028 | COLEMAN JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-13] | dealer | 4-10.30 | |
2-8244-013-04 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Denis | Daly | Westmeath | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1817 | Cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0095-041 | DALY DENIS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8244-013-05 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Edward | McDonnell | Westmeath | 22 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | Administering unlawful oaths | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0095-101 | MCDONNELL EDWARD per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-14] | miller | 7-71.20 | |
2-8244-013-06 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Murray | Westmeath | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | Cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0095-120 | MURRAY JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-15] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8244-013-07 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Reilly | Westmeath | 64 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | Demanding money | 7 years | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0095-131 | REILLY THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-16] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-013-08 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Hannon | Westmeath | 38 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | Having forged notes in possession | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0095-068 | HANNON JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 14 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-17] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8244-013-09 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | William | Geraghty | Westmeath | <[33?]> | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | House Robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0095-064 | GERAGHTY WILLIAM per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-18] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-013-10 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Terence | Dogherty | Westmeath | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | Cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0095-045 | DOGHERTY TERENCE per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-19] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-013-11 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Duck | Westmeath | 29 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | Sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0095-053 | DUCK JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | plaisterer | 9-55.10 | ||
2-8244-013-12 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Pat | Doyle | Westmeath | 50 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | Sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0095-052 | DOYLE PATRICK per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-20] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-013-13 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Owen | Dogherty | Westmeath | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | Cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0095-043 | DOGHERTY OWEN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 233-01] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-013-14 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Daniel | Toole | Wicklow | 22 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Burglary | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-146 | TOOLE DANIEL per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8244-013-15 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Toole | Wicklow | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Burglary | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-147 | TOOLE JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8244-013-16 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Bernard | Traynor | Wicklow | 24 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Burglary | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0095-148 | TRAYNOR BERNARD per BENCOOLEN 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 233-02] | tinman | 8-73.40 | |
2-8244-013-17 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Thomas | Keoghoe | Wicklow | 26 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | House robbing | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0095-086 | KEOGHOE THOMAS per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8244-013-18 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | Andrew | Keoghoe | Wicklow | 26 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | House robbing | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0095-085 | KEOGHOE ANDREW per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8244-013-19 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Johnston | Wicklow | 17 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0095-071 | JOHNSTON JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | fisherman | 6-41.00 | ||
2-8244-013-20 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | James | Delany | Wicklow | 27 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Stealing cows | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0095-042 | DELANY JAMES per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 232-03]; VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 239-01] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-013-21 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Kinshela | Wicklow | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Stealing cows | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0095-087 | KINSHELA JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 233-05] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-013-22 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | William | Cullen | Wicklow | 32 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Stealing cows | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0095-035 | CULLEN WILLIAM per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 233-04] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8244-013-23 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | John | Monks | Monaghan | Wicklow | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0095-107 | MONKS JOHN per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 233-06] | laborer | 9-99.10 |
2-8244-013-24 | BENCOOLEN | BV0095 | 1819 | George | Murphy | Wicklow | 35 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | House Robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0095-114 | MURPHY GEORGE per BENCOOLEN 1819, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8250-099-01 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Catherine | McDonough | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | stealing dressing box etc | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-053 | MCDONOUGH CATHERINE per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8250-099-02 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ann | Bass | King | Dublin City | 34 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | stealing money & notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-002 | BASS ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-34] | ribbon weaver | 7-54.90 |
2-8250-099-03 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Furlong | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | stealing Rose Water | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-023 | FURLONG MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8250-099-04 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary Ann | Kelly | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | July | 1816 | uttering forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0068-041 | KELLY MARY ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 14 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8250-099-05 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Christian | Kelly | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | December | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0068-040 | KELLY CHRISTIAN per CANADA (4) 1817, 14 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8250-099-06 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Catherine | Kelly | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0068-039 | KELLY CATHERINE per CANADA (4) 1817, 14 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8250-099-07 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Elizabeth | Doyle | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | stealing money | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-015 | DOYLE ELIZABETH per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-36] | mantua maker | 7-91.90 | |
2-8250-099-08 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Stewart | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | stealing money | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-081 | STEWART MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-40] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-099-09 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Waters | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | stealing money & notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-087 | WATERS MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8250-099-10 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Catherine | Fitzpatrick | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-020 | FITZPATRICK CATHERINE per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | dairymaid | 6-25.10 | ||
2-8250-099-11 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Bridget | Brown | Wilson | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-007 | BROWN BRIDGET per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-41] | servant | 5-40.10 |
2-8250-099-12 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Elizabeth | Birmingham | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | stealing money & notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-004 | BIRMINGHAM ELIZABETH per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-43] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-099-13 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Catherine | Green | Dublin City | 32 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-025 | GREEN CATHERINE per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-26] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-099-14 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Catherine | Neale | Hickey | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-063 | NEALE CATHERINE per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-21] | servant | 5-40.10 |
2-8250-099-15 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Newby | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | September | 1816 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-067 | NEWBY MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-24] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-099-16 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Margaret | O'Neil | Dublin City | 33 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0068-069 | ONEIL MARGARET per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8250-099-17 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ann | O'Reilly | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | October | 1816 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-071 | OREILLY ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-20] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8250-099-18 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Ronan | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | September | 1816 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-076 | RONAN MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-46] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8250-099-19 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Margaret | Keogh | Dublin City | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | November | 1816 | uttering forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0068-046 | KEOGH MARGARET per CANADA (4) 1817, 14 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8250-099-20 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | McManus | O'Neil | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | May | 1816 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-055 | MCMANUS MARY ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-44] | housekeeper | 2-24.25 |
2-8250-099-21 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Catherine | Flynn | Dublin City | 36 | <[blank]> | October | 1814 | stealing bank notes & street robbery | life | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-021 | FLYNN CATHERINE per CANADA (4) 1817, Life | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-28] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-099-22 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ann | Mullens | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | April | 1814 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-058 | MULLENS ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8250-099-23 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Bridget | Murray | Wall | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | stealing stockings | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-061 | MURRAY BRIDGET per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-099-24 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Margaret | Cummins | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | stealing bank notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-012 | CUMMINS MARGARET per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-22] | bookbinder | 9-26.25 | |
2-8250-099-25 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Jonson | Dublin City | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | 7 years | X | X | Insufficient information to code | uneBV0068-033 | JONSON MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | country servant | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8250-100-01 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Clarissa | Harney | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | burglary & intent to rob | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0068-029 | HARNEY CLARISSA per CANADA (4) 1817, Life | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8250-100-02 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Doolan | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | stealing handkerchiefs | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-014 | DOOLAN MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-47] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-100-03 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ann | Leonard | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | stealing riband | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-050 | LEONARD ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-25] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-100-04 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Foley | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | December | 1815 | stealing money & notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-022 | FOLEY MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-38] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-100-05 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Judith | Byrne | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | December | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0068-009 | BYRNE JUDITH per CANADA (4) 1817, 14 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8250-100-06 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ann | Sharkey | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | stealing plate | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-079 | SHARKEY ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8250-100-07 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ann | Keogh | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | stealing tea trays | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-045 | KEOGH ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8250-100-08 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Reilly | Dublin City | 35 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-074 | REILLY MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-23] | dairymaid | 6-25.10 | |
2-8250-100-09 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Neale | Senior | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | July | 1816 | burglary & robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0068-064 | NEALE MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-30] | servant | 5-40.10 |
2-8250-100-10 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Neale | Junior | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | July | 1816 | child stealing | 7 years | I | 8 | Abduction | uneBV0068-065 | NEALE MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-29] | servant | 5-40.10 |
2-8250-100-11 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ann | Hughs | Stephens | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | September | 1816 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-031 | HUGHS ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-35] | huckster | 4-52.20 |
2-8250-100-12 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Elizabeth | Byrne | Ross | Dublin City | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | November | 1816 | stealing a prayer book | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-008 | BYRNE ELIZABETH per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | cook | 5-31.00 | |
2-8250-100-13 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Nesbitt | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | stealing muslin | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-066 | NESBITT MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-42] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-100-14 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Reynolds | Margaret | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-075 | REYNOLDS MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-27] | Country cook | |
2-8250-100-15 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Murray | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0068-062 | MURRAY MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 14 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8250-100-16 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Catherine | Dunn | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | December | 1816 | stealing <[herseymoore]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-017 | DUNN CATHERINE per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-32] | weaver | 7-54.00 | |
2-8250-100-17 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Margaret | Woodcock | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | stealing handkerchiefs | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-089 | WOODCOCK MARGARET per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-33] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-100-18 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ann | Green | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | stealing pocket book & money | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-024 | GREEN ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-31] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-100-19 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Elinor | Brady | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | stealing money & notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-006 | BRADY ELINOR per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-45] | straw worker | 9-42.90 | |
2-8250-100-20 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Jane | Walsh | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | stealing handkerchiefs | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-086 | WALSH JANE per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | mantua maker | 7-91.90 | ||
2-8250-100-21 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ann | O'Hara | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | February | 1816 | uttering forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0068-068 | OHARA ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 14 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8250-100-22 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Catherine | Kennedy | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | July | 1816 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0068-044 | KENNEDY CATHERINE per CANADA (4) 1817, 14 years | F | country servant | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8250-100-23 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Margaret | Scully | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | February | 1816 | perjury | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0068-078 | SCULLY MARGARET per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-39] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-100-24 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ellen | Hallogan | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | May | 1816 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0068-027 | HALLOGAN ELLEN per CANADA (4) 1817, 14 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8250-100-25 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Jane | Doyle | Dublin City | 42 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-016 | DOYLE JANE per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8250-100-26 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Margaret | Whologan | Dublin City | 50 | <[blank]> | May | 1816 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0068-088 | WHOLOGAN MARGARET per CANADA (4) 1817, 14 years | F | dairywoman | 6-25.10 | ||
2-8250-100-27 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Elinor | Cody | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-010 | CODY ELINOR per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8250-100-28 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ann | Barns | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | June | 1816 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-001 | BARNS ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-37] | <[?]> | ||
2-8250-101-01 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Margaret | Quinn | Dublin Co | 22 | <[blank]> | July | 1816 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-073 | QUINN MARGARET per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | country service | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8250-101-02 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Elizabeth | Edrington | Hithers | Dublin Co | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[Armagh]> | 7 years | X | X | Insufficient information to code | uneBV0068-018 | EDRINGTON ELIZABETH per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-10] | country service | 6-21.20 |
2-8250-101-03 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Susan | Kearney | Julian | Cork Co | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0068-035 | KEARNEY SUSAN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-13] | country service | 6-21.20 |
2-8250-101-04 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ann | Boland | Cork Co | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-005 | BOLAND ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-11] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8250-101-05 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Catherine | Tobin | Cork Co | 22 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | stealing muslin | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-084 | TOBIN CATHERINE per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-14] | huckster | 4-52.20 | |
2-8250-101-06 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Fitzgerald | Cork Co | 45 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-019 | FITZGERALD MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-12] | country servant | 6-21.20 | |
2-8250-101-07 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Shea | Cork Co | 28 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | stealing muslin | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-080 | SHEA MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-15] | country servant | 6-21.20 | |
2-8250-101-08 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Margaret | Murphy | Cork City | 19 | <[blank]> | September | 1816 | child stealing | 7 years | I | 8 | Abduction | uneBV0068-060 | MURPHY MARGARET per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-17] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-101-09 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ellen | Looney | Cork City | 28 | <[blank]> | September | 1816 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-051 | LOONEY ELLEN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | country service | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8250-101-10 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ann | Kenna | Cork City | 16 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0068-042 | KENNA ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-16] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-101-11 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Hannah | Sullivan | Cork City | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0068-082 | SULLIVAN HANNAH per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | country service | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8250-101-12 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Ives | Cork City | 29 | <[blank]> | September | 1816 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-032 | IVES MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-18] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8250-101-13 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Killeher | Cork City | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0068-049 | KILLEHER MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | country service | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8250-101-14 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Sarah | Keating | Kilkenny City | 16 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-037 | KEATING SARAH per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8250-101-15 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Bridget | Keating | Kilkenny City | 19 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-036 | KEATING BRIDGET per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8250-101-16 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ann | Kelly | Kilkenny City | 23 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-038 | KELLY ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8250-101-17 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Elinor | Walsh | Kilkenny Co | 20 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | receiving stolen goods | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0068-085 | WALSH ELINOR per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 083-04] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8250-101-18 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Connor | Tipperary Co | 33 | <[blank]> | September | 1816 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0068-011 | CONNOR MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 14 years | F | country service | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8250-101-19 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Juliana | Kenna | Kerry Co | 15 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-043 | KENNA JULIANA per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | country service | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8250-102-01 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Kilfoile | Carlow Co | 57 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0068-048 | KILFOILE MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 14 years | F | country service | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8250-102-02 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Catherine | Prendergast | Carlow Co | 25 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | stealing linen | 7 years | II | 27 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-072 | PRENDERGAST CATHERINE per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-19] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8250-102-03 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ellen | Dixon | Galway | 36 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | stealing clothes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-013 | DIXON ELLEN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 083-03] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-102-04 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Catherine | Hart | Mayo Co | 34 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0068-030 | HART CATHERINE per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | country service | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8250-102-05 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Winifred | McNally | Mayo Co | 32 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0068-057 | MCNALLY WINIFRED per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 083-07] | huckster | 4-52.20 | |
2-8250-102-06 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Bridget | McNally | Mayo Co | 41 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0068-056 | MCNALLY BRIDGET per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 083-08] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8250-102-07 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Honora | McDermott | Mayo Co | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | murder | life | I | 3 | Murder | uneBV0068-052 | MCDERMOTT HONORA per CANADA (4) 1817, Life | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 083-09] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-102-08 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ann | McKenna | McKarran | Donegal Co | 32 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | petty larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-054 | MCKENNA ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8250-102-09 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Margaret | Mullins | Milling | Londonderry Co | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-059 | MULLINS MARGARET per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 083-05] | country service | 6-21.20 |
2-8250-102-10 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Mary | Ryan | Meath Co | 34 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-077 | RYAN MARY per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 083-06] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-102-11 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ann | Kesling | Carrolly | Leitrim Co | 12 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0068-047 | KESLING ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 14 years | F | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8250-102-12 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Eliza | Bell | Ann | Drogheda Town | 31 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | stealing cotton shawls | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-003 | BELL ELIZA per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 083-01] | needleworker | 7-95.20 |
2-8250-103-01 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ann | Tarmitty | Down Co | 26 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | stealing pocket book & money | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-083 | TARMITTY ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 083-02] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8250-103-02 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Ann | Hamilton | Antrim | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0068-028 | HAMILTON ANN per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-08] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8250-103-03 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Sarah | O'Neil | Antrim | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0068-070 | ONEIL SARAH per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-09] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8250-103-04 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Sarah | Kane | Antrim | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0068-034 | KANE SARAH per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 082-07] | country service | 6-21.20 | |
2-8250-103-05 | CANADA (4) | BV0068 | 1817 | Margaret | Haley | Roscommon Co | 60 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | stealing cloths | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0068-026 | HALEY MARGARET per CANADA (4) 1817, 7 years | F | country service | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8252-003-01 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Francis | Douglass | Antrim Co | 45 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Bleach Green robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-030 | DOUGLASS FRANCIS per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Life | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | indoor servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8252-003-02 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Francis | McNaght | Antrim Co | 31 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Bleach Green robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-096 | MCNAGHT FRANCIS per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Life | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-003-03 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | McCartney | Antrim Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0108-081 | MCCARTNEY JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-003-04 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | William | Mcveagh | Antrim Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0108-098 | MCVEAGH WILLIAM per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-003-05 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Amos | Cupitt | Antrim Co | 42 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0108-023 | CUPITT AMOS per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-003-06 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Finlay | Downy | Antrim Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-031 | DOWNEY FINLAY per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | cotton spinner | 7-52.20 | |
2-8252-003-07 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | Murphy | Antrim Co | 37 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | forged notes in possession | 14 years | III | 30 | Forgery & Offences against the currency | uneBV0108-106 | MURPHY JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Fourteen years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-003-08 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Daniel | O'Hegan | Antrim Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0108-114 | OHEGAN DANIEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8252-003-09 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Nathaniel | McCullogh | Armagh Co | 16 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-085 | MCCULLOGH NATHANIEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-003-10 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Thomas | Caldwell | Armagh Co | 31 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-010 | CALDWELL THOMAS per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-003-11 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Thomas | Reed | Armagh Co | 17 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-119 | REED THOMAS per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-003-12 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Liddy | Armagh Co | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-077 | LIDDY JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-003-13 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Samuel | Richardson | Armagh Co | 12 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-123 | RICHARDSON SAMUEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | No business | 4 | |
2-8252-003-14 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | Wilson | Armagh Co | 51 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-139 | WILSON JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | gentlemans servant | 5-40.30 | |
2-8252-003-15 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Francis | Devlin | Armagh Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Bleach Green robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-024 | DEVLIN FRANCIS per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Life | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | weaver | 7-54.00 | |
2-8252-003-16 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Henry | Armstrong | Deamond | Armagh Co | 44 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0108-004 | ARMSTRONG HENRY per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | laborer | 9-99.10 |
2-8252-003-17 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Terence | Hollowood | Armagh Co | 67 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Receiving stolen goods | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0108-059 | HOLLOWOOD TERENCE per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, <[blank]> | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-003-18 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Mark | Logan | Armagh Co | 45 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0108-078 | LOGAN MARK per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-003-19 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Michael | Rice | Armagh Co | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0108-122 | RICE MICHAEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | butcher | 7-73.10 | |
2-8252-003-20 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Thomas | McCourt | Armagh Co | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0108-084 | MCCOURT THOMAS per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 26] | Apprentice for 12 months to a stone mason | 5 | |
2-8252-003-21 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Edward | Brady | Armagh Co | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0108-007 | BRADY EDWARD per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 27] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-003-22 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Alexander | Pearce | Armagh Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | stealing shoes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0108-117 | PEARCE ALEXANDER per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 27] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-003-23 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Terence | Cullen | Armagh Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | forged notes in possession | 14 years | III | 30 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0108-022 | CULLEN TERENCE per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Fourteen years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 27] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-004-01 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | McDonnald | Armagh Co | 41 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0108-088 | MCDONNALD JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 27] | butcher | 7-73.10 | |
2-8252-004-02 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | Lamph | Armagh Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-069 | LAMPH JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Life | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 27] | stonemason | 9-51.40 | |
2-8252-004-03 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Bernard | O'Neill | Cavan Co | 60 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0108-115 | ONEILL BERNARD per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 27] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-004-04 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | McNamea | Cavan Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | picking pockets | 14 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-097 | MCNAMEA JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Fourteen years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 27] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-004-05 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Patrick | Hart | Cavan Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | having & uttering forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0108-055 | HART PATRICK per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Fourteen years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 27] | teacher | 1-30.20 | |
2-8252-004-06 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Coyle | Cavan Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | rape | Life | I | 6 | Rape | uneBV0108-021 | COYLE JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Life | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 27] | linen weaver | 7-54.32 | |
2-8252-004-07 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Phillip | McGoldrick | Cavan Co | 16 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | Life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0108-092 | MCGOLDRICK PHILLIP per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Life | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 27] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-004-08 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | McKay | McCawley | Cavan Co | 48 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | stealing <[cloaths]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0108-093 | MCKAY JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 27] | gardener | 6-27.00 |
2-8252-004-09 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Samuel | Hart | Donegal Co | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | stealing from a house | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0108-056 | HART SAMUEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 27] | farmers boy | 6-11.10 | |
2-8252-004-10 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Hanlon | Down Co | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0108-054 | HANLON JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 27] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-004-11 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | Cowan | Down Co | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0108-020 | COWAN JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 27] | butcher | 7-73.10 | |
2-8252-004-12 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Owen | McMahon | Down Co | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | stealing cloth | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0108-095 | MCMAHON OWEN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 27] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8252-004-13 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | McKinnery | Down Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | stealing cloth | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0108-094 | MCKINNERY JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 27] | weaver | 7-54.00 | |
2-8252-004-14 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Mathew | McAlboy | Down Co | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0108-080 | MCALBOY MATHEW per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 27] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-004-15 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Crum | Lenaghan | Down Co | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0108-073 | LENAGHAN CRUM per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | tailor | 7-91.00 | |
2-8252-004-16 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Robert | Woodrow | Down Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0108-140 | WOODROW ROBERT per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | indoor servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8252-004-17 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Lawrence | Dorian | Down Co | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0108-029 | DORIAN LAWRENCE per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-004-18 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Rice | Down Co | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-121 | RICE JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-004-19 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | McElern | McLarnan | Down Co | 45 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0108-090 | MCELERN JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | weaver | 7-54.00 |
2-8252-004-20 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Thomas | Minn | Down Co | 56 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0108-100 | MINN THOMAS per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-004-21 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Hugh | Geddis | Down Co | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0108-046 | GEDDIS HUGH per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-004-22 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Murphy | Down Co | 17 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | embezzling letters out of Post Office | Life | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0108-105 | MURPHY JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Life | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | indoor servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8252-004-23 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Thomas | Moore | Down Co | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0108-103 | MOORE THOMAS per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | herdsman | 6-24.90 | |
2-8252-005-01 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Con | Carolan | Drogheda | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Passing forged note | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0108-013 | CAROLAN CON per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Fourteen years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-005-02 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Patrick | Lappen | Drogheda | 38 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | stealing oats | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0108-070 | LAPPEN PATRICK per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-005-03 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Owen | Greevy | Dublin City | 16 | 30 | March | 1819 | felony of a bag of <[coals?]> | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-051 | GREEVY OWEN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-005-04 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Patrick | Hughes | Dublin City | 18 | 10 | March | 1819 | Felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-061 | HUGHES PATRICK per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | saddler | 8-03.20 | |
2-8252-005-05 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Patrick | Dunne | Dublin City | 25 | 17 | April | 1819 | felony of wearing apparel & potatoes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-033 | DUNNE PATRICK per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-005-06 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Murray | Dublin City | 27 | 17 | April | 1819 | felony of wearing apparel & potatoes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-108 | MURRAY JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-005-07 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | Alton | Dublin City | 22 | 18 | May | 1819 | felony of lead | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-003 | ALTON JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | spinner | 7-52.20 | |
2-8252-005-08 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | William | Slack | Dublin City | 20 | 18 | May | 1819 | felony of twine etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-131 | SLACK WILLIAM per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-005-09 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | Adair | Dublin City | 24 | 18 | May | 1819 | felony of watch & other property | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-002 | ADAIR JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 29] | weaver | 7-54.00 | |
2-8252-005-10 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Timothy | Kelly | Dublin City | 24 | 18 | May | 1819 | felony of box coat & other articles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-068 | KELLY TIMOTHY per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | coachman | 9-86.20 | |
2-8252-005-11 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | Osburne | Dublin City | 20 | 22 | June | 1819 | felony of a handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-116 | OSBURNE JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | groom | 6-24.60 | |
2-8252-005-12 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | William | Acres | Dublin City | 17 | 22 | June | 1819 | felony of a snuff box | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-001 | ACRES WILLIAM per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | weaver | 7-54.00 | |
2-8252-005-13 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Garret | Neal | Dublin City | 19 | 22 | June | 1819 | felony of a tea tray | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-111 | NEAL GARRET per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | whitesmith | 8-73.40 | |
2-8252-005-14 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Meehan | Dublin City | 15 | 22 | June | 1819 | felony of a handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-099 | MEEHAN JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | tailor | 7-91.00 | |
2-8252-005-15 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Christopher | Coffey | Dublin City | 25 | 22 | June | 1819 | felony of a bridle & saddle | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-015 | COFFEY CHRISTOPHER per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | grocer | 4-10.30 | |
2-8252-005-16 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Finnegan | Dublin City | 24 | 22 | June | 1819 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-039 | FINNEGAN JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | cabinetmaker | 8-11.20 | |
2-8252-005-17 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | Dobbins | Dublin City | 18 | 22 | June | 1819 | felony of a drawer & money | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-025 | DOBBINS JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | tavern waiter | 5-40.90 | |
2-8252-005-18 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Owen | Rourke | Dublin City | 23 | 2 | July | 1819 | felony of a drawer, trunk etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-126 | ROURKE OWEN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-005-19 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Daniel | Kelly | Dublin City | 23 | 2 | July | 1819 | felony of pocket book, hat etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-067 | KELLY DANIEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-005-20 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Edward | Fitzgerald | Dublin City | 20 | 2 | July | 1819 | felony of a handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-040 | FITZGERALD EDWARD per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | clerk | 3-00.00 | |
2-8252-005-21 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Murphy | Dublin City | 26 | 13 | July | 1819 | felony of a coat, waistcoat etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-104 | MURPHY JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | tailor | 7-91.00 | |
2-8252-005-22 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | William | Nowlan | Dublin City | 36 | 13 | July | 1819 | felony of a flannel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-113 | NOWLAN WILLIAM per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | gardener | 6-27.00 | |
2-8252-005-23 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Gibbons | Dublin City | 23 | 27 | July | 1819 | felony of a saddle | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-047 | GIBBONS JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | indoor servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8252-005-24 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Michael | Frayne | Dublin City | 20 | 27 | July | 1819 | felony of a <[musket?]> | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-044 | FRAYNE MICHAEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | buttonmaker | 9-49.90 | |
2-8252-006-01 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Doyle | Dublin City | 28 | 27 | July | 1819 | felony of saddle | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-032 | DOYLE JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-006-02 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Farrell | Dublin City | 38 | 27 | July | 1819 | felony of saddle | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-036 | FARRELL JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-006-03 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Charles | McDonald | Dublin City | 18 | 3 | August | 1819 | felony of a handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-087 | MCDONALD CHARLES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 30] | weaver | 7-54.00 | |
2-8252-006-04 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Martin | Edwards | Dublin City | 19 | 17 | August | 1819 | felony of a handkerchief & gloves | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-034 | EDWARDS MARTIN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | Assistant in a school | 5 | |
2-8252-006-05 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Fawcett | Dublin City | 22 | 17 | August | 1819 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0108-038 | FAWCETT JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Fourteen years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | indoor servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8252-006-06 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Robinson | Dublin City | 17 | 17 | August | 1819 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-124 | ROBINSON JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | No trade | 5 | |
2-8252-006-07 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Garrigan | Dublin City | 19 | 3 | July | 1819 | felony of gold watch, spoons etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-045 | GARRIGAN JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-006-08 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Owen | Burrowes | Dublin City | 19 | 3 | July | 1819 | felony at large | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-008 | BURROWES OWEN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-006-09 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Patrick | Lennon | Dublin Co | 28 | 5 | July | 1819 | stealing saddles & bridles | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0108-074 | LENNON PATRICK per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-006-10 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Peter | Carberry | Dublin Co | 27 | 5 | July | 1819 | stealing of saddle & coat | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0108-012 | CARBERRY PETER per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | carpenter | 9-54.10 | |
2-8252-006-11 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Andrew | Larkin | Dublin Co | 37 | 5 | July | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0108-071 | LARKIN ANDREW per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-006-12 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Michael | Murray | Dublin Co | 25 | 8 | July | 1819 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0108-110 | MURRAY MICHAEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Life | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-006-13 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Patrick | Wade | Collins | Dublin Co | 26 | 8 | July | 1819 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0108-134 | WADE PATRICK per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Life | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | stableman | 6-24.60 |
2-8252-006-14 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Thomas | McCormick | Dublin Co | 24 | 8 | July | 1819 | Horse Stealing | Life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0108-083 | MCCORMICK THOMAS per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Life | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-006-15 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Michael | Neal | Dublin Co | 20 | 15 | July | 1819 | stealing a flannel, shirt & drawers | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0108-112 | NEAL MICHAEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | cotton weaver | 7-54.32 | |
2-8252-006-16 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Patrick | Bracken | Dublin Co | 22 | 14 | July | 1819 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0108-006 | BRACKEN PATRICK per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | herdsman | 6-24.90 | |
2-8252-006-17 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Byrne | Dublin Co | 24 | 14 | July | 1819 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0108-009 | BYRNE JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | whitesmith | 8-73.40 | |
2-8252-006-18 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | Scott | Dublin Co | 30 | 15 | July | 1819 | stealing blankets | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0108-130 | SCOTT JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | groom | 6-24.60 | |
2-8252-006-19 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | William | Leval | Fermanagh Co | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-076 | LEVAL WILLIAM per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | horse jockey | 1-80.20 | |
2-8252-006-20 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | Murphy | Kildare Co | 36 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Passing forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0108-107 | MURPHY JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Fourteen years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-006-21 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Lawler | Kildare Co | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | passing forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0108-072 | LAWLER JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Fourteen years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 31] | chaiseboy | 8-19.20 | |
2-8252-006-22 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Thomas | Whelan | Kildare Co | 29 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | passing forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0108-137 | WHELAN THOMAS per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Fourteen years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-006-23 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | Kane | Kildare Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0108-062 | KANE JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-006-24 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Peter | Keefe | Kildare Co | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0108-064 | KEEFE PETER per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8252-007-01 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Michael | Whelan | Kildare Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0108-136 | WHELAN MICHAEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8252-007-02 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | George | Ryan | Kildare Co | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0108-128 | RYAN GEORGE per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-007-03 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Flinn | Kildare Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0108-042 | FLINN JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | groom | 6-24.60 | |
2-8252-007-04 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | Fitzpatrick | Kildare Co | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0108-041 | FITZPATRICK JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-007-05 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Connors | Kings Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0108-019 | CONNORS JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8252-007-06 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Michael | Ryan | Kings Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0108-129 | RYAN MICHAEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-007-07 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Andrew | Donnelly | Kings Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0108-027 | DONNELLY ANDREW per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | Dancing master and fidler | ||
2-8252-007-08 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | Donoghue | Kings Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-028 | DONOGHUE JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | cattle herder | 6-24.90 | |
2-8252-007-09 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Thomas | Higgins | Kings Co | 46 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-057 | HIGGINS THOMAS per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | stonemason | 9-51.40 | |
2-8252-007-10 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Michael | Minnock | Kings Co | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | perjury | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0108-101 | MINNOCK MICHAEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | outdoor servant | 9-99.99 | |
2-8252-007-11 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Michael | Connor | Connell | Kings Co | 55 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0108-017 | CONNOR MICHAEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | tailor | 7-91.00 |
2-8252-007-12 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Edward | Hughes | Kings Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0108-060 | HUGHES EDWARD per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | butcher | 7-73.10 | |
2-8252-007-13 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | William | Gilfoyle | Kings Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-048 | GILFOYLE WILLIAM per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | gardener | 6-27.00 | |
2-8252-007-14 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Peter | Fallon | Leitrim | 16 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | stealing money | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0108-035 | FALLON PETER per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-007-15 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Kelagher | Leitrim | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0108-065 | KELAGHER JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 32] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-007-16 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Charles | Mooney | Leitrim | 50 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | passing forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0108-102 | MOONEY CHARLES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Fourteen years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-007-17 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | William | Tully | Londonderry | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | robbing a store of flax | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0108-133 | TULLY WILLIAM per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | carter | 9-86.20 | |
2-8252-007-18 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | George | Glasson | Londonderry | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | robbing a store of flax | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0108-049 | GLASSON GEORGE per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | carter | 9-86.20 | |
2-8252-007-19 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Alexander | Reid | Londonderry | 31 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | robbing a store of flax | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0108-120 | REID ALEXANDER per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | carter | 9-86.20 | |
2-8252-007-20 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Daniel | McFadden | Londonderry | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | robbing a store of flax | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0108-091 | MCFADDEN DANIEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | carter | 9-86.20 | |
2-8252-007-21 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | McCool | Londonderry | 15 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | stealing 4 <[…]> out of a store | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0108-082 | MCCOOL JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | No trade | 5 | |
2-8252-007-22 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Patrick | Dogherty | Londonderry | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | stealing 4 <[…]> out of a store | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0108-026 | DOGHERTY PATRICK per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-007-23 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Richard | Sloan | Londonderry | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | stealing 4 <[…]> out of a store | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0108-132 | SLOAN RICHARD per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | sailor | 9-81.35 | |
2-8252-007-24 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | McDaid | Londonderry | 17 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | stealing 4 <[…]> out of a store | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0108-086 | MCDAID JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-008--01 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Daniel | Ruing | Longford | 24 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0108-127 | RUING DANIEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-008--02 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Michael | Gormond | Longford | 45 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Horse Stealing | Life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0108-050 | GORMOND MICHAEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Life | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-008--03 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Bryan | Kelcher | Longford | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0108-066 | KELCHER BRYAN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-008--04 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Carr | Longford | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-014 | CARR JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | hawker | 4-52.20 | |
2-8252-008--05 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | William | Guncion | Longford | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0108-053 | GUNCION WILLIAM per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | indoor servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8252-008--06 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Michael | Farrell | Longford | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0108-037 | FARRELL MICHAEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-008--07 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | McDonough | Longford | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | robbery with intent to murder | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-089 | MCDONOUGH JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-008--08 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | Campbell | Louth | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-011 | CAMPBELL JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | groom | 6-24.60 | |
2-8252-008--09 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Michael | Kearns | Louth | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-063 | KEARNS MICHAEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-008--10 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | William | Connor | Louth | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-018 | CONNOR WILLIAM per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 33] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8252-008--11 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Lawrence | Murray | Louth | 24 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-109 | MURRAY LAWRENCE per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Life | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 34] | carpenter | 9-54.10 | |
2-8252-008--12 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Charles | Leonard | Meath | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0108-075 | LEONARD CHARLES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 34] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-008--13 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | William | White | Cork City | 29 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0108-138 | WHITE WILLIAM per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 34] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8252-008--14 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Daniel | Hogan | Cork Co | 48 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | burglary | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-058 | HOGAN DANIEL per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-008--15 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | Barry | Cork Co | 42 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Ellenboro' Act | Life | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0108-005 | BARRY JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Life | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 34] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-008--16 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Walsh | Cork Co | 37 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | Life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0108-135 | WALSH JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Life | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 34] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-008--17 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Denis | Cohane | Cork Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | Life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0108-016 | COHANE DENIS per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Life | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 34] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-008--18 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | James | Flinn | Finn | Cork Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | Life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0108-043 | FLINN JAMES per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Life | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 34] | laborer | 9-99.10 |
2-8252-008--19 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | William | Rooney | Cork Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | felony in a dwelling house | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-125 | ROONEY WILLIAM per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 34] | indoor servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8252-008--20 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | John | Grimes | Westmeath Co | 34 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0108-052 | GRIMES JOHN per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 34] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-008--21 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Robert | Pyne | Cork Co | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0108-118 | PYNE ROBERT per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 34] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-008--22 | CASTLE FORBES (1) | BV0108 | 1820 | Denis | Lynch | Cork Co | 42 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0108-079 | LYNCH DENIS per CASTLE FORBES (1) 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-2: 34] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-115-01 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Rowe | Dublin City | 35 | <[blank]> | December | 1814 | rape | Death/pardoned Life | I | 6 | Rape | uneBV0066-174 | ROWE JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-19] | coachman | 9-86.20 | |
2-8252-115-02 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Talbot | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-184 | TALBOT JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Pilot [CON13-1-01: 092-02] | sailor | 9-81.35 | |
2-8252-115-03 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Thomas | Morris | Dublin City | 44 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | felony of a store | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-150 | MORRIS THOMAS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-115-04 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Morris | Murphy | Dublin City | 44 | 7 | January | 1815 | having forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-149 | MORRIS JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-27] | farmer | 6-11.10 |
2-8252-115-05 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Thomas | Higgins | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | February | 1816 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-082 | HIGGINS THOMAS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-24] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-115-06 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Thomas | Kelly | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | February | 1816 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-103 | KELLY THOMAS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-17] | slater | 9-53.20 | |
2-8252-115-07 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Fagan | Dublin City | 19 | 28 | October | 1815 | house robbery | Death/pardoned Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0066-053 | FAGAN JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8252-115-08 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | Fagan | Dublin City | 18 | 28 | October | 1815 | house robbery | Death/pardoned Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0066-054 | FAGAN PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-115-09 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Nicholas | Wholagan | Dunn | Dublin City | 25 | 16 | January | 1816 | having forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-197 | WHOLAGAN NICHOLAS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-115-10 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Charles | Daly | Dublin City | 16 | 13 | February | 1815 | felony watch & wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-035 | DALY CHARLES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-13] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8252-115-11 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | David | Kelly | Dublin City | 16 | 13 | February | 1815 | felony watch & wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-099 | KELLY DAVID per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-16] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8252-115-12 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael | Kearney | <[Hanney]> | Dublin City | 50 | 13 | February | 1815 | felony bed sheet | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-094 | KEARNEY MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | |
2-8252-115-13 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | Wholagahan | Dublin City | 50 | 12 | March | 1816 | having in possession & uttering forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-196 | WHOLAGAHAN PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | dairymaid | 6-25.10 | ||
2-8252-115-14 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael | Burne | Dublin City | 22 | 6 | July | 1816 | Burglary & Robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-020 | BURNE MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-25] | carter | 9-86.20 | |
2-8252-115-15 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Thomas | Shiel | Dublin City | 24 | 6 | July | 1816 | Burglary & Robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-179 | SHIEL THOMAS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-115-16 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Mathews | Dublin City | 46 | 25 | June | 1816 | <[ship]> robbery of bank notes etc | 7 years | uneBV0066-120 | MATHEWS JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |||||
2-8252-115-17 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Denis | Bryan | Dublin City | 46 | 30 | April | 1816 | <[ship]> robbery of bank notes etc | 7 years | uneBV0066-013 | BRYAN DENIS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-26] | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||||
2-8252-115-18 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Thomas | Marlow | Dublin City | 32 | 25 | March | 1816 | felony of money | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-118 | MARLOW THOMAS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-12] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8252-115-19 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Ashe | Dublin City | 26 | 6 | July | 1816 | having forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-003 | ASHE JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-12] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8252-115-20 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Dignum | Dublin City | 18 | 16 | April | 1816 | felony of tobacco | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-040 | DIGNUM JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-115-21 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | William | Dunn | Dublin City | 26 | 30 | April | 1816 | felony of paper | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-050 | DUNN WILLIAM per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8252-115-22 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Edward | Kelly | Dublin City | 42 | 16 | April | 1816 | felony of plate | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-100 | KELLY EDWARD per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8252-115-23 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Thomas | Kelly | Kenna | Dublin City | 20 | 30 | April | 1816 | felony of beef | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-104 | KELLY THOMAS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | |
2-8252-116-01 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Bryan | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | May | 1816 | having in possession forged notes | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0066-014 | BRYAN JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | whitesmith | 8-73.40 | ||
2-8252-116-02 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Thomas | Connor | Dublin City | 21 | 11 | June | 1816 | felony of a watch & money | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-030 | CONNOR THOMAS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | stonecutter | 8-20.90 | ||
2-8252-116-03 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Brady | Dublin City | 40 | 25 | June | 1816 | having forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-011 | BRADY JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-17] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-116-04 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | William | Walsh | Dublin City | 48 | 25 | June | 1816 | felony of snuff box & money | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-192 | WALSH WILLIAM per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-14] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8252-116-05 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Ennis | Dublin City | <[18]> | 6 | July | 1816 | Burglary & Robbery | Death/pardoned Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-052 | ENNIS JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-02] | nailor | 8-39.90 | |
2-8252-116-06 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Thomas | Keane | Dublin City | 19 | 25 | June | 1816 | felony of a watch | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-093 | KEANE THOMAS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-24] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-116-07 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Richard | Sennot | Dublin City | 30 | 5 | July | 1816 | felony of a watch & seals | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-177 | SENNOT RICHARD per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8252-116-08 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Flyn | Foy | Dublin City | 18 | 5 | July | 1816 | felony of silk handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-059 | FLYN JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-09] | laborer | 9-99.10 |
2-8252-116-09 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | William | Connor | Dublin City | 21 | 28 | July | 1815 | felony of towels & wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-031 | CONNOR WILLIAM per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-116-10 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | McKeon | McClune | Dublin City | 30 | 28 | July | 1815 | passing forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-138 | MCKEON JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | |
2-8252-116-11 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael | Bennon | Beenon | Dublin City | 17 | 28 | July | 1815 | felony of a desk | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-008 | BENNON MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-10] | servant | 5-40.10 |
2-8252-116-12 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Morgan | Kelly | Dublin City | 31 | 6 | August | 1816 | felony of brass pans & other property | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-101 | KELLY MORGAN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | carpenter | 9-54.10 | ||
2-8252-116-13 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Revell | Dublin City | 32 | 27 | August | 1816 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-169 | REVELL JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-28] | waiter | 5-32.10 | |
2-8252-116-14 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Robert | Thomson | Dublin City | 32 | 6 | August | 1816 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-186 | THOMSON ROBERT per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | coach harness maker | 8-03.20 | ||
2-8252-116-15 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Bernard | McPike | Dublin City | 21 | 6 | August | 1816 | felony of a saddle | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-142 | MCPIKE BERNARD per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-18] | groom | 6-24.60 | |
2-8252-116-16 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Mathews | Dublin City | 40 | 3 | September | 1816 | felony of money | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-121 | MATHEWS JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-22] | Shop clerk | ||
2-8252-116-17 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James or Joseph | Morton | Merton | Dublin City | 18 | 10 | September | 1816 | felony of books | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-151 | MORTON JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-11] | painter | 9-31.20 |
2-8252-116-18 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael | Quinn | Dublin City | 45 | 28 | October | 1816 | <[feloneously]> having forged notes | 14 years | uneBV0066-166 | QUINN MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | |||||
2-8252-116-19 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | Jennings | Dublin City | 50 | 15 | April | 1816 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0066-090 | JENNINGS PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | gentlemans servant | 5-40.30 | ||
2-8252-116-20 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael | Farrell | Dublin City | 25 | 28 | May | 1816 | felony of bank notes & pocket book | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-055 | FARRELL MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-01] | boatman | 9-81.00 | |
2-8252-116-21 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Flood | Dublin City | 23 | 24 | September | 1816 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-058 | FLOOD JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-07] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-116-22 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Walsh | King | Dublin City | 34 | 24 | October | 1816 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-191 | WALSH JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-04] | inn waiter | 5-32.90 |
2-8252-116-23 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael | Bennett | Dublin City | 22 | 11 | October | 1816 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-007 | BENNETT MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | coachmaker | 8-19.20 | ||
2-8252-116-24 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | George | McMullin | Dublin City | 28 | 28 | October | 1816 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-140 | MCMULLIN GEORGE per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-16] | groom | 6-24.60 | |
2-8252-117-01 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Flyn | O'Sullivan | Dublin City | 35 | 22 | October | 1816 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0066-061 | FLYN JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-15] | blacksmith's hammerman | 8-31.10 |
2-8252-117-02 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Edward | Rogers | Dublin City | 25 | 22 | October | 1816 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0066-172 | ROGERS EDWARD per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | country servant | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8252-117-03 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Gilshenon | Dublin City | 35 | 22 | October | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0066-068 | GILSHENON JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-11] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8252-117-04 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | William | Gibton | Cave | Dublin City | 30 | 5 | November | 1816 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-066 | GIBTON WILLIAM per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-23] | <[blank]> | <[na]> |
2-8252-117-05 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Sloane | Dublin City | 30 | 5 | November | 1816 | felony of wine | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-180 | SLOANE JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | bricklayer | 9-51.20 | ||
2-8252-117-06 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Edward | O'Brien | Dublin City | 35 | 5 | November | 1816 | felony of <[borrila]> | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-160 | OBRIEN EDWARD per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-05] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-117-07 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Mills | Dublin City | 23 | 10 | January | 1817 | street robbery | 7 years | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0066-145 | MILLS JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | |||
2-8252-117-08 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Thomas | Jones | Dublin City | 40 | 23 | July | 1816 | felony of a hat | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-091 | JONES THOMAS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-117-09 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | William | Gibbon | Dublin City | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | 1816 | felony of lead | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-065 | GIBBON WILLIAM per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-21] | slater | 9-53.20 | |
2-8252-117-10 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael | Gilliffe | Dublin City | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | 1816 | felony of lead | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-067 | GILLIFFE MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-22] | slater | 9-53.20 | |
2-8252-117-11 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | George | Ball | Dublin City | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | 1816 | felony of <[valice]> & wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-004 | BALL GEORGE per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-10] | cutler | 8-39.15 | |
2-8252-117-12 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | Mooney | Dublin City | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | 1816 | felony oats | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-147 | MOONEY PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8252-117-13 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael | Barrett | Dublin City | 34 | 7 | December | 1816 | entering house with intent to rob | 7 years | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0066-005 | BARRETT MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-15] | carter | 9-86.20 | |
2-8252-117-14 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Burne | Dublin City | 18 | 17 | December | 1816 | felony lamps | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-018 | BURNE JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | carpenter | 9-54.10 | ||
2-8252-117-15 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Donally | Dublin City | 40 | 17 | December | 1816 | felony of saddle & wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-043 | DONALLY JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-08] | stonecutter | 8-20.90 | |
2-8252-117-16 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | McGinnis | Dublin City | 16 | 17 | December | 1816 | felony calico | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-132 | MCGINNIS JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-23] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8252-117-17 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Doyle | Dublin City | 21 | 17 | December | 1816 | felony stockings & veil | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-046 | DOYLE JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-13] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-117-18 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Owen | McDaniel | Dublin City | 22 | 18 | February | 1815 | Burglary & Robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-127 | MCDANIEL OWEN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-25] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8252-117-19 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Higgins | Dublin City | 18 | 15 | April | 1815 | felony of shawls | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-081 | HIGGINS JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-20] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-117-20 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Thomas | Hall | Dublin City | 48 | 25 | June | 1815 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-076 | HALL THOMAS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | plaisterer | 9-55.10 | ||
2-8252-117-21 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael | McGennis | Dublin City | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | 1816 | felony malt | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-130 | MCGENNIS MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-117-22 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Thomas | Morgan | Dublin City | 25 | 7 | December | 1816 | Highway Robbery | Death/pardoned Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0066-148 | MORGAN THOMAS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | fisherman | 6-41.00 | ||
2-8252-117-23 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael | Talbot | Dublin City | 46 | 7 | December | 1816 | Highway Robbery | Death/pardoned Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0066-185 | TALBOT MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8252-117-24 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Bernard | Burne | Brynn | Dublin City | 45 | 10 | October | 1815 | felony lamps | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-017 | BURNE BERNARD per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-21] | laborer | 9-99.10 |
2-8252-118-01 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael or Mark | Dungannon | Corkran | Dublin City | 50 | 16 | January | 1816 | felony of tea trays | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-048 | DUNGANNON MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | |
2-8252-118-02 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | McGrath | Dublin City | 50 | 30 | January | 1816 | felony of paper | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-134 | MCGRATH JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-118-03 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Lawler | Dublin City | 28 | 18 | February | 1816 | felony of a mare cart & <[…]> | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-108 | LAWLER JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-18] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8252-118-04 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | Murphy | Burne | Dublin City | 30 | 27 | February | 1816 | having forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-156 | MURPHY PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-19] | servant | 5-40.10 |
2-8252-118-05 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Corkran | Dublin City | 34 | 27 | February | 1816 | having forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-032 | CORKRAN JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-118-06 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Ryan | Dublin City | 36 | 12 | March | 1816 | Felony of calico | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-175 | RYAN JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-118-07 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael | Cox | Dublin City | 44 | 6 | July | 1816 | having forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-033 | COX MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-20] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-118-08 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | William | Leo | Dublin City | 30 | 25 | June | 1816 | felony of harness | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-111 | LEO WILLIAM per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8252-118-09 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Peter | Allen | Dublin City | 26 | 6 | July | 1816 | Burglary & Robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-001 | ALLEN PETER per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8252-118-10 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Terence | Rice | Dublin City | <[28, 34]> | 23 | July | 1816 | felony of tarpaulin | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-170 | RICE TERENCE per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-03] | glassmaker | ||
2-8252-118-11 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | Sheridan | Shernon | Dublin City | 20 | 5 | August | 1816 | felony of brass pans & other property | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-178 | SHERIDAN PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | sawyer | 7-32.10 | |
2-8252-118-12 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael | Woods | Collins | Dublin City | 21 | 5 | August | 1816 | felony of a saddle | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-199 | WOODS MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | wig maker | ||
2-8252-118-13 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | William | Hughes | Dublin City | 21 | 5 | August | 1816 | felony of a saddle | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-086 | HUGHES WILLIAM per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-14] | masons labourer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-118-14 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | David | Garbally | Dublin City | 41 | 13 | August | 1816 | felony of sheets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-064 | GARBALLY DAVID per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-118-15 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Daniel | Parker | Dublin City | 36 | 28 | October | 1816 | Horse Stealing | Death/pardoned Life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0066-162 | PARKER DANIEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-118-16 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Fulton | Dublin City | 24 | 27 | December | 1815 | felony of a watch & hat | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-063 | FULTON JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8252-118-17 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | Smith | Dublin City | 50 | 17 | February | 1816 | vending cards with forged stamps | 7 years | uneBV0066-181 | SMITH PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | gentlemans servant | 5-40.30 | |||||
2-8252-118-18 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Dunn | Dublin City | 36 | 5 | November | 1816 | felony of having forged notes | 14 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-049 | DUNN JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8252-118-19 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Christopher | Kelly | Dublin City | 40 | 16 | July | 1816 | vagrancy | 14 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0066-098 | KELLY CHRISTOPHER per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-118-20 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | William | Grady | Dublin City | 40 | 16 | October | 1816 | house robbery | Death/pardoned Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0066-073 | GRADY WILLIAM per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | farrier | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8252-118-21 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Walter | Archbald | Dublin City | 20 | 16 | October | 1816 | street robbery | Death/pardoned Life | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0066-002 | ARCHBALD WALTER per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-06] | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-118-22 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Trayner | Kilmainham County Dublin | 30 | 24 | October | 1815 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-188 | TRAYNER JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-29] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8252-118-23 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Bernard | Kelly | Kilmainham County Dublin | 28 | 11 | January | 1816 | having forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-097 | KELLY BERNARD per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-119-01 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Dooley | Kilmainham County Dublin | 19 | 29 | April | 1816 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-044 | DOOLEY JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Pilot [CON13-1-01: 092-01] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-119-02 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Thomas | Kelly | Kilmainham County Dublin | 27 | 6 | July | 1816 | Burglary & Robbery | Death/pardoned Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-105 | KELLY THOMAS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-119-03 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Richard | Caffroy | Kilmainham County Dublin | 24 | 17 | February | 1816 | stealing a piece of cloth | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0066-021 | CAFFROY RICHARD per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 80-02] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-119-04 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | William | Ready | Kilmainham County Dublin | 28 | 29 | April | 1816 | having forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-167 | READY WILLIAM per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | stable servant | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8252-119-05 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | Browne | Kilmainham County Dublin | <[blank]> | 16 | October | 1816 | cow stealing | 14 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0066-012 | BROWNE PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-30] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-119-06 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Thomas | Mulholland | Kilmainham County Dublin | 30 | 16 | October | 1816 | Highway Robbery | Death/pardoned Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0066-152 | MULHOLLAND THOMAS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-119-07 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Daly | Kilmainham County Dublin | 19 | 16 | October | 1816 | Highway Robbery | Death/pardoned Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0066-037 | DALY JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-31] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-119-08 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Nicholas | Savage | Kilmainham County Dublin | 27 | 16 | October | 1816 | Highway Robbery | Death/pardoned Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0066-176 | SAVAGE NICHOLAS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8252-119-09 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Guider | Tipperary Co | 22 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | offence under Insurrection Act | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-075 | GUIDER JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-119-10 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | Leddong | Tipperary Co | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | offence under Insurrection Act | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-109 | LEDDING PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-119-11 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Philip | Dwyer | Tipperary Co | 42 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | sedition | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0066-051 | DWYER PHILIP per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8252-119-12 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Lawrence | Reilly | Louth Co | 18 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1816 | felony of timber | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-168 | REILLY LAWRENCE per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-119-13 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael or Mathew | McElroy | Louth Co | 22 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1816 | felony of timber | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-129 | MCELROY MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-119-14 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Francis | Murphy | Louth Co | 29 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-155 | MURPHY FRANCIS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8252-119-15 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Meath | Louth Co | 31 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-144 | MEATH JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8252-119-16 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Burne | Louth Co | 29 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0066-019 | BURNE JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-119-17 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Philip | Ward | Louth Co | 37 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-194 | WARD PHILIP per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-119-18 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | Finnegan | Louth Co | 61 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | Horse Stealing | Death/pardoned Life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0066-056 | FINNEGAN PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-119-19 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | Kelly | Louth Co | 22 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | Highway Robbery | Death/pardoned Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0066-102 | KELLY PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-39] | stable helper | 6-24.60 | |
2-8252-119-20 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | Ward | Meath Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent Assizes | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0066-193 | WARD PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-119-21 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Bryan | Brady | Meath Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent Assizes | 1816 | perjury | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0066-010 | BRADY BRYAN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-40] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-119-22 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Goggin | Gaughran | Meath Co | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent Assizes | 1816 | perjury | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0066-070 | GOGGIN JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-41] | Brogue maker | 8-01.10 |
2-8252-119-23 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael | Leonard | Meath Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | having forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-112 | LEONARD MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-120-01 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Charles | Mulloy | Westmeath Co | 32 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | having forged notes | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-153 | MULLOY CHARLES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-120-02 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Fox | Westmeath Co | 27 | <[blank]> | April | 1816 | offence under Insurrection Act | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-062 | FOX JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-120-03 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Thomas | McGiff | Westmeath Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | robbery | Death/pardoned Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-131 | MCGIFF THOMAS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8252-120-04 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Arthur | Keefe | Cork Co | 14 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | stealing money & a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0066-095 | KEEFE ARTHUR per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-08] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8252-120-05 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Denis | Hourahan | Cork Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | burglary & felony | Death/pardoned Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-084 | HOURAHAN DENIS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-120-06 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Cornelius | Hourahan | Cork Co | 14 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | burglary & felony | Death/pardoned Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-083 | HOURAHAN CORNELIUS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-120-07 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Collins | Cork Co | 57 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | sheep stealing | Death/pardoned Life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0066-023 | COLLINS JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-120-08 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael | Collins | Hurley | Cork Co | 22 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1816 | stealing money from different houses | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0066-024 | COLLINS MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-120-09 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Sullivan | Cork Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1816 | Highway Robbery | Death/pardoned Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0066-183 | SULLIVAN JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-120-10 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Connor | Cork Co | 60 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0066-028 | CONNOR JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-120-11 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Cornelius | Connor | Cork Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0066-026 | CONNOR CORNELIUS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-120-12 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Richard | Connor | Cork Co | 36 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0066-029 | CONNOR RICHARD per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-120-13 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Daniel | Connor | Cork Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0066-027 | CONNOR DANIEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-120-14 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | Mahony | Cork City | 23 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | larceny from a house | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0066-115 | MAHONY PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | sawyer | 7-32.10 | ||
2-8252-120-15 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Mckenna | Monaghan Co | 19 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0066-136 | MCKENNA JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-120-16 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Owen | Hughes | Monaghan Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0066-085 | HUGHES OWEN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-120-17 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Malone | Monaghan Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | house breaking & robbery | Death/pardoned Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0066-117 | MALONE JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-120-18 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | McDonough | Kerry Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1816 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0066-128 | MCDONOUGH JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-36] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-120-19 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Daniel | Daly | Limerick Co | 32 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1816 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0066-036 | DALY DANIEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-37] | clerk | 3-00.00 | |
2-8252-120-20 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | Fitzgibbon | Limerick Co | 31 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1816 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0066-057 | FITZGIBBON PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-121-01 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Roberts | Limerick Co | 50 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1816 | coining | 7 years | III | 31 | Forging & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-171 | ROBERTS JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-121-02 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Jackson | Limerick Co | 22 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-088 | JACKSON JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-121-03 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Andrew | McMahon | Clare Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | house robbery | Death/pardoned Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0066-139 | MCMAHON ANDREW per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8252-121-04 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Andrew | Kenny | Galway Co | 35 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1816 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0066-106 | KENNY ANDREW per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-33]; | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-121-05 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Mathew | Daw | Galway Co | 38 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1816 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0066-038 | DAW MATHEW per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-121-06 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Mathew | Rouahan | Galway Co | 39 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1816 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0066-173 | ROUAHAN MATHEW per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-34] | soldier | 5-83.40 | |
2-8252-121-07 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | Kagan | Galway Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0066-092 | KAGAN PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-32] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-121-08 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John or James | Kiernan | Tiernan | Galway Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1816 | having forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-107 | KIERNAN JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | teacher | 1-30.20 | |
2-8252-121-09 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John or Pat | Gooley | Gooly or Denny | Galway Co | 34 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1816 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0066-071 | GOOLEY JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | |
2-8252-121-10 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Edward | Lenargan | Waterford Co | 42 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1816 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0066-110 | LENARGAN EDWARD per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-121-11 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | William | Warren | Waterford City | 50 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1816 | having forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-195 | WARREN WILLIAM per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8252-121-12 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Peter | Pigeon | Queens Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | having concealed arms | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-163 | PIGEON PETER per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-121-13 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Edward | Ging | Queens Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0066-069 | GING EDWARD per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8252-121-14 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Thomas | Maher | Mahon | Queens Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | robbery | Death/pardoned Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-114 | MAHER THOMAS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-121-15 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Peter | Hanlan | Kings Co | 38 | 9 | August | 1816 | having forges notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-077 | HANLAN PETER per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-121-16 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael | Mulpeter | Kings Co | 26 | 9 | August | 1816 | having forges notes | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-154 | MULPETER MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-121-17 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Dooley | Kings Co | 46 | 9 | August | 1816 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0066-045 | DOOLEY JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8252-121-18 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Charles | O'Donnel | Mayo Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | Burglary & Robbery | Death/pardoned Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-161 | ODONNEL CHARLES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-121-19 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Flyn | Mayo Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-060 | FLYN JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | country servant | 6-21.20 | ||
2-8252-122-01 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Hay | Sligo Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-079 | HAY JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | herd | 6-24.90 | ||
2-8252-122-02 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Daniel | McCormack | Sligo Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0066-125 | MCCORMUCK DANIEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-122-03 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Mcgrady | Kilkenny City | 30 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1816 | burglary & felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-133 | MCGRADY JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8252-122-04 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Lawrence | Burdon | Furlong | Wexford Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | sheep & cow stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0066-016 | BURDON LAWRENCE per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8252-122-05 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Martin | Mallon | Tyrone Co | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | taking arms by night | 7 years | 18 | Robbery and stealing from the person | uneBV0066-119 | MARTIN JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8252-122-06 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Francis | Cush | Tyrone Co | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | Horse Stealing | Death/pardoned Life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0066-034 | CUSH FRANCIS per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-42] | weaver | 7-54.00 | |
2-8252-122-07 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Gubbey | Tyrone Co | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0066-074 | GUBBEY JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-44] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8252-122-08 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Edward | Donahoe | Tyrone Co | 23 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | felony of pocket books | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-042 | DONAHOE EDWARD per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-43] | seaman | 9-81.35 | |
2-8252-122-09 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | Hunt | Kildare Co | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0066-087 | HUNT PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-35] | butcher | 7-73.10 | |
2-8252-122-10 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Andrew | Minta | Murtagh | Kildare Co | 26 | <[blank]> | April | 1816 | house breaking | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0066-146 | MINTA ANDREW per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-122-11 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Hays | Kildare Co | 20 | <[blank]> | July | 1816 | stealing <[heffers]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0066-080 | HAYS JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-122-12 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Edward | Jameson | Down Co | 37 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0066-089 | JAMESON EDWARD per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-122-13 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Charles | Malone | Down Co | 43 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0066-116 | MALONE CHARLES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | Riddle maker | |||
2-8252-122-14 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Lindon | Down Co | 17 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0066-113 | LINDON JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-09] | weaver | 7-54.00 | |
2-8252-122-15 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | William | Murray | Down Co | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | stealing bank notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0066-158 | MURRAY WILLIAM per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-122-16 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Terence | Keernan | Drogheda | 26 | <[blank]> | July | 1816 | felony of bank notes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-096 | KEERNAN TERENCE per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | Educated for a priest | |||
2-8252-122-17 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Hugh | Mcpike | Londonderry | 54 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | having forged notes | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-143 | MCPIKE HUGH per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 079-38] | weaver | 7-54.00 | |
2-8252-123-01 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Owen | Dignum | Longford | 35 | <[blank]> | July | 1816 | having forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-041 | DIGNUM OWEN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-123-02 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Oliver | Wallace | Longford | 35 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | murder | Death/pardoned Life | I | 3 | Murder | uneBV0066-190 | WALLACE OLIVER per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-123-03 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Charles | Connell | Longford | 34 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | burglary | Death/pardoned Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-025 | CONNELL CHARLES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-123-04 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Owen | Tunney | Roscommon Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | house breaking & robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0066-189 | TUNNEY OWEN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-123-05 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | James | Tonson | Johnson | Roscommon Co | 45 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | stealing clothes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0066-187 | TONSON JAMES per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-123-06 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Dempsy | Roscommon Co | 28 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0066-039 | DEMPSY JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8252-123-07 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Murray | Antrim Co | 36 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | fraud | 14 years | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0066-157 | MURRAY JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-07] | merchants clerk | 3-00.00 | |
2-8252-123-08 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Robert | Belfour | Antrim Co | 17 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-006 | BELFOUR ROBERT per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-05] | tailor | 7-91.00 | |
2-8252-123-09 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Loughlin | McCleare | McClean | Antrim Co | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | robbing a bleach | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0066-124 | MCCLEARE LOUGHLIN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | |
2-8252-123-10 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Bernard | Woods | Antrim Co | 18 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0066-198 | WOODS BERNARD per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-04] | linen weaver | 7-54.32 | |
2-8252-123-11 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Blakely | Antrim Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0066-009 | BLAKELY JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-123-12 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | Mckenna | Antrim Co | 45 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | Bleach Green robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-137 | MCKENNA PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8252-123-13 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Robert | Nesbit | Antrim Co | 16 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | shop breaking | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0066-159 | NESBIT ROBERT per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-123-14 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Philip | McBride | Antrim Co | 18 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | robbing a store | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0066-123 | MCBRIDE PHILIP per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-123-15 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Michael | McNally | Antrim Co | 33 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | Bleach Green robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-141 | MCNALLY MICHAEL per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-123-16 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Young | Antrim Co | 31 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0066-200 | YOUNG JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-123-17 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | George | Stephenson | Antrim Co | 35 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | stealing money | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0066-182 | STEPHENSON GEORGE per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-123-18 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | William | Hare | Antrim Co | 18 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0066-078 | HARE WILLIAM per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-06] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8252-123-19 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Dominic | McIllhatton | Antrim Co | 38 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1816 | Burglary & Robbery | Death/pardoned Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-135 | MCILLHATTON DOMINIC per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-123-20 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Hugh | Gordon | Armagh Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1816 | burglary | Death/pardoned Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-072 | GORDON HUGH per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-01] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8252-123-21 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Patrick | McCusker | Armagh Co | 45 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1816 | felony | Death/pardoned Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-126 | MCCUSKER PATRICK per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-03] | linen weaver | 7-54.32 | |
2-8252-123-22 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | George | Campbell | Armagh Co | 35 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1816 | felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-022 | CAMPBELL GEORGE per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Jupiter [CON13-1-01: 078-02] | cotton weaver | 7-54.32 | |
2-8252-124-01 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Mcardell | Armagh Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1815 | having forged notes in possession | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0066-122 | MCARDELL JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 14 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-124-02 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Quinn | Armagh Co | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1815 | felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0066-165 | QUINN JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8252-124-03 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Christopher | Quinn | Wicklow Co | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0066-164 | QUINN CHRISTOPHER per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8252-124-04 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | John | Doyle | Wicklow Co | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0066-047 | DOYLE JOHN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, 7 years | M | broad cloth weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8252-124-05 | CHAPMAN (1) | BV0066 | 1817 | Loughlin | Bryan | Wicklow Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1816 | cow stealing | Death/pardoned Life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0066-015 | BRYAN LOUGHLIN per CHAPMAN (1) 1817, Life | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8255-003-01 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Thomas | Hogan | Antrim | 45 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-090 | HOGAN THOMAS per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-003-02 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Corr | Antrim | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Horse Stealing | Life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0098-031 | CORR JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-003-03 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Magennis | Antrim | 22 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | having stolen goods in possession | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0098-113 | MAGENNIS JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-003-04 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | William | Underwood | Antrim | 22 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | grand larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-179 | UNDERWOOD WILLIAM per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-003-05 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Joseph | Underwood | Antrim | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | grand larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-178 | UNDERWOOD JOSEPH per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8255-003-06 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Hughes | Antrim | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-091 | HUGHES JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-003-07 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Coyle | Antrim | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-032 | COYLE JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8255-003-08 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Thomas | Freehily | Antrim | 50 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Horse Stealing | Life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0098-068 | FREEHILY THOMAS per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-003-09 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Thomas | Salmon | Armagh | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | stealing plate | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-163 | SALMON THOMAS per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-003-10 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | James | Rice | Armagh | 35 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0098-153 | RICE JAMES per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-003-11 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Alexr | Hamilton | Armagh | 45 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0098-081 | HAMILTON ALEXANDER per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-003-12 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Richardson | Armagh | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0098-155 | RICHARDSON JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8255-003-13 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Killin | Armagh | 35 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-103 | KILLIN JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8255-003-14 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Michael | Donnelly | Armagh | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | stealing cloth | Life | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-044 | DONNELLY MICHAEL per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-003-15 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | McKenna | Armagh | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Horse Stealing | Life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0098-126 | MCKENNA JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | cattle dealer | 4-10.20 | ||
2-8255-003-16 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Christr | Henderson | Cavan | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-086 | HENDERSON CHRISTOPHER per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | inn keeper | |||
2-8255-003-17 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Thomas | Smith | Cavan | 52 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | house robbery | Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0098-168 | SMITH THOMAS per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8255-003-18 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Michael | Owens | Cavan | 58 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-147 | OWENS MICHAEL per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-003-19 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | Owens | Cavan | 50 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-148 | OWENS PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-003-20 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | James | Dunn | Cavan | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-051 | DUNN JAMES per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-004-01 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Maurice | Foohy | Cork Co | 21 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-065 | FOOHY MAURICE per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-004-02 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Redmond | Condon | Cork Co | 41 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | Life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-024 | CONDON REDMOND per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | quarryman | 7-11.10 | ||
2-8255-004-03 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Sweeny | Cork Co | 50 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | stealing tea & sugar | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-171 | SWEENY JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | woolcomber | 7-51.45 | ||
2-8255-004-04 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Walter | Sweeny | Cork Co | 27 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | stealing tea & sugar | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-172 | SWEENY WALTER per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-004-05 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Daniel | Sweeny | Cork Co | 19 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | stealing tea & sugar | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-170 | SWEENY DANIEL per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-004-06 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Denis | Glasson | Cork Co | 36 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | stealing tea & sugar | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-073 | GLASSON DENIS per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-004-07 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | William | Sweeny | Cork Co | 17 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | stealing tea & sugar | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-173 | SWEENY WILLIAM per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-004-08 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Denis | Barry | Cork Co | 27 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | keeping forcible possessions | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0098-001 | BARRY DENIS per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1822 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-02: 193-04] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8255-004-09 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Thomas | Barry | Cork Co | 35 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | keeping forcible possessions | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0098-003 | BARRY THOMAS per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-004-10 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Gorman | Cork Co | 33 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-076 | GORMAN JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8255-004-11 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | William | Organ | Cork Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-146 | ORGAN WILLIAM per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | wheelwright | 8-19.25 | ||
2-8255-004-12 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Michael | Lane | Cork Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-108 | LANE MICHAEL per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-004-13 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Irwin | Cork Co | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-095 | IRWIN JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-004-14 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Cornelius | King | Cork Co | 39 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-104 | KING CORNELIUS per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-004-15 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Lynch | Shanahan | Cork Co | 34 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-111 | LYNCH JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8255-004-16 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Edward | Murphy | Cork Co | 35 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-139 | MURPHY EDWARD per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-004-17 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | James | Quinlan | Cork Co | 44 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-151 | QUINLAN JAMES per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-004-18 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | Murphy | Cork Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-140 | MURPHY PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-004-19 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Maurice | Cronin | Cork Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-033 | CRONIN MAURICE per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-004-20 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Barry | Cork Co | 33 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-002 | BARRY JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1822 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-02: 193-03] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8255-004-21 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Jeremiah | Buckley | Cork Co | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-010 | BUCKLEY JEREMIAH per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-004-22 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Michael | Dinneen | Cork Co | 35 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-042 | DINNEEN MICHAEL per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8255-004-23 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Henry | Flanagan | Cork Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-064 | FLANAGAN HENRY per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-004-24 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Michael | Torpey | Cork Co | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0098-175 | TORPEY MICHAEL per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-004-25 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Buckley | Cork Co | 60 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0098-011 | BUCKLEY JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-005-01 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Andrew | May | Donegal | 54 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-114 | MAY ANDREW per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-005-02 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Thomas | Knox | Donegal | 42 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Receiving stolen goods | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0098-106 | KNOX THOMAS per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-005-03 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Thomas | Freeburn | Donegal | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-067 | FREEBURN THOMAS per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-005-04 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Daniel | McGinlay | Donegal | 36 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Horse Stealing | 7 years | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0098-123 | MCGINLAY DANIEL per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-005-05 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | William | Rutledge | Down | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-162 | RUTLEDGE WILLIAM per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | hawker | 4-52.20 | ||
2-8255-005-06 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Daniel | Stewart | Down | 50 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-169 | STEWART DANIEL per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | muslin weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8255-005-07 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Millikin | Down | 38 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-132 | MILLIKIN JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8255-005-08 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | William | Kirk | Down | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-105 | KIRK WILLIAM per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-005-09 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Francis | Graves | John Smith | Down | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | robbing a Bleach Green | Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0098-078 | GRAVES FRANCIS per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 239-24] | seaman | 9-81.35 |
2-8255-005-10 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Bernd | Cunningham | Shields | Down | 35 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | robbing a Bleach Green | Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0098-035 | CUNNINGHAM BERNARD per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | |
2-8255-005-11 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Hugh | McClean | Down | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-120 | MCCLEAN HUGH per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | tobacco spinner | 7-81.00 | ||
2-8255-005-12 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Cloghran | Down | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | passing forged notes | Life | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0098-023 | CLOGHRAN JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | linen weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8255-005-13 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Daniel | Byrne | Down | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | Life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-015 | BYRNE DANIEL per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8255-005-14 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Landy | Drogheda | 14 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | grand larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-107 | LANDY JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8255-005-15 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | James | McEntagart | Drogheda | 19 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | grand larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-121 | MCENTAGART JAMES per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | stable boy | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8255-005-16 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Fitzsimmons | Dublin Co | 42 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-062 | FITZSIMMONS JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-005-17 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Oliver | Richards | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | disposing of srolen cotton cord | 7 years | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0098-154 | RICHARDS OLIVER per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | gun lock filer | 8-39.20 | ||
2-8255-005-18 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Thomas | Kelly | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | November | 1818 | Felony wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-099 | KELLY THOMAS per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 239-23] | brickmoulder | 8-92.42 | |
2-8255-005-19 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Michael | Carroll | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | January | 1819 | felony of money | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-020 | CARROLL MICHAEL per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-005-20 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Timothy | Davis | Dublin City | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | April | 1819 | felony of bank notes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-040 | DAVIS TIMOTHY per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8255-006-01 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | James | Gibson | Fermanagh | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0098-072 | GIBSON JAMES per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-006-02 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Felix | McKin | Fermanagh | 16 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-127 | MCKIN FELIX per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | pedlar | 4-52.20 | ||
2-8255-006-03 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | James | Norton | Kildare | 36 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cattle stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-143 | NORTON JAMES per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8255-006-04 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Andrew | Brennan | Kildare | 26 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cattle stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-007 | BRENNAN ANDREW per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8255-006-05 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Dunn | Kildare | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cattle stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-052 | DUNN JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-006-06 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Thomas | Keating | Kildare | 22 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-098 | KEATING THOMAS per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-006-07 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | English | Kildare | 27 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | robbery of potatoes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-054 | ENGLISH JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8255-006-08 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Luke | Gorman | Kildare | 39 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | passing forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0098-077 | GORMAN LUKE per DAPHNE 1819, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-006-09 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Hugh | Quigley | Kildare | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-150 | QUIGLEY HUGH per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-006-10 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | William | Shean | Kildare | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-165 | SHEAN WILLIAM per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8255-006-11 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Peter | Murphy | Kildare | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-141 | MURPHY PETER per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8255-006-12 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | William | Kavanagh | Kildare | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-096 | KAVANAGH WILLIAM per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8255-006-13 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Andrew | Hynes | Kildare | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-094 | HYNES ANDREW per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8255-006-14 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Edward | Fitzsimmons | Kildare | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-061 | FITZSIMMONS EDWARD per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-006-15 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Andrew | Higgins | Kildare | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-088 | HIGGINS ANDREW per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | overseer | |||
2-8255-006-16 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Christopher | Earl | Kildare | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-053 | EARL CHRISTOPHER per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8255-006-17 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Joseph | Healy | Kings Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Horse Stealing | 7 years | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0098-085 | HEALY JOSEPH per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | woollen weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8255-006-18 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Thomas | Bermingham | Kings Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | Highway Robbery | 7 years | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-004 | BERMINGHAM THOMAS per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-006-19 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Michael | Daly | James Clancey | Kings Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0098-039 | DALY MICHAEL per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 239-19] | slater | 9-53.20 |
2-8255-006-20 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | William | Walsh | Kings Co | 32 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0098-180 | WALSH WILLIAM per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | ploughman | 6-21.05 | ||
2-8255-006-21 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Michael | Headon | Nicholas | Kings Co | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-084 | HEADON MICHAEL per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8255-006-22 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | O'Hara | Kings Co | 18 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-145 | OHARA JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | carman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8255-006-23 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Martin | Connell | Kings Co | 17 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | burglary | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-027 | CONNELL MARTIN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | garden labour | 6-27.90 | ||
2-8255-007-01 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Herrick | Kings Co | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-087 | HERRICK JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-007-02 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | Connell | Kings Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-028 | CONNELL PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | quarryman | 7-11.10 | ||
2-8255-007-03 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | Bryan | Kings Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-009 | BRYAN PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-007-04 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Higgins | Tucker | Kings Co | 31 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | burglary | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-089 | HIGGINS JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 239-22] | mariner | 9-81.35 |
2-8255-007-05 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | McManus | Leitrim | 52 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | having in possession forged bank notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0098-130 | MCMANUS PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-007-06 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | McCabe | Leitrim | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | Horse Stealing | 7 years | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0098-116 | MCCABE JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | bullock breaker | |||
2-8255-007-07 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Deen | Dean | Londonderry | 52 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | robbing a Bleach Green | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0098-041 | DEEN JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8255-007-08 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Charles | McGowran | Longford | 14 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0098-124 | MCGOWRAN CHARLES per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-007-09 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Denis | Connaughton | Longford | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-025 | CONNAUGHTON DENIS per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-007-10 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Edward | Cullen | Longford | 47 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0098-034 | CULLEN EDWARD per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | dealer in cattle | 4-10.30 | ||
2-8255-007-11 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Michael | Dowd | Longford | 57 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-046 | DOWD MICHAEL per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-007-12 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Andrew | Magennis | Louth | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | burglary | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-112 | MAGENNIS ANDREW per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-007-13 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Peter | Levins | Louth | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-110 | LEVINS PETER per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | pedlar | 4-52.20 | ||
2-8255-007-14 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | James | Byrne | Louth | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | forgery | Life | III | 30 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0098-016 | BYRNE JAMES per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | schoolmaster | 1-30.20 | ||
2-8255-007-15 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Joseph | Purcell | Meath | 21 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-149 | PURCELL JOSEPH per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 239-14] | attorneys clerk | 3-93.40 | |
2-8255-007-16 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | James | Doyle | Meath | 37 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-048 | DOYLE JAMES per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-007-17 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Bernd | Corcoran | Brien | Meath | 22 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-030 | CORCORAN BERNARD per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | cooper | 8-19.30 | |
2-8255-007-18 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | James | Rogers | Meath | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life - died on passage | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-159 | ROGERS JAMES per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8255-008-01 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Michael | Moran | Meath | 21 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-134 | MORAN MICHAEL per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | carter | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8255-008-02 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | Gogarty | Meath | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-074 | GOGARTY PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8255-008-03 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Peter | Fitzpatrick | Meath | 22 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-060 | FITZPATRICK PETER per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-008-04 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Daniel | Farrell | Meath | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-058 | FARRELL DANIEL per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-008-05 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Farrelly | Meath | 19 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-059 | FARRELLY JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8255-008-06 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Michael | Cassidy | Meath | 60 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-022 | CASSIDY MICHAEL per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-008-07 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | Tully | Meath | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | passing forged noted | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0098-177 | TULLY PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-008-08 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | Fitzsimmons | Meath | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | passing forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0098-063 | FITZSIMMONS PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-008-09 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Charles | McCann | Meath | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Horse Stealing | Life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0098-117 | MCCANN CHARLES per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | nurseryman | 6-27.30 | ||
2-8255-008-10 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | Blake | Meath | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-005 | BLAKE PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-008-11 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | James | Smith | Meath | 34 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-167 | SMITH JAMES per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-008-12 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Brady | Meath | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-006 | BRADY JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8255-008-13 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | Connolly | Meath | 50 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-029 | CONNOLLY PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 239-16] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8255-008-14 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | Cunningham | Monaghan | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | burglary | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-036 | CUNNINGHAM PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-008-15 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Thomas | Burnes | Monaghan | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0098-013 | BURNES THOMAS per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | stable boy | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8255-008-16 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | McMahon | Monaghan | 65 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | perjury | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0098-129 | MCMAHON PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 239-17] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8255-008-17 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Bryan | McGroden | Monaghan | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | stealing a <[heiffer]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-125 | MCGRODEN BRYAN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | stableman | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8255-008-18 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Robert | Campbell | Monaghan | 29 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | stealing linen | 7 years | II | 31 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-019 | CAMPBELL ROBERT per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | linen weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8255-008-19 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Francis | Hand | Monaghan | 21 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-082 | HAND FRANCIS per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | bleacher | 7-56.15 | ||
2-8255-008-20 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Edward | McFadden | Monaghan | 17 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | felony killing a calf | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-122 | MCFADDEN EDWARD per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8255-008-21 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Owen | McBride | Monaghan | 29 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Horse Stealing | Life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0098-115 | MCBRIDE OWEN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | horse dealer | 4-10.20 | ||
2-8255-008-22 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Hughes | Monaghan | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0098-092 | HUGHES JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | linen weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8255-008-23 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Robert | Taggart | Monaghan | 17 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Horse Stealing | 7 years | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0098-174 | TAGGART ROBERT per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | linen weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8255-009-01 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | Shaughnessy | Clancy | Roscommon | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Horse Stealing | Life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0098-164 | SHAUGHNESSY PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | marine | 5-83.40 | |
2-8255-009-02 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Dockery | Roscommon | 26 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | Life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-043 | DOCKERY JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8255-009-03 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Christr | Gallagher | Roscommon | 27 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-069 | GALLAGHER CHRISTOPHER per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | <[?]> | |||
2-8255-009-04 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Thomas | Cunningham | Roscommon | 45 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Horse Stealing | 7 years | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0098-037 | CUNNINGHAM THOMAS per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-009-05 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | William | Keane | Roscommon | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0098-097 | KEANE WILLIAM per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | <[?]> | |||
2-8255-009-06 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | McLaughlin | Roscommon | 36 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | burglary & felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-128 | MCLAUGHLIN JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-009-07 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Luke | O'Donnell | Roscommon | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Horse Stealing | 7 years | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0098-144 | ODONNELL LUKE per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-009-08 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | Fallon | Roscommon | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-056 | FALLON PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 239-21] | shepherd | 6-24.30 | |
2-8255-009-09 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Thomas | Fallon | Roscommon | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-057 | FALLON THOMAS per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8255-009-10 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Edward | Duffey | Roscommon | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-050 | DUFFEY EDWARD per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-009-11 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Bryan | Fallon | Roscommon | 37 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-055 | FALLON BRYAN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | ploughman | 6-21.05 | ||
2-8255-009-12 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Edward | Doyle | Roscommon | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-047 | DOYLE EDWARD per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-009-13 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Nichs | Nerhenny | Roscommon | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-142 | NERHENNY NICHOLAS per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8255-009-14 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | Kenny | Roscommon | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | house robbery | Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0098-102 | KENNY PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-009-15 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Hugh | Kenny | Roscommon | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | house robbery | Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0098-101 | KENNY HUGH per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-009-16 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Philip | Casey | Roscommon | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | administering oaths | Life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0098-021 | CASEY PHILIP per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8255-009-17 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Francis | Mulleady | Roscommon | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-137 | MULLEADY FRANCIS per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-009-18 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Hugh | Gorgon | Grogan | Roscommon | 44 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-075 | GORGON HUGH per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | |
2-8255-009-19 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Thomas | Cunningham | Sligo | 32 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-038 | CUNNINGHAM THOMAS per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-009-20 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | Butler | Sligo | 36 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | Life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-014 | BUTLER PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8255-009-21 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Mark | Rafferty | Sligo | 21 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | Life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-152 | RAFFERTY MARK per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-009-22 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Martin | Burke | Sligo | 29 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-012 | BURKE MARTIN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-009-23 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Terence | McManus | Sligo | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-131 | MCMANUS TERENCE per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-009-24 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Bryan | Grehan | Sligo | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | house robbery | Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0098-079 | GREHAN BRYAN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | sawyer | 7-32.10 | ||
2-8255-009-25 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Hugh | Gallagher | Sligo | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Horse Stealing | Life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0098-070 | GALLAGHER HUGH per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-010-01 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | George | Huston | Tyrone | 46 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-093 | HUSTON GEORGE per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-010-02 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | McCartney | Tyrone | 19 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-118 | MCCARTNEY JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 239-20] | shop boy | 9-99.99 | |
2-8255-010-03 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | James | Rogers | Tyrone | 27 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-160 | ROGERS JAMES per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | linen weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8255-010-04 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Brownly | Tyrone | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0098-008 | BROWNLY JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8255-010-05 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Hugh | McCavill | Tyrone | 24 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | passing forged notes | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0098-119 | MCCAVILL HUGH per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8255-010-06 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Connell | Westmeath | 19 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-026 | CONNELL JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8255-010-07 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Moran | Westmeath | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-133 | MORAN JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8255-010-08 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Michael | Sleavin | Westmeath | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Horse Stealing | 14 years | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0098-166 | SLEAVIN MICHAEL per DAPHNE 1819, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-010-09 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Thomas | Roche | Westmeath | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | frauds and forgeries | Ten years | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0098-156 | ROCHE THOMAS per DAPHNE 1819, 10 years | M | merchant | 4-10.25 | ||
2-8255-010-10 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Bryan | Rowe | Westmeath | 26 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0098-161 | ROWE BRYAN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-010-11 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | Grimes | Westmeath | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | burglaries & felonies | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-080 | GRIMES PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | carter | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8255-010-12 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | William | Dromgoold | Westmeath | 21 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | burglaries & felonies | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-049 | DROMGOOLD WILLIAM per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-010-13 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | William | Hardford | Westmeath | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-083 | HARDFORD WILLIAM per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-010-14 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Campbell | Westmeath | 38 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-018 | CAMPBELL JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | sportsman | |||
2-8255-010-15 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Rochfort | Westmeath | 18 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-157 | ROCHFORT JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-010-16 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Richard | Rochfort | Westmeath | 19 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0098-158 | ROCHFORT RICHARD per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-010-17 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Owen | Dooner | Westmeath | 34 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | passing base coin | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0098-045 | DOONER OWEN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-010-18 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Patrick | Towrish | Westmeath | 35 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | passing base coin | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0098-176 | TOWRISH PATRICK per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | carman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8255-010-19 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Mulligan | Westmeath | 24 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0098-138 | MULLIGAN JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 239-15] | good for nothing | ||
2-8255-010-20 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | William | Moran | Westmeath | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | having base coin in possession | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-136 | MORAN WILLIAM per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8255-010-21 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Byrne | Westmeath | 29 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | stealing potatoes | 7 years - died on passage | II | 30 | Other offences against property | uneBV0098-017 | BYRNE JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8255-010-22 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Andrew | Gibney | Westmeath | 54 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | stealing potatoes | 7 years | II | 30 | Other offences against property | uneBV0098-071 | GIBNEY ANDREW per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-010-23 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Owen | Lennon | Westmeath | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0098-109 | LENNON OWEN per DAPHNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 239-18] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8255-010-24 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Mathew | Fox | Westmeath | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-066 | FOX MATHEW per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-010-25 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | Michael | Moran | Westmeath | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-135 | MORAN MICHAEL per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-010-26 | DAPHNE | BV0098 | 1819 | John | Kenna | Wicklow | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0098-100 | KENNA JOHN per DAPHNE 1819, Life | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8255-171-01 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Andrew | McCall | Antrim | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0116-131 | MCCALL ANDREW per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | farmers boy | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8255-171-02 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Taggart | Antrim | 21 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0116-182 | TAGGART PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8255-171-03 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Charles | Connane | Antrim | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0116-021 | CONNANE CHARLES per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8255-171-04 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Thomas | Mathews | Antrim | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0116-128 | MATHEWS THOMAS per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-171-05 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Richard | Kealing | Antrim | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | robbing Bleach Green | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0116-096 | KEALING RICHARD per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8255-171-06 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Johnston | Antrim | 26 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | having in possession forged dies | life | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0116-092 | JOHNSTON JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | gun stocker | 8-39.20 | ||
2-8255-171-07 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | William | McLoughlin | Antrim | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0116-140 | MCLOUGHLIN WILLIAM per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-171-08 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Kerr | Antrim | 50 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | stealing linen | 7 years | II | 26 | Larceny, other | uneBV0116-108 | KERR JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-171-09 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Neill | Cork City | 22 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | sheep stealing | life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0116-156 | NEILL PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8255-171-10 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Timothy | Goulden | Cork City | 34 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0116-073 | GOULDEN TIMOTHY per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-171-11 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | McAuliff | Cork City | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-130 | MCAULIFF JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-171-12 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Daniel | Sullivan | Cork City | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | larceny from person | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-180 | SULLIVAN DANIEL per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-171-13 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Lane | Cork City | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | larceny from shop | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0116-113 | LANE JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-171-14 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Ahern | Cork City | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0116-001 | AHERN JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | stone setter | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8255-171-15 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Murphy | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0116-149 | MURPHY JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | cabinetmaker | 8-11.20 | ||
2-8255-171-16 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Maurice | Reynolds | Cork City | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0116-165 | REYNOLDS MAURICE per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-171-17 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Daniel | Hays | Cork City | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0116-085 | HAYS DANIEL per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-171-18 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Jerimiah | Driscoll | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0116-046 | DRISCOLL JERIMIAH per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8255-171-19 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Long | Cork City | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0116-116 | LONG JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-171-20 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Michael | Dwyer | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0116-052 | DWYER MICHAEL per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-171-21 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Denis | Shine | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0116-175 | SHINE DENIS per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-171-22 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | William | Silk | Cork City | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-176 | SILK WILLIAM per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | porter | 9-71.45 | ||
2-8255-171-23 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Humphry | Lyons | Cork City | 18 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0116-119 | LYONS HUMPHRY per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | shop boy | 9-99.99 | ||
2-8255-172-01 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Twomy | Cork City | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0116-185 | TWOMY JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8255-172-02 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Cremine | Geary | Cork City | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing money | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0116-031 | CREMINE JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8255-172-03 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | William | Shields | Cork City | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | coining | 7 years | III | 31 | Forging & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0116-174 | SHIELDS WILLIAM per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8255-172-04 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Crowley | Cork City | 42 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0116-032 | CROWLEY JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | tiler | 9-51.50 | ||
2-8255-172-05 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Timothy | O'Brien | Cork City | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sacrilege | 7 years | II | 30 | Other offences against property | uneBV0116-159 | O'BRIEN TIMOTHY per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-172-06 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Francis | Joyce | Cork City | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sacrilege | 7 years | II | 30 | Other offences against property | uneBV0116-093 | JOYCE FRANCIS per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-172-07 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Cornelius | Kenney | Cork City | 35 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | forgery of stamps | life | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0116-107 | KENNEY CORNELIUS per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | mason | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8255-172-08 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Michael | Mullens | Cork City | 15 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | larceny from shop | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0116-148 | MULLENS MICHAEL per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8255-172-09 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Richard | Crean | Cork City | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | larceny from person | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-030 | CREAN RICHARD per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-172-10 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Sullivan | Cork City | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1821 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0116-181 | SULLIVAN JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | cooper | 8-19.30 | ||
2-8255-172-11 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Thomas | Kelly | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | August | 1820 | felony of towels etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-104 | KELLY THOMAS per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-172-12 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Luke | Murphy | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | October | 1818 | burglary | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-150 | MURPHY LUKE per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | grocers boy | 4-10.30 | ||
2-8255-172-13 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Kelly | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | April | 1818 | felony bank post bill | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-099 | KELLY JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | boatman | 9-81.00 | ||
2-8255-172-14 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Healey | Dublin City | 32 | <[blank]> | May | 1819 | felony of bank notes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-086 | HEALEY JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | butler | 2-24.90 | ||
2-8255-172-15 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Francis | Reynolds | Dublin City | 35 | <[blank]> | June | 1819 | felony of a saddle | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-164 | REYNOLDS FRANCIS per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-172-16 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Hart | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | June | 1819 | felony of stockings | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-081 | HART JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-172-17 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Wild | Ward | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | June | 1819 | felony of a handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-190 | WILD JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | waterman | 9-81.90 | |
2-8255-172-18 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | William | Keary | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | June | 1819 | felony of saddles & bridles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-097 | KEARY WILLIAM per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8255-172-19 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Jeremiah | Harrington | Dublin City | 34 | <[blank]> | June | 1819 | felony of a watch | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-080 | HARRINGTON JEREMIAH per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | sailor | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8255-172-20 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Maguire | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | June | 1819 | felony of a handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-123 | MAGUIRE JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | waiter | 5-32.10 | ||
2-8255-172-21 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | McCarthy | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | June | 1819 | felony of a drawer & money | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-133 | MCCARTHY PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-172-22 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Dempsey | Dublin City | 27 | <[blank]> | June | 1819 | felony of a handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-039 | DEMPSEY JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | stable boy | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8255-172-23 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Sharkey | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | July | 1819 | felony of a cloth <[pellise]> | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-172 | SHARKEY JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-172-24 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Rush | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | July | 1819 | felony of a gold watch & plate | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-170 | RUSH JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-172-25 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Corbally | Dublin City | 42 | <[blank]> | July | 1819 | having in possession stolen property | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0116-025 | CORBALLY JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8255-172-26 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Owen | Reilly | Dublin City | 38 | <[blank]> | July | 1819 | receiving money under false pretences | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0116-161 | REILLY OWEN per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-173-01 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Dunn | Dublin City | 42 | <[blank]> | July | 1819 | having in possession forged notes | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0116-050 | DUNN JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8255-173-02 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Dalton | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | July | 1819 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0116-036 | DALTON JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Fourteen years | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8255-173-03 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Edward | Fleming | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | July | 1819 | felony of a silver watch | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-059 | FLEMING EDWARD per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8255-173-04 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Thomas | Garrett | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | July | 1819 | felony of an axle tree | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-062 | GARRETT THOMAS per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | tobacco spinner | 7-81.00 | ||
2-8255-173-05 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Pat | Deegan | Houlahan | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | July | 1819 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-037 | DEEGAN PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | Brewer's clerk | ||
2-8255-173-06 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Malone | Dublin City | 36 | <[blank]> | July | 1819 | felony of lead off a house | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-125 | MALONE JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | slater | 9-53.20 | ||
2-8255-173-07 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Moran | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | July | 1819 | felony of bank notes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-145 | MORAN PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-173-08 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Ansley | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | July | 1819 | felony of wearing apparel & bank notes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-002 | ANSLEY JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-173-09 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | William | Purcell | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | July | 1819 | felony of lead off a house | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-160 | PURCELL WILLIAM per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-173-10 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | William | Kelly | Dublin City | 38 | <[blank]> | August | 1819 | having forged notes in possession | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0116-105 | KELLY WILLIAM per DOROTHY 1820, Fourteen years | M | merchants clerk | 3-00.00 | ||
2-8255-173-11 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Robert | Boyland | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | August | 1819 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-005 | BOYLAND ROBERT per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8255-173-12 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Murtha | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | August | 1819 | fraud by obtaining silver spoons | 7 years | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0116-152 | MURTHA JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-173-13 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Hugh | Hasack | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1819 | felony of oil & lamp black | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-083 | HASACK HUGH per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8255-173-14 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Malone | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | August | 1819 | felony of wearing apparel & blankets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-126 | MALONE JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | plaisterer | 9-55.10 | ||
2-8255-173-15 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | William | McNally | Dublin City | 16 | <[blank]> | August | 1819 | felony of wearing apparel & blankets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-142 | MCNALLY WILLIAM per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | Dublin boy | |||
2-8255-173-16 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | O'Bern | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | August | 1819 | felony of money | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-157 | O'BERN JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8255-173-17 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Duncan | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | September | 1819 | felony of linen | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-049 | DUNCAN JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | clerk | 3-00.00 | ||
2-8255-173-18 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Philip | McCormick | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | September | 1819 | felony of linen & shawls | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-134 | MCCORMICK PHILIP per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8255-173-19 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Duffy | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | September | 1819 | felony of saddles & bridles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-047 | DUFFY JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Guildford [CON13-1-02: 077-03] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8255-173-20 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Richard | Burke | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | September | 1819 | felony of saddles & bridles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-011 | BURKE RICHARD per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-173-21 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Francis | McNamara | Dublin City | 60 | <[blank]> | September | 1819 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0116-143 | MCNAMARA FRANCIS per DOROTHY 1820, Fourteen years | M | glover | 7-94.75 | ||
2-8255-173-22 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Philip | Brennan | Dublin City | 38 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | having stolen goods | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0116-008 | BRENNAN PHILIP per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-173-23 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | King | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | felony of money & hat | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-111 | KING PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | Kitchen gardener | |||
2-8255-173-24 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Farrell | Dublin City | 16 | <[blank]> | September | 1819 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0116-054 | FARRELL JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | waiter | 5-32.10 | ||
2-8255-173-25 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Bryan | Devilin | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | felony of money | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-040 | DEVILIN BRYAN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | dyer | 7-56.22 | ||
2-8255-173-26 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Michael | Brennan | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | felony of a coal box | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-007 | BRENNAN MICHAEL per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | basketmaker | 9-42.20 | ||
2-8255-174-01 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Edward | Smith | Dublin City | 44 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0116-178 | SMITH EDWARD per DOROTHY 1820, Fourteen years | M | Coffin and box maker | |||
2-8255-174-02 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Thomas | Wade | Dublin City | 38 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | fraud | 7 years | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0116-186 | WADE THOMAS per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | merchant | 4-10.25 | ||
2-8255-174-03 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Campbell | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0116-014 | CAMPBELL JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Fourteen years | M | waiter | 5-32.10 | ||
2-8255-174-04 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Charles | Hunt | Dublin City | 36 | <[blank]> | November | 1819 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0116-091 | HUNT CHARLES per DOROTHY 1820, Fourteen years | M | hairdresser | 5-70.30 | ||
2-8255-174-05 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Kinsela | Dublin City | 31 | <[blank]> | December | 1819 | felony of lead | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-112 | KINSELA PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | bricklayer | 9-51.20 | ||
2-8255-174-06 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Charles | McDonald | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | December | 1819 | felony of stockings | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-135 | MCDONALD CHARLES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | cotton weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8255-174-07 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Kelly | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | December | 1819 | uttering forged notes | life | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0116-100 | KELLY JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-174-08 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | William | Smith | Dublin City | 66 | <[blank]> | December | 1819 | church robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-179 | SMITH WILLIAM per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | merchant | 4-10.25 | ||
2-8255-174-09 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Connelly | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | December | 1819 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0116-023 | CONNELLY JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8255-174-10 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Robert | Mullen | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | January | 1820 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-147 | MULLEN ROBERT per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8255-174-11 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Curran | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | January | 1820 | felony of lead | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-035 | CURRAN JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-174-12 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Shields | Dublin City | 27 | <[blank]> | January | 1820 | felony of a walking stick | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-173 | SHIELDS PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-174-13 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Peter | Doolan | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | January | 1820 | felony of cash | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-044 | DOOLAN PETER per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-174-14 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Timothy | Farrell | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | January | 1820 | felony of a watch | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-055 | FARRELL TIMOTHY per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | baker | 7-76.10 | ||
2-8255-174-15 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Hogan | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | January | 1820 | felony of cash | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-088 | HOGAN JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8255-174-16 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Kelly | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | January | 1820 | felony of a handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-101 | KELLY JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-174-17 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Nicholas | Bryan | Dublin City | 13 | <[blank]> | January | 1820 | felony of iron bars | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-009 | BRYAN NICHOLAS per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-174-18 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Finn | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | January | 1820 | felony of a watch | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-056 | FINN JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1821 per Prince Leopold [CON13-1-02: 120-11] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8255-174-19 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Martin | Gill | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | January | 1820 | felony of iron griddles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-068 | GILL MARTIN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | silkweaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8255-174-20 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Coady | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-019 | COADY JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-174-21 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Andrew | Fitzsimmons | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-057 | FITZSIMMONS ANDREW per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-174-22 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Good | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-070 | GOOD JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-174-23 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Thomas | Mack | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of quilt and other articles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-120 | MACK THOMAS per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-174-24 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Robert | O'Brien | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of quilt and other articles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-158 | O'BRIEN ROBERT per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-174-25 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Timothy | Hogan | Dublin City | 36 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of ironmongery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-089 | HOGAN TIMOTHY per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8255-174-26 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Harvey | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of seal skin caps | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-082 | HARVEY JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-175-01 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Luke | Corcoran | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-027 | CORCORAN LUKE per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8255-175-02 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Callaghan | Dublin City | 16 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-013 | CALLAGHAN JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | Tobacco boy | |||
2-8255-175-03 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Hugh | Dwyer | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of knives and saddles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-051 | DWYER HUGH per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-175-04 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Denis | White | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of saddles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-188 | WHITE DENIS per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8255-175-05 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Peter | Couston | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of a fender | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-029 | COUSTON PETER per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | plaisterer | 9-55.10 | ||
2-8255-175-06 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Michael | Ryan | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | having in possession forged notes | life | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0116-171 | RYAN MICHAEL per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | shopkeeper | 4-10.30 | ||
2-8255-175-07 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Henry | Marooney | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0116-127 | MAROONEY HENRY per DOROTHY 1820, Fourteen years | M | solicitor's clerk | 3-93.40 | ||
2-8255-175-08 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Thomas | Kenna | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-106 | KENNA THOMAS per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Guildford [CON13-1-02: 077-01] | butcher | 7-73.10 | |
2-8255-175-09 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Peter | Reilly | Dublin City | 14 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-162 | REILLY PETER per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8255-175-10 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Gaynor | Dublin City | 16 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-065 | GAYNOR JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8255-175-11 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Robison | Gilchrist | Dublin City | 44 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0116-167 | ROBISON JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Fourteen years | M | sadler | 8-03.20 | |
2-8255-175-12 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Laurence | Gill | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of a cord, cloth etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-067 | GILL LAURENCE per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | baker | 7-76.10 | ||
2-8255-175-13 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Thomas | Goold | Gooldritch | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-071 | GOOLD THOMAS per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | coachmaker | 8-19.20 | |
2-8255-175-14 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Michael | Ward | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of money | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-187 | WARD MICHAEL per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-175-15 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | William | Campbell | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1820 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-015 | CAMPBELL WILLIAM per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | cooper | 8-19.30 | ||
2-8255-175-16 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Mathew | Casey | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1820 | felony of plate | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-018 | CASEY MATHEW per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | cooper | 8-19.30 | ||
2-8255-175-17 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Peter | Loney | Lowry | Dublin City | 46 | <[blank]> | March | 1820 | felony of plate | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-115 | LONEY PETER per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8255-175-18 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | McDonnell | Dublin City | 42 | <[blank]> | March | 1820 | felony of plate | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-136 | MCDONNELL JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-175-19 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Carroll | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1820 | felony of leather | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-017 | CARROLL JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | cotton spinner | 7-52.20 | ||
2-8255-175-20 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Joseph | Gilmore | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1820 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-069 | GILMORE JOSEPH per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | merchants clerk | 3-00.00 | ||
2-8255-175-21 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Murray | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | March | 1820 | felony of iron rails | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-151 | MURRAY JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | tinker | 8-73.40 | ||
2-8255-175-22 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Terence | Byrne | Dublin City | 34 | <[blank]> | April | 1820 | felony of calf skins & hides | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-012 | BYRNE TERENCE per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | carman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8255-175-23 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Thomas | Leary | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | felony of a coal box | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-114 | LEARY THOMAS per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-175-24 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Thomas | Kavenagh | Dublin City | 32 | <[blank]> | April | 1820 | felony of cow hides & slitters | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-094 | KAVENAGH THOMAS per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-175-25 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Peter | Hennessy | Dublin City | 53 | <[blank]> | April | 1820 | felony of deal boards | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-087 | HENNESSY PETER per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | ploughman | 6-21.05 | ||
2-8255-175-26 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Garland | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | April | 1820 | felony of deal boards | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-061 | GARLAND JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | sailor | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8255-175-27 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Valentine | Rourke | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | October | 1817 | felony of a booklet etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-169 | ROURKE VALENTINE per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8255-176-01 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Neale | Dublin City | 27 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0116-155 | NEALE PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-176-02 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Peter | McGouran | Dublin City | 36 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0116-139 | MCGOURAN PETER per DOROTHY 1820, Fourteen years | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8255-176-03 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Skelly | Dublin City | 34 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0116-177 | SKELLY PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Fourteen years | M | porter | 9-71.45 | ||
2-8255-176-04 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Dingle | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0116-041 | DINGLE JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8255-176-05 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | McEvoy | Dublin City | 35 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0116-138 | MCEVOY JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Guildford [CON13-1-02: 077-02] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8255-176-06 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Thomas | Keegan | Maher | Dublin City | 35 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0116-098 | KEEGAN THOMAS per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8255-176-07 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Thomas | Gordon | Dublin City | 45 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | forgery | life | III | 30 | Forgery & Offences against the currency | uneBV0116-072 | GORDON THOMAS per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8255-176-08 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Lynch | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0116-117 | LYNCH JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | shop boy | 9-99.99 | ||
2-8255-176-09 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Michael | Tully | Dumphy | Dublin City | 27 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0116-183 | TULLY MICHAEL per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | nurseryman | 6-27.30 | |
2-8255-176-10 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Naghten | Dublin City | 34 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0116-153 | NAGHTEN JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-176-11 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Duffy | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | October | 1819 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0116-048 | DUFFY JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8255-176-12 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Hugh | McCan | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | December | 1819 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0116-132 | MCCAN HUGH per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8255-176-13 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Peter | Keys | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | December | 1819 | stealing worsted & cotton | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0116-109 | KEYS PETER per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-176-14 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Lynch | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | December | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0116-118 | LYNCH PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-176-15 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Neal | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | January | 1820 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0116-154 | NEAL PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-176-16 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Philip | Reilly | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | January | 1820 | stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0116-163 | REILLY PHILIP per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-176-17 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Mackin | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of a blunderbuss | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-121 | MACKIN PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-176-18 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Barny | Flanigan | Dublin City | 27 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | felony of leaden cistern etc | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-058 | FLANIGAN BARNY per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-176-19 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Horan | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | stealing poultry | 7 years | II | 30 | Other offences against property | uneBV0116-090 | HORAN JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | Corn porter | |||
2-8255-176-20 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Polito | Bartow | Donegal | 39 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | rape on an infant | life | I | 6 | Rape | uneBV0116-004 | BARTOW POLITO per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | Dancing master | |||
2-8255-176-21 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | William | McMackin | Down | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sodomy | life | I | 9 | Unnatural offences | uneBV0116-141 | MCMACKIN WILLIAM per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | schoolboy | |||
2-8255-177-01 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Michael | Tully | Galway | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-184 | TULLY MICHAEL per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | VDL: 1820 per Guildford [CON13-1-02: 077-04] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8255-177-02 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Malachy | Egan | Galway | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-053 | EGAN MALACHY per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-177-03 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Madden | Galway | 33 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-122 | MADDEN JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | brogue maker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8255-177-04 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Peter | Kelly | Galway | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-103 | KELLY PETER per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-177-05 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Michael | Downey | Galway | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-045 | DOWNEY MICHAEL per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-177-06 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Corbett | Galway | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-026 | CORBETT PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-177-07 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Goulding | Galway | 46 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-074 | GOULDING PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-177-08 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Peter | Conneely | Galway | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-022 | CONNEELY PETER per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-177-09 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Meheran | Galway | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-144 | MEHERAN PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8255-177-10 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | James | Greylish | Galway | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-075 | GREYLISH JAMES per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-177-11 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Thomas | Greylish | Galway | 33 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-076 | GREYLISH THOMAS per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-177-12 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Forde | Galway | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-060 | FORDE PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8255-177-13 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Donnelly | Kerry | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | administering unlawful oaths | life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0116-043 | DONNELLY JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-177-14 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Peter | Brady | Louth | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0116-006 | BRADY PETER per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | mason | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8255-177-15 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Deerham | Louth | 38 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0116-038 | DEERHAM JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Fourteen years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-177-16 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Arnold | Meath | 36 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0116-003 | ARNOLD PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | cotton weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8255-177-17 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Hugh | Carroll | Monaghan | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0116-016 | CARROLL HUGH per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-177-18 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Connelly | Monaghan | 19 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | house breaking & robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0116-024 | CONNELLY PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | brickmaker | 8-92.42 | ||
2-8255-178-01 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Edward | McEvoy | Queens Co | 36 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0116-137 | MCEVOY EDWARD per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-178-02 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Thomas | Bryan | Roscommon | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-010 | BRYAN THOMAS per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Guildford [CON13-1-02: 077-05] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8255-178-03 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Michael | Costello | Roscommon | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-028 | COSTELLO MICHAEL per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-178-04 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Gately | Roscommon | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-063 | GATELY PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-178-05 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Bryan | Hardiman | Roscommon | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-079 | HARDIMAN BRYAN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-178-06 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Thomas | Maguire | Roscommon | 18 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-124 | MAGUIRE THOMAS per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-178-07 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Mulleady | Roscommon | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-146 | MULLEADY JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-178-08 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Rochfort | Roscommon | 29 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-168 | ROCHFORT PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | VDL: 1820 per Guildford [CON13-1-02: 077-06] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8255-178-09 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | White | Roscommon | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-189 | WHITE JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-178-10 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Edward | Gerraghty | Roscommon | 26 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | shooting at persons | life | II | 4 | Attempted murder | uneBV0116-066 | GERRAGHTY EDWARD per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-178-11 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Cunniffe | Roscommon | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0116-033 | CUNNIFFE PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-178-12 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Thomas | Gately | Roscommon | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0116-064 | GATELY THOMAS per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-178-13 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Dolan | Roscommon | 46 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0116-042 | DOLAN JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8255-178-14 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Henry | King | Roscommon | 42 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0116-110 | KING HENRY per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-178-15 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Roger | Conlon | Roscommon | 27 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0116-020 | CONLON ROGER per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-178-16 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | John | Keaghry | Keigher | Roscommon | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0116-095 | KEAGHRY JOHN per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8255-178-17 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | William | Cunningham | Roscommon | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0116-034 | CUNNINGHAM WILLIAM per DOROTHY 1820, Fourteen years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-178-18 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Edward | Maxwell | Roscommon | 33 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0116-129 | MAXWELL EDWARD per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8255-178-19 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Mathew | Kelly | Roscommon | 60 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0116-102 | KELLY MATHEW per DOROTHY 1820, Seven years | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8255-178-20 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Thady | Hasty | Roscommon | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-084 | HASTY THADY per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-178-21 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Thady | Hanley | Roscommon | 18 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-078 | HANLEY THADY per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-178-22 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Bryan | Roache | Roscommon | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-166 | ROACHE BRYAN per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8255-178-23 | DOROTHY | BV0116 | 1820 | Patrick | Guff | Roscommon | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | seditious practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0116-077 | GUFF PATRICK per DOROTHY 1820, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-113-01 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | James | Hyland | Carlow | 33 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-066 | HYLAND JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | VDL: 1822 per Castle Forbes [CON13-1-02: 193-01] | groom | 6-24.60 | |
2-8256-113-02 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | William | Townsend | Carlow | 43 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-156 | TOWNSEND WILLIAM per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8256-113-03 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Thomas | Doyle | Carlow | 28 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-034 | DOYLE THOMAS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-113-04 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Edward | Byrne | Carlow | 55 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-011 | BYRNE EDWARD per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-113-05 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | James | Tobin | Carlow | 19 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | burglary & felony | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-152 | TOBIN JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-113-06 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Nowlan | Carlow | 27 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | burglary & felony | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-116 | NOWLAN JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-113-07 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Michael | Kinsella | Carlow | 19 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | burglary & felony | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-080 | KINSELLA MICHAEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-113-08 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Lennon | Carlow | 27 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | burglary & felony | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-087 | LENNON JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-113-09 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Michael | Nowlan | Carlow | 32 | <[blank]> | July | 1818 | burglary & felony | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-117 | NOWLAN MICHAEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-113-10 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Edward | Eustace | Carlow | 31 | <[blank]> | July | 1818 | burglary & felony | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-038 | EUSTACE EDWARD per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-113-11 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Edward | Lennon | Carlow | 19 | <[blank]> | July | 1818 | burglary & felony | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-086 | LENNON EDWARD per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-113-12 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Benjamin | Ward | Carlow | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | stealing lead | 7 years | II | 25 | Larceny, other | uneBV0086-159 | WARD BENJAMIN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | plaisterer | 9-55.10 | ||
2-8256-113-13 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Molloy | Carlow | 51 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-108 | MOLLOY JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8256-113-14 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Redmond | Carlow | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-129 | REDMOND JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-113-15 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Thomas | Lennon | Senior | Carlow | 60 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-088 | LENNON THOMAS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8256-113-16 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Thomas | Lennon | Junior | Carlow | 19 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-089 | LENNON THOMAS (Jnr) per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8256-113-17 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Patrick | McNamara | Carlow | 45 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-105 | MCNAMARA PATRICK per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-113-18 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Michael | Hogan | Carlow | 33 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-063 | HOGAN MICHAEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-113-19 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Patrick | Mannix | Carlow | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-101 | MANNIX PATRICK per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-113-20 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Cunneas | Cunneen | Carlow | 38 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-026 | CUNNEAS JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8256-113-21 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Patrick | Morgan | Carlow | 37 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-112 | MORGAN PATRICK per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-113-22 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | James | Lee | Carlow | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0086-085 | LEE JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-113-23 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Daniel | Kelly | Carlow | 31 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-073 | KELLY DANIEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | stonemason | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8256-114-01 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Laurence | Delany | Cork City | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0086-029 | DELANY LAURENCE per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | quarryman | 7-11.10 | ||
2-8256-114-02 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Daniel | Connor | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0086-019 | CONNOR DANIEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | stonemason | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8256-114-03 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Brien | Cork City | 18 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-006 | BRIEN JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-114-04 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | James | Brien | Cork City | 28 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny of saddles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-005 | BRIEN JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | apothecary | 0-67.10 | ||
2-8256-114-05 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Jeremiah | Murphy | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0086-115 | MURPHY JEREMIAH per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8256-114-06 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Daniel | Ford | Cork City | 19 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny from person | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-045 | FORD DANIEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8256-114-07 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Denis | Shea | Cork City | 20 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0086-139 | SHEA DENIS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 239-25] | painter | 9-31.20 | |
2-8256-114-08 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | James | Minehan | Cork City | 18 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny from person | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-107 | MINEHAN JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-114-09 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Thomas | Roche | Cork City | 19 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny from person | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-133 | ROCHE THOMAS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | nailor | 8-39.90 | ||
2-8256-114-10 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Reilly | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-130 | REILLY JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-114-11 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Denis | Lynch | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | killing a cow & stealing the meat | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0086-092 | LYNCH DENIS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-114-12 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Patrick | Campbell | Cork City | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-015 | CAMPBELL PATRICK per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-114-13 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | William | Mooney | Cork City | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-111 | MOONEY WILLIAM per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-114-14 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Daniel | Sullivan | Cork City | 18 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-146 | SULLIVAN DANIEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-114-15 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Edwards | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny from shop | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-037 | EDWARDS JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8256-114-16 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Fleming | Connell | Cork City | 28 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-044 | FLEMING JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8256-114-17 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Radley | Cork Co | 59 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-123 | RADLEY JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-114-18 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Stevenson | Galway Co | 32 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-145 | STEVENSON JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-114-19 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Laurence | Gannon | Galway Co | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-048 | GANNON LAURENCE per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-114-20 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Terence | Cooney | Galway Co | 32 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | having forged notes in possession | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0086-023 | COONEY TERENCE per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-114-21 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Timothy | Forde | Galway Co | 24 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | felony of several articles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-046 | FORDE TIMOTHY per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | house carpenter | 9-54.15 | ||
2-8256-115-01 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Charles | Taggard | Galway Co | 27 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-148 | TAGGARD CHARLES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8256-115-02 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Michael | Lydon | Galway Co | 20 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-091 | LYDON MICHAEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | horse shoer | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8256-115-03 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | James | Lally | Galway Co | 32 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-082 | LALLY JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-115-04 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Patrick | Geharty | Geraghty | Galway Co | 35 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | perjury | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0086-049 | GEHARTY PATRICK per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8256-115-05 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Cain | Galway Co | 28 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-012 | CAIN JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | water miller | 7-71.20 | ||
2-8256-115-06 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | James | Mannion | Galway Co | 56 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-100 | MANNION JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-115-07 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Luke | Burke | Galway Co | 27 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-007 | BURKE LUKE per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-115-08 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Martin | Grehan | Galway Co | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-053 | GREHAN MARTIN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-115-09 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Thomas | Gibbons | Galway Co | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-050 | GIBBONS THOMAS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-115-10 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Patrick | Reale | Kerry | 16 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | <[divers]> felonies | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-127 | REALE PATRICK per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-115-11 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | David | Lyne | Denis | Kerry | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-093 | LYNE DAVID per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8256-115-12 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Owen | Moynehan | Kerry | 40 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-114 | MOYNEHAN OWEN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-115-13 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | James | Mahony | Kerry | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-098 | MAHONY JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | whitesmith | 8-73.40 | ||
2-8256-115-14 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Connor | Kerry | 53 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-020 | CONNOR JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-115-15 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Timothy | Donoghue | Kerry | 40 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-031 | DONOGHUE TIMOTHY per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-115-16 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Daniel | Hegarty | Kerry | 22 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-059 | HEGARTY DANIEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-115-17 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Darby | Hegarty | Kerry | 55 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-060 | HEGARTY DARBY per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-115-18 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Darby | McCarthy | Kerry | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-103 | MCCARTHY DARBY per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-115-19 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Mahony | Kerry | 57 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-099 | MAHONY JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-115-20 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Mathew | O'Brien | Kerry | 36 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-118 | OBRIEN MATHEW per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-115-21 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | James | Barrett | Kerry | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-001 | BARRETT JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-115-22 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Martin | Daly | Kerry | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-027 | DALY MARTIN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-115-23 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Patrick | Sheehy | Kerry | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | Horse Stealing | Life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0086-142 | SHEEHY PATRICK per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-115-24 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Michael | Donovan | Kerry | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0086-032 | DONOVAN MICHAEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-116-01 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Patrick | Magee | Dublin City | 27 | <[blank]> | january | 1818 | felony of sacking | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-095 | MAGEE PATRICK per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8256-116-02 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | William | Jacob | Dublin City | 36 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | felony from houses | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-067 | JACOB WILLIAM per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8256-116-03 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Patrick | Shanahan | Kilkenny Co | 17 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | killing sheep | Life | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0086-137 | SHANAHAN PATRICK per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-116-04 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Francis | Quilty | Kilkenny Co | 17 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | stealing money | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0086-122 | QUILTY FRANCIS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | no trade | |||
2-8256-116-05 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Patrick | Landrigan | Kilkenny Co | 27 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | house robbery | Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-083 | LANDRIGAN PATRICK per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | carpenter | 9-54.10 | ||
2-8256-116-06 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Michael | Power | Kilkenny Co | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | house robbery | Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-120 | POWER MICHAEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-116-07 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Brian | Dunn | Kilkenny Co | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0086-035 | DUNN BRIAN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-116-08 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | William | Connors | Kilkenny Co | 29 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | having in possession forged bank notes | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0086-021 | CONNORS WILLIAM per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8256-116-09 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | James | Whitty | Kilkenny Co | 22 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | shooting at a man | Life | II | 4 | Attempted murder | uneBV0086-160 | WHITTY JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | stonemason | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8256-116-10 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Thomas | Tobin | Kilkenny Co | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | house robbery, demanding arms etc | Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-154 | TOBIN THOMAS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-116-11 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | William | Ryan | Kilkenny Co | 29 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-136 | RYAN WILLIAM per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8256-116-12 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Michael | Hacket | Kilkenny Co | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-056 | HACKET MICHAEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | mason | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8256-116-13 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Martin | Lawlor | Kilkenny Co | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | stealing bank notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0086-084 | LAWLOR MARTIN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8256-116-14 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Michael | Ryan | Kilkenny Co | 18 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-135 | RYAN MICHAEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-116-15 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Thomas | Conway | Kilkenny Co | 34 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-022 | CONWAY THOMAS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-116-16 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Daniel | Callaghan | Kilkenny Co | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0086-013 | CALLAGHAN DANIEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-116-17 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Michael | Finnegan | Kilkenny Co | 23 | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | 1817 | house robbery | Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-040 | FINNEGAN MICHAEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-116-18 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | William | Power | Kilkenny City | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0086-121 | POWER WILLIAM per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-116-19 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | William | Walker | Kilkenny City | 53 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0086-158 | WALKER WILLIAM per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8256-116-20 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | George | Walker | Kilkenny City | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0086-157 | WALKER GEORGE per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-117-01 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Michael | Sheedy | Limerick Co | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-141 | SHEEDY MICHAEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-117-02 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Darby | Sheahan | Limerick Co | 28 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-140 | SHEAHAN DARBY per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Prince Leopold [CON13-1-01: 210-09] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8256-117-03 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | James | Flanagan | Limerick Co | 40 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-043 | FLANAGAN JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | teacher | 1-30.20 | ||
2-8256-117-04 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Miles | Jordan | Limerick Co | 18 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0086-068 | JORDAN MILES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | horse shoer | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8256-117-05 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | James | Clogan | Limerick Co | 27 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-018 | CLOGAN JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-117-06 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Denis | Fitzgerald | Limerick Co | 27 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-041 | FITZGERALD DENIS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-117-07 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Nicholas | Doyle | Limerick Co | 36 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-033 | DOYLE NICHOLAS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-117-08 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Michael | Guiry | Limerick Co | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-054 | GUIRY MICHAEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-117-09 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Thomas | Hogan | Limerick Co | 31 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-064 | HOGAN THOMAS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-117-10 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Timothy | Fehany | Limerick Co | 31 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | robbing the mail | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-039 | FEHANY TIMOTHY per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-117-11 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Mathew | McDonnell | Limerick Co | 29 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | abduction | Life | I | 8 | Abduction | uneBV0086-104 | MCDONNELL MATHEW per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | tallow chandler | 4-10.25 | ||
2-8256-117-12 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Timothy | Corkerry | Limerick Co | 32 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-024 | CORKERRY TIMOTHY per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-117-13 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Edmond | Kelly | Limerick Co | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-074 | KELLY EDMOND per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-117-14 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Michael | Begley | Limerick Co | 33 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-002 | BEGLEY MICHAEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | bag piper | |||
2-8256-117-15 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Edmond | Carroll | Limerick Co | 29 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0086-016 | CARROLL EDMOND per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-117-16 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Edmond | Tenton | Limerick Co | 18 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0086-149 | TENTON EDMOND per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8256-117-17 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Edmond | Ready | Limerick Co | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0086-125 | READY EDMOND per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-117-18 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Roche | Limerick Co | 34 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | perjury | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0086-131 | ROCHE JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | dealer in skins & feathers | 4-10.30 | ||
2-8256-117-19 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Thomas | Ready | Limerick Co | 55 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-126 | READY THOMAS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Prince Leopold [CON13-1-01: 210-08] | bullock driver | 9-86.20 | |
2-8256-117-20 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Heney | Limerick Co | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-061 | HENEY JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8256-117-21 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Patrick | Fox | Mayo | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-047 | FOX PATRICK per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-117-22 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Patrick | Cawley | Mayo | 43 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-017 | CAWLEY PATRICK per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-117-23 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Anthony | McAlpin | Mayo | 50 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-102 | MCALPIN ANTHONY per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-117-24 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Goulrick | Mayo | 60 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-052 | GOULRICK JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-118-01 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Bryan | Keane | Mayo | 27 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-070 | KEANE BRYAN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-118-02 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Peter | Howley | Hennelly | Mayo | 42 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-065 | HOWLEY PETER per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8256-118-03 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Thomas | Reddington | Mayo | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | stealing linen | 7 years | II | 33 | Larceny, other | uneBV0086-128 | REDDINGTON THOMAS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-118-04 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Andrew | Loftus | Mayo | 36 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | having forged notes in possession | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0086-090 | LOFTUS ANDREW per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 14 years | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8256-118-05 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Richard | Joyce | Mayo | 41 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-069 | JOYCE RICHARD per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-118-06 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Brian | Kerrane | Kerrawan | Mayo | 37 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-079 | KERRANE BRIAN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8256-118-07 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Hartland | Harland | Queens Co | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | having forged notes in possession | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0086-057 | HARTLAND JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 14 years | M | rough carpenter | 9-54.10 | |
2-8256-118-08 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | James | Rogers | Queens Co | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-134 | ROGERS JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8256-118-09 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Patrick | Dunn | Queens Co | 23 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-036 | DUNN PATRICK per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8256-118-10 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | William | O'Brien | Queens Co | 19 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-119 | OBRIEN WILLIAM per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 239-26] | cooper | 8-19.30 | |
2-8256-118-11 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Daniel | Costigan | Queens Co | 22 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | cattle stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-025 | COSTIGAN DANIEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-118-12 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Joseph | Toole | Queens Co | 18 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | perjury | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0086-155 | TOOLE JOSEPH per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-118-13 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Callaghan | Delany | Queens Co | 25 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0086-014 | CALLAGHAN JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8256-118-14 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Thomas | Madden | Queens Co | 28 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | house robbery | Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-094 | MADDEN THOMAS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-118-15 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Francis | Mahon | Queens Co | 55 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-097 | MAHON FRANCIS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-118-16 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Thomas | Burke | Queens Co | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-008 | BURKE THOMAS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-118-17 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Richard | Read | Queens Co | 46 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0086-124 | READ RICHARD per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8256-118-18 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Thomas | Lahy | Tipperary | 18 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-081 | LAHY THOMAS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | baker | 7-76.10 | ||
2-8256-118-19 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | James | Smith | Tipperary | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0086-143 | SMITH JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8256-118-20 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Moloney | Tipperary | 19 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | Horse Stealing | 7 years | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0086-109 | MOLONEY JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-118-21 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Peter | Butler | Hartley | Tipperary | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0086-010 | BUTLER PETER per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | woollen weaver | 7-54.32 | |
2-8256-118-22 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Patrick | Kehoe | Tipperary | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | assault to rob | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-072 | KEHOE PATRICK per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8256-119-01 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Michael | Tobin | Tipperary | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | assault to rob | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-153 | TOBIN MICHAEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-119-02 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | William | Molony | Tipperary | 41 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0086-110 | MOLONY WILLIAM per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | stonemason | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8256-119-03 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Patrick | Sullivan | Tipperary | 27 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-147 | SULLIVAN PATRICK per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | stonecutter | 8-20.90 | ||
2-8256-119-04 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Jas | Kennedy | Tipperary | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | Highway Robbery | 14 years | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0086-076 | KENNEDY JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-119-05 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Patrick | Shanahan | Tipperary | 19 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | house robbery | Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-138 | SHANAHAN PATRICK per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-119-06 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Daniel | Delahunty | Tipperary | 28 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | house robbery | Life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0086-028 | DELAHUNTY DANIEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-119-07 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Gunnell | Tipperary | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0086-055 | GUNNELL JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-119-08 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Kelly | Tipperary | 23 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0086-075 | KELLY JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8256-119-09 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Morony | Tipperary | 27 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | cattle stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0086-113 | MORONY JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-119-10 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Charles | Thompson | Tipperary | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | felony at large | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-150 | THOMPSON CHARLES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8256-119-11 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | James | Hinchey | Tipperary | 19 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0086-062 | HINCHEY JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-119-12 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Thomas | Maher | Meagher | Tipperary | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | Horse Stealing | Life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0086-096 | MAHER THOMAS per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8256-119-13 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Roche | Tipperary | 55 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | felony at large | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-132 | ROCHE JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8256-119-14 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Fitzgerald | Tipperary | 32 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | felony at large | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-042 | FITZGERALD JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | flax & hemp dresser | 7-56.35 | ||
2-8256-119-15 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | William | Keating | Tipperary | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | felony at large | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-071 | KEATING WILLIAM per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8256-119-16 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Tierney | Tipperary | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | felony at large | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0086-151 | TIERNEY JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8256-119-17 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | James | Meany | Tipperary | 23 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | several forgeries | Life | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0086-106 | MEANY JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8256-119-18 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Donoghue | Tipperary | 33 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | Highway Robbery | Life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0086-030 | DONOGHUE JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-119-19 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Walter | Bermingham | Tipperary | 48 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | coining & passing base tokens | 7 years | III | 31 | Forging & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0086-003 | BERMINGHAM WALTER per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8256-119-20 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | William | Burke | Tipperary | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | coining & passing base tokens | 7 years | III | 31 | Forging & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0086-009 | BURKE WILLIAM per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | herdsman | 6-24.90 | ||
2-8256-119-21 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Charles | Healy | Tipperary | 38 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | coining & passing base tokens | 7 years | III | 31 | Forging & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0086-058 | HEALY CHARLES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-119-22 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Michael | Kennelly | Tipperary | 34 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | coining & passing base tokens | 7 years | III | 31 | Forging & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0086-078 | KENNELLY MICHAEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8256-119-23 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Martin | Smith | Tipperary | 34 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | having forged bank notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0086-144 | SMITH MARTIN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 14 years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8256-119-24 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | John | Breen | Tipperary | 34 | <[blank]> | May | 1818 | idle & disorderly person (Insurrection Act) | 7 years | IV | 39 | Other offences against good order | uneBV0086-004 | BREEN JOHN per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8256-119-25 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | James | Kennedy | Tipperary | 26 | <[blank]> | May | 1818 | idle & disorderly person (Insurrection Act) | 7 years | IV | 39 | Other offences against good order | uneBV0086-077 | KENNEDY JAMES per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8256-119-26 | EARL ST. VINCENT (1) | BV0086 | 1818 | Michael | Gilfoyle | Tipperary | 27 | <[blank]> | May | 1818 | idle & disorderly person (Insurrection Act) | 7 years | IV | 39 | Other offences against good order | uneBV0086-051 | GILFOYLE MICHAEL per EARL ST VINCENT (1) 1818, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8257-213-01 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Anne | Nowlan | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | February | 1817 | felony of bank notes & watch | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-081 | NOWLAN ANNE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-213-02 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Catherine | Miller | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | February | 1817 | felony of bank notes & watch | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-077 | MILLER CATHERINE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-213-03 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Catherine | Thompson | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | February | 1817 | felony of bank notes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-097 | THOMPSON CATHERINE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | childrens maid | 5-40.35 | ||
2-8257-213-04 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Anne | Reilly | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | February | 1817 | felony of bank notes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-088 | REILLY ANNE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-213-05 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Catherine | Murphy | Kelly | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | February | 1817 | felony of handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-079 | MURPHY CATHERINE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | house keeper | 2-24.25 | |
2-8257-213-06 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Carroll | Dublin City | 48 | <[blank]> | June | 1817 | having in possession forged bank notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0085-013 | CARROLL MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 14 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-213-07 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Elinor | Bessonett | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | felony of looking glass | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-004 | BESSONETT ELINOR per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | house keeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-213-08 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Julia | Casey | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | felony of looking glass | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-015 | CASEY JULIA per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-213-09 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Anne | Daly | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-027 | DALY ANNE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | <[n/a]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8257-213-10 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Anne | Browne | Dublin City | 31 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | felony of handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-008 | BROWNE ANNE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-213-11 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Anne | Little | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | felony of bank note | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-055 | LITTLE ANNE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-213-12 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Bourke | Dublin City | 45 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | felony of lace | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-005 | BOURKE MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | cook | 5-31.00 | ||
2-8257-213-13 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Elizabeth | Hughes | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | felony of watch | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-044 | HUGHES ELIZABETH per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housemaid | 5-40.20 | ||
2-8257-213-14 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Ellis | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | September | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-031 | ELLIS MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | silk winder | 7-52.50 | ||
2-8257-213-15 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Catherine | McKeon | Echlin | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | September | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-075 | MCKEON CATHERINE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | silk winder | 7-52.50 | |
2-8257-213-16 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Bridget | Keon | Smith | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | September | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-052 | KEON BRIDGET per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8257-213-17 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | McEvoy | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | November | 1817 | felony of bank notes & money | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-071 | MCEVOY MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-213-18 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Sherlock | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | November | 1817 | having in possession forged bank notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0085-095 | SHERLOCK MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 14 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-213-19 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Elinor | Redmond | Dublin City | 36 | <[blank]> | December | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-086 | REDMOND ELINOR per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-213-20 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Margaret | Kelly | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | December | 1817 | having in possession forged bank notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0085-049 | KELLY MARGARET per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 14 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-213-21 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Elizabeth | Gahan | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | murder | Life | I | 3 | Murder | uneBV0085-037 | GAHAN ELIZABETH per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, Life | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-213-22 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Anne | Cullen | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | felony of cassinet | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-024 | CULLEN ANNE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-214-01 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Margaret | Bryan | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | felony of cassinet | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-010 | BRYAN MARGARET per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-214-02 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Lillys | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | April | 1818 | felony of cloth | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-053 | LILLYS MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-214-03 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Elizabeth | Maher | Dublin City | 33 | <[blank]> | May | 1818 | felony of towelling | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-059 | MAHER ELIZABETH per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-214-04 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Catherine | Magrath | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | May | 1818 | felony of <[cambric's]> | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-058 | MAGRATH CATHERINE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-214-05 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary Anne | Browne | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | June | 1818 | felony of handkerchief | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-009 | BROWNE MARY ANNE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-214-06 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Bridget | Connolly | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | May | 1818 | felony of a watch | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-017 | CONNOLLY BRIDGET per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | house keeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-214-07 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Fanning | Dublin City | 36 | <[blank]> | June | 1818 | felony of nankinette | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-032 | FANNING MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | cook | 5-31.00 | ||
2-8257-214-08 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Corrigan | Dublin Co | 19 | <[blank]> | November | 1817 | Stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-020 | CORRIGAN MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housemaid | 5-40.20 | ||
2-8257-214-09 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Sarah | Kelly | Dublin Co | 23 | <[blank]> | December | 1817 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-051 | KELLY SARAH per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, Life | F | housemaid | 5-40.20 | ||
2-8257-214-10 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Catherine | Ryan | Dublin Co | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | December | 1817 | passing forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0085-092 | RYAN CATHERINE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 14 years | F | housemaid | 5-40.20 | ||
2-8257-214-11 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Kelly | Antrim | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | robbing a Bleach Green | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-050 | KELLY MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-214-12 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | O'Hara | O'Hare | Antrim | 16 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-082 | OHARA MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | house keeper | 2-24.25 | |
2-8257-214-13 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Elinor | Branagan | Antrim | 32 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-006 | BRANAGAN ELINOR per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | house keeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-214-14 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Margaret | Morgan | Antrim | 17 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-078 | MORGAN MARGARET per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | kitchenmaid | 5-31.90 | ||
2-8257-214-15 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Cloakey | Antrim | 25 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-016 | CLOAKEY MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housemaid | 5-40.20 | ||
2-8257-214-16 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Mawking | Mawhinny | Antrim | 35 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-065 | MAWKING MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8257-214-17 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Anne | Armstrong | Antrim | 33 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | stealing a <[bonnett]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-002 | ARMSTRONG ANNE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-214-18 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Isabella | McIntire | Antrim | 36 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | stealing a <[bonnett]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-074 | MCINTIRE ISABELLA per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-214-19 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Anne | McLoughlin | Antrim | 32 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-076 | MCLOUGHLIN ANNE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-215-01 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Catherine | Reilly | Cavan | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-089 | REILLY CATHERINE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-215-02 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Elizabeth | McCaffry | Cavan | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-066 | MCCAFFRY ELIZABETH per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | washerwoman | 5-60.10 | ||
2-8257-215-03 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Margaret | Coulter | Down | 41 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-021 | COULTER MARGARET per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-215-04 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Anne | Curran | Quinn | Down | 18 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | Stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-026 | CURRAN ANNE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8257-215-05 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Martha | McIlroy | McIllerry | Down | 20 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | having forged stamps in possession | Life | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0085-073 | MCILROY MARTHA per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, Life | F | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8257-215-06 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Crawford | Down | 18 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0085-022 | CRAWFORD MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-215-07 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Carroll | Drogheda | 35 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-014 | CARROLL MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | house keeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-215-08 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Catherine | Pidgeon | Carlow | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0085-083 | PIDGEON CATHERINE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-215-09 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Catherine | Walsh | Clare | 28 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0085-099 | WALSH CATHERINE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-215-10 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Catherine | McCarthy | Clare | 55 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-067 | MCCARTHY CATHERINE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | cook | 5-31.00 | ||
2-8257-215-11 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Elizabeth | Driscoll | Cork Co | 59 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | larceny from shop | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-030 | DRISCOLL ELIZABETH per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-215-12 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Linehan | Cork Co | 36 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | Pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0085-054 | LINEHAN MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-215-13 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Ellen | Brien | Cork Co | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | larceny from shop | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-007 | BRIEN ELLEN per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housemaid | 5-40.20 | ||
2-8257-215-14 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Anne | Ryan | Cork Co | 38 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | passing base coin | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0085-091 | RYAN ANNE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | huckster | 4-52.20 | ||
2-8257-215-15 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Margaret | Ryan | Cork Co | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-093 | RYAN MARGARET per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-215-16 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Honora | Crowly | Cork Co | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-023 | CROWLY HONORA per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-216-01 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Fitzgibbon | Cork City | 32 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | larceny from shop | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-033 | FITZGIBBON MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-216-02 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Bridget | Lynch | Cork City | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | larceny from person | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-057 | LYNCH BRIDGET per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-216-03 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Susan | Johnson | Cork City | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | larceny from shop | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-047 | JOHNSON SUSAN per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-216-04 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Sarah | Hayes | Cork City | 20 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-041 | HAYES SARAH per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-216-05 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Margaret | McGreevy | Cork City | 23 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-072 | MCGREEVY MARGARET per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-216-06 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Margaret | Scannell | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | larceny from shop | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-094 | SCANNELL MARGARET per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | childrens maid | 5-40.35 | ||
2-8257-216-07 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Ellen | Dooly | Cork City | 40 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-029 | DOOLY ELLEN per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | <[?]> | |||
2-8257-216-08 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Catherine | Mahony | Cork City | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | larceny from person | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-060 | MAHONY CATHERINE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housemaid | 5-40.20 | ||
2-8257-216-09 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Margaret | Rochford | Cork City | 24 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | larceny from shop | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-090 | ROCHFORD MARGARET per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-216-10 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Horrogan | Cork City | 24 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-043 | HORROGAN MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | <[?]> | |||
2-8257-216-11 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Honora | Ahern | Cork City | 32 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-001 | AHERN HONORA per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | <[?]> | |||
2-8257-216-12 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Elizabeth | Garvin | Fermanagh | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | stealing cloth | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-038 | GARVIN ELIZABETH per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-216-13 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Margaret | Masterson | Galway Co | 48 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | passing forged notes | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0085-064 | MASTERSON MARGARET per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-216-14 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Massey | Kildare | 48 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-063 | MASSEY MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-216-15 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Judith | Marshall | Kildare | 46 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-062 | MARSHALL JUDITH per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-216-16 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Anne | Keating | Kildare | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | Burglary & Robbery | Life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-048 | KEATING ANNE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, Life | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-216-17 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Margaret | Bergin | Kilkenny Co | 26 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | having in possession forged bank notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0085-003 | BERGIN MARGARET per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 14 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-216-18 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Jacob | Kilkenny Co | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-045 | JACOB MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | childrens maid | 5-40.35 | ||
2-8257-217-01 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Usher | Murtagh | Kings Co | 26 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | stealing cloth | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-098 | USHER MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | VDL: 1821 per Queen Charlotte [CON13-1-02: 101-03] | housemaid | 5-40.20 |
2-8257-217-02 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Lowry | Kings Co | 21 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-056 | LOWRY MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | childrens maid | 5-40.35 | ||
2-8257-217-03 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Hannah | Fox | Sarah | Kings Co | 23 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | stealing clothes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-035 | FOX HANNAH per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | house keeper | 2-24.25 | |
2-8257-217-04 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Sarah | Hickey | Limerick City | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-042 | HICKEY SARAH per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | house keeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-217-05 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Jane | Quigley | Londonderry | 25 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0085-084 | QUIGLEY JANE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | house keeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-217-06 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Madge | Freel | Londonderry | 35 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0085-036 | FREEL MADGE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-217-07 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Elizabeth | McDermott | Longford | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | stealing <[cloathes]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-069 | MCDERMOTT ELIZABETH per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-217-08 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Margaret | Corcoran | Longford | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-019 | CORCORAN MARGARET per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housemaid | 5-40.20 | ||
2-8257-217-09 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Margaret | Campbell | Longford | 19 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | stealing plate | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-012 | CAMPBELL MARGARET per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-217-10 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Elizabeth | Reid | Longford | 48 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny from person | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-087 | REID ELIZABETH per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-217-11 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Catherine | Culnane | Mayo | 60 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | having forged notes in possession | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0085-025 | CULNANE CATHERINE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 14 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-217-12 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Stanton | Reilly | Mayo | 32 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | having forged notes in possession | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0085-096 | STANTON MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 14 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | |
2-8257-217-13 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Ellen | Flaherty | Meath | 18 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-034 | FLAHERTY ELLEN per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-217-14 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Rose | Murtagh | Meath | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-080 | MURTAGH ROSE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-217-15 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Anne | Griffith | Griffin | Meath | 36 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | having forged notes in possession | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0085-040 | GRIFFITH ANNE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 14 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | |
2-8257-217-16 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Willoughby | Monaghan | 28 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | stealing bank notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-101 | WILLOUGHBY MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-217-17 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Anne | Donnelly | Monaghan | 34 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | stealing bank notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-028 | DONNELLY ANNE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-217-18 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Margaret | Marrin | Monaghan | 54 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | stealing cloth | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-061 | MARRIN MARGARET per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-218-01 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Walsh | Queens Co | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-100 | WALSH MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-218-02 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | McDonald | Queens Co | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0085-070 | MCDONALD MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housemaid | 5-40.20 | ||
2-8257-218-03 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Jennings | Sligo | 50 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0085-046 | JENNINGS MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | house keeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-218-04 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Anne | Butler | Tipperary | 19 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | Stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-011 | BUTLER ANNE per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | childrens maid | 5-40.35 | ||
2-8257-218-05 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Ellen | Gleeson | Tipperary | 38 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | felony at large | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-039 | GLEESON ELLEN per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-218-06 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Honor | McCue | Tipperary | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | felony at large | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0085-068 | MCCUE HONOR per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8257-218-07 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Mary | Rafferty | Westmeath | 27 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | stealing linen | 7 years | II | 34 | Larceny, other | uneBV0085-085 | RAFFERTY MARY per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8257-218-08 | ELIZABETH I (2) | BV0085 | 1818 | Elinor | Coogan | Wicklow | 54 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0085-018 | COOGAN ELINOR per ELIZABETH I (2) 1818, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8259-315-01 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | James | Warnock | Antrim | 41 | <[blank]> | August | 1812 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0050-118 | WARNOCK JAMES per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-315-02 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | George | Richmond | Antrim | 54 | <[blank]> | August | 1812 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0050-095 | RICHMOND GEORGE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-315-03 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | William | Lyle | Antrim | 54 | <[blank]> | August | 1812 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0050-061 | LYLE WILLIAM per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | linen weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8259-315-04 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | James | McCourt | Armagh Co | 43 | <[blank]> | November | 1814 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-068 | MCCOURT JAMES per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, Life | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8259-315-05 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Patrick | Strain | Donegal Co | 56 | <[blank]> | August | 1813 | murder & house burning | life | I;II | 3;28 | Murder/Arson | uneBV0050-110 | STRAIN PATRICK per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-315-06 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Michael | McIlvenny | Down Co | 53 | <[blank]> | August | 1813 | unlawfully celebrating a marriage | life | X | X | <[no code]> | uneBV0050-074 | MCILVENNY MICHAEL per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8259-315-07 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | John | Bell | Down Co | 45 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | uttering forged notes | life | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-008 | BELL JOHN per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 14 years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8259-315-08 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Hugh | Hanna | Down Co | 60 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | uttering forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-046 | HANNA HUGH per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-315-09 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Peter | McDonough | Drogheda Town | 40 | <[blank]> | July | 1814 | stealing pigs | 7 years | II | 30 | Other offences against property | uneBV0050-071 | MCDONOUGH PETER per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-315-10 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Simon | Boyton | Dublin Co | 56 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | stealing poultry | 7 years | II | 30 | Other offences against property | uneBV0050-011 | BOYTON SIMON per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8259-315-11 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Walter | Harley | Dublin City | 52 | <[blank]> | November | 1813 | possessing forged tokens & bills | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-047 | HARLEY WALTER per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | silversmith | 8-80.50 | ||
2-8259-315-12 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Bartholomew | Teeling | Dublin City | 45 | <[blank]> | November | 1813 | coining base tokens | 7 years | III | 31 | Forging & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0050-111 | TEELING BARTHOLOMEW per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | clerk | 3-00.00 | ||
2-8259-315-13 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Charles | Fairclough | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | November | 1813 | possessing base tokens | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0050-036 | FAIRCLOUGH CHARLES per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | <[?]> | |||
2-8259-315-14 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | William | Murphy | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | October | 1813 | stealing a handkerchief | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-082 | MURPHY WILLIAM per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 239-33] | tailor | 7-91.00 | |
2-8259-315-15 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Charles | McDonnel | Dublin City | 50 | <[blank]> | November | 1813 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-070 | MCDONNEL CHARLES per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-316-01 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Richard | Hughes | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | October | 1813 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-052 | HUGHES RICHARD per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-316-02 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Hugh | Mckeon | Dublin City | 50 | <[blank]> | December | 1813 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-075 | MCKEON HUGH per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 14 years | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8259-316-03 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Richard | Dennam | Dublin City | 46 | <[blank]> | January | 1814 | stealing plate | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-033 | DENNAM RICHARD per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-316-04 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Patrick | Curren | Dublin City | 49 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | burglary | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0050-031 | CURREN PATRICK per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-316-05 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Luke | Plunkett | Dublin City | 44 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | stealing ink pens etc | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-093 | PLUNKETT LUKE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | silver plater | 8-80.50 | ||
2-8259-316-06 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | George | Littlefield | Dublin City | 48 | <[blank]> | April | 1814 | stealing oil cloth | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-060 | LITTLEFIELD GEORGE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-316-07 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | James | Orford | Dublin City | 50 | <[blank]> | July | 1814 | burglary & robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0050-091 | ORFORD JAMES per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8259-316-08 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | John | Connor | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | July | 1814 | embezzling letters | life | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0050-028 | CONNOR JOHN per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, Life | M | clerk | 3-00.00 | ||
2-8259-316-09 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Luke | Garry | Dublin City | 50 | <[blank]> | May | 1814 | stealing timber | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-041 | GARRY LUKE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | carpenter | |||
2-8259-316-10 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Philip | Kirk | Fox | Dublin City | 50 | <[blank]> | July | 1814 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-058 | KIRK PHILIP per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8259-316-11 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | John | McCann | Dublin City | 46 | <[blank]> | September | 1814 | swindling | 7 years | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0050-064 | MCCANN JOHN per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-316-12 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Edward | Staunton | Dublin City | 50 | <[blank]> | September | 1814 | street robbery | 7 years | II | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0050-108 | STAUNTON EDWARD per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-316-13 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Michael | Graham | Dublin City | 55 | <[blank]> | September | 1814 | street robbery | 7 years | II | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0050-045 | GRAHAM MICHAEL per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-316-14 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | William | Murray | Dublin City | 52 | <[blank]> | September | 1814 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-085 | MURRAY WILLIAM per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-316-15 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Charles | Wall | Dublin City | 56 | <[blank]> | September | 1814 | cutting & destroying woollen cloths | 7 years | II | 29 | Malicious Damage | uneBV0050-116 | WALL CHARLES per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | Bd cloth weaver | |||
2-8259-316-16 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | William | Coffey | Dublin City | 48 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-027 | COFFEY WILLIAM per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-316-17 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Owen | Hughes | Dublin City | 45 | <[blank]> | October | 1814 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0050-051 | HUGHES OWEN per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-316-18 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | John | Murphy | Galway Co | 37 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | rape | life | I | 6 | Rape | uneBV0050-081 | MURPHY JOHN per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, Life | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8259-316-19 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Peter | Mooney | Galway Co | 50 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | issuing forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0050-079 | MOONEY PETER per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 14 years | M | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8259-316-20 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Michael | O'Brien | Kilbridge | Galway Co | 42 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | stealing linen | 7 years | II | 30 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-088 | O'BRIEN MICHAEL per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8259-316-21 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | John | Fowlue | Kerry Co | 46 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0050-040 | FOWLUE JOHN per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-316-22 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Christopher | Anderson | Londonderry Co | 22 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | stealing bank notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-001 | ANDERSON CHRISTOPHER per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8259-316-23 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Bernard | Doogan | Londonderry Co | 60 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | possessing forged notes | life | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-034 | DOOGAN BERNARD per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, Life | M | cooper | 8-19.30 | ||
2-8259-316-24 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Robert | Awl | Londonderry Co | 23 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | possessing forged notes | life | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-003 | AWL ROBERT per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-316-25 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | James | Bell | Londonderry Co | 28 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | possessing forged notes | life | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-007 | BELL JAMES per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, Life | M | carpenter | 9-54.10 | ||
2-8259-316-26 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Peter | Higgins | Longford Co | 60 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-050 | HIGGINS PETER per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-316-27 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | James | Woods | Longford Co | 45 | <[blank]> | July | 1814 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0050-123 | WOODS JAMES per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-317-01 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Edward | Murray | Mayo Co | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0050-083 | MURRAY EDWARD per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-317-02 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | James | Gorry | Mayo Co | 34 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-043 | GORRY JAMES per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-317-03 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Anthony | Molloy | Mayo Co | 21 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | perjury | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0050-078 | MOLLOY ANTHONY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-317-04 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | James | Murray | Meath Co | 58 | <[blank]> | March | 1813 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0050-084 | MURRAY JAMES per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8259-317-05 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Connor | Rourke | Meath Co | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0050-099 | ROURKE CONNOR per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8259-317-06 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Laurence | McDaniel | Meath Co | 49 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | possessing forged notes | life | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-069 | MCDANIEL LAURENCE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-317-07 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | John | McCormick | Meath Co | 29 | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | stealing a bullock | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0050-067 | MCCORMICK JOHN per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-317-08 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | John | Beirne | Roscommon Co | 70 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | seditious & treasonable practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0050-005 | BEIRNE JOHN per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-317-09 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Thomas | Beirne | Roscommon Co | 35 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | seditious & treasonable practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0050-006 | BEIRNE THOMAS per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-317-10 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Michael | Kearney | Tipperary Co | 46 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-055 | KEARNEY MICHAEL per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8259-317-11 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Daniel | O'Neil | Tyrone Co | 56 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | stealing hardware | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-090 | ONEIL DANIEL per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | stone quarrier | 7-11.10 | ||
2-8259-317-12 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Richard | Wilson | Waterford City | 65 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | coining bank tokens | 7 years | III | 31 | Forging & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0050-122 | WILSON RICHARD per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | M | brassfounder | 7-24.20 | ||
2-8259-318-01 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Cicily | McGrady | Antrim | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0050-073 | MCGRADY CICILY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | ||
2-8259-318-02 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Catherine | O'Neil | Antrim | 25 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0050-089 | ONEIL CATHERINE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-318-03 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Ann | Shearon | Armagh Co | 27 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-102 | SHEARON ANN per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8259-318-04 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Catherine | Armstrong | Armagh Co | 22 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | stealing saloon cloth | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-002 | ARMSTRONG CATHERINE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-318-05 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Maguire | Armagh Co | 28 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | stealing <[callico]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-062 | MAGUIRE MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-318-06 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Elizabeth | McConnel | Armagh Co | 27 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | receiving stolen goods | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-066 | MCCONNEL ELIZABETH per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-318-07 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Casey | Cork City | 28 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0050-024 | CASEY MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-318-08 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Farrel | Cork City | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-037 | FARREL MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8259-318-09 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Honora | Barrett | Cork City | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0050-004 | BARRETT HONORA per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-318-10 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Bryan | Cork City | 32 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-015 | BRYAN MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8259-318-11 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Fitzgibbon | Cork City | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-038 | FITZGIBBON MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8259-318-12 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Catherine | Smith | Down Co | 28 | <[blank]> | August | 1813 | stealing corduroy | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-105 | SMITH CATHERINE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-318-13 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Anne | Wilson | Down Co | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | grand larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-121 | WILSON ANNE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-318-14 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Honor | Rooney | Dublin Co | 48 | <[blank]> | November | 1813 | possessing forged notes | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-097 | ROONEY HONOR per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-318-15 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Catherine | Sheridan | Dublin Co | 45 | <[blank]> | September | 1814 | forging notes & possessing implements for forgedry | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0050-104 | SHERIDAN CATHERINE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-318-16 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | White | Dublin City | 51 | <[blank]> | March | 1811 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-120 | WHITE MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-318-17 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Ann | O'Brien | Graham | Dublin City | 46 | <[blank]> | June | 1811 | stealing sugar | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-087 | O'BRIEN ANN per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8259-318-18 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Elizabeth | Watson | Shea | Dublin City | 42 | <[blank]> | June | 1811 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-119 | WATSON ELIZABETH per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | nursemaid | 5-40.35 | |
2-8259-318-19 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Elizabeth | McEvoy | Dublin City | 58 | <[blank]> | October | 1812 | possessing forged notes | life | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-072 | MCEVOY ELIZABETH per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, Life | F | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8259-318-20 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Catherine | Byrne | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | September | 1813 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-020 | BYRNE CATHERINE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-318-21 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Isabella | Graham | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | September | 1813 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-044 | GRAHAM ISABELLA per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | mantua maker | 7-91.90 | ||
2-8259-319-01 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Elizabeth | Healy | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | October | 1813 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-049 | HEALY ELIZABETH per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-319-02 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Stephens | Smith | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | October | 1813 | stealing <[callico]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-109 | STEPHENS MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8259-319-03 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Catherine | Cavanagh | Dogherty | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | October | 1813 | stealing money | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-025 | CAVANAGH CATHERINE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | nursemaid | 5-40.35 | |
2-8259-319-04 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Jane | Maxwell | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | October | 1813 | stealing money | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-063 | MAXWELL JANE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-319-05 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Bridget | Burke | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | October | 1813 | stealing money | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-016 | BURKE BRIDGET per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | needleworker | 7-95.20 | ||
2-8259-319-06 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Butler | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | November | 1813 | stealing stuff | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-017 | BUTLER MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-319-07 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Margaret | Hyland | Dublin City | 38 | <[blank]> | November | 1813 | stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-054 | HYLAND MARGARET per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-319-08 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Harrington | Dublin City | 50 | <[blank]> | December | 1813 | stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-048 | HARRINGTON MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-319-09 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Margaret | Roe | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | December | 1813 | stealing ribo>[?]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-096 | ROE MARGARET per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-319-10 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Catherine | Kingsmill | Neale | Dublin City | 27 | <[blank]> | December | 1813 | stealing muslin | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-057 | KINGSMILL CATHERINE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Emu [CON13-1-01: 051-07] | servant | 5-40.10 |
2-8259-319-11 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Brown | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | December | 1813 | stealing watch & bank notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-014 | BROWN MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Emu [CON13-1-01: 051-06] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8259-319-12 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Margaret | Byrne | Dublin City | 34 | <[blank]> | December | 1814 | stealing butter | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-021 | BYRNE MARGARET per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | bootcloser | 8-02.55 | ||
2-8259-319-13 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Catherine | Bray | Rogers | Dublin City | 42 | <[blank]> | January | 1814 | uttering forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-012 | BRAY CATHERINE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 14 years | F | housekeeper | 2-24.25 | |
2-8259-319-14 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Catherine | Pew | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | February | 1814 | uttering & possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-092 | PEW CATHERINE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 14 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-319-15 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Matilda | Walker | Laracy | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | stealing muslin | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-115 | WALKER MATILDA per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | VDL: 1818 per Duke of Wellington [CON13-1-01: 113-13] | servant | 5-40.10 |
2-8259-319-16 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Margaret | Campbell | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | stealing muslin | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-022 | CAMPBELL MARGARET per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-319-17 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Julia | Brien | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | February | 1814 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0050-013 | BRIEN JULIA per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, Life | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-319-18 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Thorpe | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | April | 1814 | stealing plate & apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-114 | THORPE MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | VDL: 1816 per Emu [CON13-1-01: 051-08] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8259-319-19 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Godfrey | Dublin City | 32 | <[blank]> | May | 1814 | burglary & stealing bank notes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0050-042 | GODFREY MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8259-319-20 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Ann | Emmerson | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | May | 1814 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-035 | EMMERSON ANN per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-319-21 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Susan | Thomson | Dublin City | 34 | <[blank]> | July | 1814 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-113 | THOMSON SUSAN per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-319-22 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Ann | Ryan | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | July | 1814 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-100 | RYAN ANN per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-319-23 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Ann | Byrne | Dublin City | 27 | <[blank]> | July | 1814 | forging & assisting in forging & coining | life | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0050-018 | BYRNE ANN per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, Life | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-319-24 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Catherine | Sheridan | Dublin City | 38 | <[blank]> | July | 1814 | forging & assisting in forging & coining | life | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0050-103 | SHERIDAN CATHERINE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, Life | F | baker | 7-76.10 | ||
2-8259-319-25 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Margaret | Stafford | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | stealing <[..ersey m…]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-107 | STAFFORD MARGARET per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-319-26 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Jane | Thompson | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | stealing <[…]> bonnet | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-112 | THOMPSON JANE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | straw bonnet maker | 7-93.20 | ||
2-8259-319-27 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Catherine | Boyle | Dublin City | 35 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | stealing handkerchief & bank notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-010 | BOYLE CATHERINE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-319-28 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Marcella | Neville | Pendergrast | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-086 | NEVILLE MARCELLA per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | needleworker | 7-95.20 | |
2-8259-320-01 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Ann | Kinahan | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | August | 1814 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-056 | KINAHAN ANN per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-320-02 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Flanigan | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | September | 1814 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-039 | FLANIGAN MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-320-03 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Ann | Cullen | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | September | 1814 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0050-030 | CULLEN ANN per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-320-04 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Alice | Kirwan | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | September | 1814 | stealing plate | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-059 | KIRWAN ALICE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8259-320-05 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Berry | Doyle | Kildare Co | 28 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | stealing bank notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-009 | BERRY MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8259-320-06 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Connor | Kildare Co | 22 | <[blank]> | July | 1814 | stealing bridles & saddles | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-029 | CONNOR MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-320-07 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Bridget | Hyland | Kildare Co | 50 | <[blank]> | July | 1814 | stealing sacks | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-053 | HYLAND BRIDGET per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-320-08 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Ryan | Kilkenny City | 28 | <[blank]> | August | 1813 | a vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0050-101 | RYAN MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-320-09 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Carden | Kilkenny City | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | a vagrant | 7 years | IV | 38 | Vagrancy | uneBV0050-023 | CARDEN MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-320-10 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Frances | Denigan | Longford Co | 28 | <[blank]> | July | 1814 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0050-032 | DENIGAN FRANCES per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-320-11 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Bridget | Rourke | Roscommon Co | 50 | <[blank]> | July | 1814 | possessing stolen goods | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-098 | ROURKE BRIDGET per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-320-12 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Mulloon | Roscommon Co | 40 | <[blank]> | July | 1814 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0050-080 | MULLOON MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-320-13 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Bridget | Walsh | Sligo Co | 26 | <[blank]> | August | 1813 | stealing clothes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-117 | WALSH BRIDGET per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-320-14 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Elizabeth | Smith | Sligo Co | 35 | <[blank]> | July | 1814 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0050-106 | SMITH ELIZABETH per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-320-15 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Rose | McLoghlin | Tyrone Co | 26 | <[blank]> | August | 1813 | stealing plate & table cloth | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-076 | MCLOGHLIN ROSE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-320-16 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Rose | Reed | Tyrone Co | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0050-094 | REED ROSE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-320-17 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Charlotte | McConnel | Tyrone Co | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0050-065 | MCCONNEL CHARLOTTE per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-320-18 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Bridget | Byrne | Wexford Co | 42 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | uttering forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-019 | BYRNE BRIDGET per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 14 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-320-19 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Margaret | Mitchell | Wexford Co | 44 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | uttering forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0050-077 | MITCHELL MARGARET per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 14 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8259-320-20 | FRANCIS & ELIZA | BV0050 | 1815 | Mary | Chandler | Wexford Co | 55 | <[blank]> | March | 1814 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0050-026 | CHANDLER MARY per FRANCIS & ELIZA 1815, 7 years | F | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8261-395-01 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Francis | Byrne | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | October | 1814 | burglary & robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-015 | BYRNE FRANCIS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | miller | 7-71.20 | ||
2-8261-395-02 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Michael | Smyth | Dublin City | 35 | <[blank]> | October | 1814 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0056-209 | SMYTH MICHAEL per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | quarryman | 7-11.10 | ||
2-8261-395-03 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Keelin | Dublin City | 42 | <[blank]> | October | 1814 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-117 | KEELIN PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-395-04 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Francis | Harrison | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | October | 1814 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-090 | HARRISON FRANCIS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | stonemason | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8261-395-05 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Byrne | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | December | 1814 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-017 | BYRNE THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-395-06 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Morris | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | December | 1814 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0056-164 | MORRIS THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-395-07 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Hill | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | December | 1814 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-094 | HILL JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | carpenter | 9-54.10 | ||
2-8261-395-08 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Smyth | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | stealing oats | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-208 | SMYTH JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8261-395-09 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Curren | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-039 | CURREN THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | hosier | 4-10.30 | ||
2-8261-395-10 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Luke | Daly | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-043 | DALY LUKE per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8261-395-11 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Carrol | Goff | Dublin City | 60 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-020 | CARROL JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | merchants clerk | 3-00.00 | |
2-8261-395-12 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Reynolds | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | January | 1815 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-191 | REYNOLDS THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | glass blower | 8-91.20 | ||
2-8261-395-13 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Fairara | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | murder | life | I | 3 | Murder | uneBV0056-063 | FAIRARA JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8261-395-14 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Flannigan | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-095 | FLANNIGAN THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8261-395-15 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Atkinson | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-001 | ATKINSON JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 062-04] | whitesmith | 8-73.40 | |
2-8261-395-16 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Kelly | Dublin City | 44 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | stealing apparel & bank notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-122 | KELLY THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | cooper | 8-19.30 | ||
2-8261-395-17 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | George | Thornton | Dublin City | 34 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-215 | THORNTON GEORGE per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-395-18 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Robert | Summers | Dublin City | 35 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-213 | SUMMERS ROBERT per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8261-395-19 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Purcell | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-183 | PURCELL JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | attorneys clerk | 3-93.40 | ||
2-8261-395-20 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Fodin | Perrin | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | selling forged stamps | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0056-180 | PERRIN FODIN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8261-395-21 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Ledwick | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0056-131 | LEDWICK PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-395-22 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Egan | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-061 | EGAN JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8261-395-23 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Edward | Halton | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-088 | HALTON EDWARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | houseservant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8261-395-24 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Mills | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-159 | MILLS JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-395-25 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | William | Hogg | Dublin City | 36 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-098 | HOGG WILLIAM per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | watchmaker | 8-42.20 | ||
2-8261-395-26 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Bryan | Kelly | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | stealing <[blinkers?]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-120 | KELLY BRYAN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-395-27 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Edward | Dwyer | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | stealing bacon | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-057 | DWYER EDWARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-396-01 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Murphy | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-171 | MURPHY JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | mariner | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8261-396-02 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Mannin | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | robbing a store | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-138 | MANNIN JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-396-03 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Michael | Fanning | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-066 | FANNING MICHAEL per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8261-396-04 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Edward | McDonald | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | April | 1815 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-148 | MCDONALD EDWARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-396-05 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Mulvany | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | April | 1815 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-169 | MULVANY JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | plaisterer | 9-55.10 | ||
2-8261-396-06 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Stephen | Parrell | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | April | 1815 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-179 | PARRELL STEPHEN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 240-12] | gunmaker | 8-39.20 | |
2-8261-396-07 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Geraghty | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | April | 1815 | stealing plate & apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-080 | GERAGHTY THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8261-396-08 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Glinn | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | May | 1815 | stealing bank notes & apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-083 | GLINN JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 240-10] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8261-396-09 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Fitzsimons | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | May | 1815 | stealing starch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-072 | FITZSIMONS JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | calico printer | 9-29.50 | ||
2-8261-396-10 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Holly | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | May | 1815 | street robbery | life | II | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0056-099 | HOLLY JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | glass blower | 8-91.20 | ||
2-8261-396-11 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Henry | Kilty | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | June | 1815 | street robbery | 7 years | II | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0056-126 | KILTY HENRY per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-396-12 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Bernard | Ward | Dublin City | 27 | <[blank]> | June | 1815 | stealing <[…]> & apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-224 | WARD BERNARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 060-17] | carpenter | 9-54.10 | |
2-8261-396-13 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Keefe | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | June | 1815 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-114 | KEEFE PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-396-14 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Bernard | Johnston | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | June | 1815 | stealing fish kettle | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-107 | JOHNSTON BERNARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-396-15 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Frederick | McNamara | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | June | 1815 | burglary & robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-155 | MCNAMARA FREDERICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8261-396-16 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Madden | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | June | 1815 | burglary & robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-133 | MADDEN JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 240-11] | groom | 6-24.60 | |
2-8261-396-17 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Peter | Dignam | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | June | 1815 | stealing bank notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-044 | DIGNAM PETER per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-396-18 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Bartholomew | Flinn | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | June | 1815 | stealing a cow | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0056-073 | FLINN BARTHOLOMEW per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-396-19 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Evans | Dublin City | 38 | <[blank]> | June | 1815 | stealing a cow | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0056-062 | EVANS JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-396-20 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Byrne | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | June | 1815 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-016 | BYRNE JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8261-396-21 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Hugh | Ward | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0056-225 | WARD HUGH per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 14 years | M | brassfounder | 7-24.20 | ||
2-8261-396-22 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Peter | Murphy | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | stealing <[diaper?]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-173 | MURPHY PETER per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-396-23 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Troy | Dublin City | 44 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | burglary & robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-219 | TROY PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-396-24 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Bryan | McCluskey | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0056-145 | MCCLUSKEY BRYAN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-396-25 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Michael | Cassidy | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | stealing a saddle | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-022 | CASSIDY MICHAEL per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8261-396-26 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | George | Robinson | Dublin City | 46 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | stealing books | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-196 | ROBINSON GEORGE per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | poulterer | 4-10.25 | ||
2-8261-396-27 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Rourke | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-198 | ROURKE PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 070-07] | cooper | 8-19.30 | |
2-8261-396-28 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Christopher | Bray | Dublin City | 34 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | stealing flour | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-010 | BRAY CHRISTOPHER per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-396-29 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Peter | Wilson | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0056-228 | WILSON PETER per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-396-30 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Kearns | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | stealing bank notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-111 | KEARNS JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | house carpenter | 9-54.15 | ||
2-8261-396-31 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Farrell | Dublin City | 14 | <[blank]> | September | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-067 | FARRELL PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-396-32 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Hopkins | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | May | 1815 | stealing sheep | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-100 | HOPKINS JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-396-33 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | William | Flinn | Leonard | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | June | 1815 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-074 | FLINN WILLIAM per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8261-396-34 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Falkiner | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | stealing wine | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-064 | FALKINER JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Pilot [CON13-1-01: 090-04] | wine cooper | 8-19.30 | |
2-8261-397-01 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Laverty | Antrim | 50 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0056-129 | LAVERTY PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-397-02 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Kennedy | Antrim | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-123 | KENNEDY JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-397-03 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Edward | Kane | Antrim | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | robbing a Bleach Green | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-109 | KANE EDWARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | stonemason | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8261-397-04 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | William | Gilmour | Antrim | 46 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | robbing a Bleach Green | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-081 | GILMOUR WILLIAM per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8261-397-05 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Hassin | Antrim | 50 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | perjury | <[blank]> | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0056-091 | HASSIN JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, <[blank]> | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-397-06 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | William | Hughes | Armagh Co | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | stealing a pistol | life | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-104 | HUGHES WILLIAM per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | VDL: 1818 per Duke of Wellington [CON13-1-01: 109-06] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8261-397-07 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Charles | Nimmons | Armagh Co | 34 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | receiving stolen goods | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0056-175 | NIMMONS CHARLES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8261-397-08 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Bergan | Carlow Co | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | abduction | life | I | 8 | Abduction | uneBV0056-005 | BERGAN JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | mason | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8261-397-09 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Edward | Maghan | Carlow Co | 55 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0056-134 | MAGHAN EDWARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-397-10 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Clary | Carlow Co | 28 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0056-026 | CLARY JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-397-11 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Laurence | Timony | Cavan Co | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0056-217 | TIMONY LAURENCE per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-397-12 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Laurence | Clarke | Cavan Co | 45 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0056-024 | CLARKE LAURENCE per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 14 years | M | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8261-397-13 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Redmond | Burke | Clare Co | 40 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0056-014 | BURKE REDMOND per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | VDL: 1817 per Pilot [CON13-1-01: 090-05] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8261-397-14 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Martin | Quin | Cork Co | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0056-184 | QUIN MARTIN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8261-397-15 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Daniel | Donally | Cork Co | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-049 | DONALLY DANIEL per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8261-397-16 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Timothy | Keefe | Cork Co | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-116 | KEEFE TIMOTHY per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-397-17 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Owen | Sweeny | Cork Co | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-214 | SWEENY OWEN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-397-18 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Michael | Scanlon | Cork Co | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-203 | SCANLON MICHAEL per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | house carpenter | 9-54.15 | ||
2-8261-397-19 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Power | Cork Co | 38 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-182 | POWER JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | house carpenter | 9-54.15 | ||
2-8261-397-20 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | William | Nowlan | Cork Co | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-176 | NOWLAN WILLIAM per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8261-397-21 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Michael | Barry | Cork Co | 40 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-004 | BARRY MICHAEL per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-397-22 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Daly | Cork City | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-042 | DALY JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8261-397-23 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Geary | Gow | Cork City | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | burglary & robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-079 | GEARY PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | |
2-8261-397-24 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Dennis | Horrigan | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | sheep stealing | 14 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-101 | HORRIGAN DENNIS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-397-25 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Peter | Bird | Cork City | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-006 | BIRD PETER per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 14 years | M | nailor | 8-39.90 | ||
2-8261-398-01 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Edward | Scannell | Cork City | 32 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-204 | SCANNELL EDWARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8261-398-02 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Jeremiah | Bryan | Cork City | 36 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | highway robbery | 14 years | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0056-012 | BRYAN JEREMIAH per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-398-03 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Gash | Cork City | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | robbing his Master | 7 years | II | 22 | Embezzlement & stealing by servants | uneBV0056-078 | GASH THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | clockmaker | 8-42.20 | ||
2-8261-398-04 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Coleman | Cork City | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | a vagrant | 7 years | IV | 39 | Vagrancy | uneBV0056-029 | COLEMAN THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-398-05 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Conolly | Cork City | 33 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | embezzlement from mail | 7 years | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0056-035 | CONOLLY JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-398-06 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Fitzgerald | Cork City | 44 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-070 | FITZGERALD JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | miller | 7-71.20 | ||
2-8261-398-07 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Robert | Hunter | Donegal Co | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-105 | HUNTER ROBERT per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 063-01] | carpenter | 9-54.10 | |
2-8261-398-08 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | William | McAnally | Down Co | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0056-141 | MCANALLY WILLIAM per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | brickmaker | 8-92.42 | ||
2-8261-398-09 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Michael | Clarke | Down Co | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0056-025 | CLARKE MICHAEL per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-398-10 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Reily | Down Co | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0056-190 | REILY PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-398-11 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Bernard | Maxwell | Down Co | 46 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0056-140 | MAXWELL BERNARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-398-12 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | McArdle | Down Co | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | stealing linen | 7 years | II | 29 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-142 | MCARDLE JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-398-13 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Nicholas | Russell | Down Co | 26 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0056-199 | RUSSELL NICHOLAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | stonemason | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8261-398-14 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Halligan | Drogheda Town | 25 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-087 | HALLIGAN PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | linen weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8261-398-15 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Michael | McDonough | Dublin Co | 35 | <[blank]> | October | 1814 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0056-150 | MCDONOUGH MICHAEL per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-398-16 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Reilly | Dublin Co | 34 | <[blank]> | October | 1814 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0056-189 | REILLY THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-398-17 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Fitzsimmons | Dublin Co | 22 | <[blank]> | December | 1814 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0056-071 | FITZSIMMONS THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-398-18 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Bernard | Graham | Dublin Co | 35 | <[blank]> | December | 1814 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0056-084 | GRAHAM BERNARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | horsebreaker | 6-24.90 | ||
2-8261-398-19 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | McDaniel | Dublin Co | 28 | <[blank]> | December | 1814 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-147 | MCDANIEL JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-398-20 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | McKenna | Dublin Co | 32 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-152 | MCKENNA THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | nailor | 8-39.90 | ||
2-8261-398-21 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Richard | Keefe | Dublin Co | 20 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0056-115 | KEEFE RICHARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-398-22 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Nicholas | Conolly | Dublin Co | 20 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-036 | CONOLLY NICHOLAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-398-23 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Nicholas | Keenan | Dublin Co | 36 | <[blank]> | February | 1815 | embezzling money | 14 years | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0056-118 | KEENAN NICHOLAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-398-24 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Dunn | Dublin Co | 24 | <[blank]> | June | 1815 | Murder & robbery <[…]> | 7 years | I;II | 3;18 | Murder;Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-056 | DUNN JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | harnessmaker | 8-03.20 | ||
2-8261-398-25 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Connell | Dublin Co | 34 | <[blank]> | September | 1815 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-033 | CONNELL JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8261-398-26 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Craughwell | Galway Co | 28 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-037 | CRAUGHWELL THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-398-27 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | William | Craughwell | Galway Co | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-038 | CRAUGHWELL WILLIAM per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | victualer | 5-10.50 | ||
2-8261-398-28 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Kelly | Galway Co | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-121 | KELLY PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-399-01 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Francis | Walsh | Galway Co | 28 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | assault to rob | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-220 | WALSH FRANCIS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8261-399-02 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Mulvihill | Kerry Co | 39 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0056-170 | MULVIHILL THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-399-03 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Christopher | Mohan | Kildare Co | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0056-160 | MOHAN CHRISTOPHER per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-399-04 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Doyle | Kildare Co | 23 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0056-055 | DOYLE PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | horse shoer | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8261-399-05 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Rourke | Kildare Co | 27 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | stealing cash | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-197 | ROURKE JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-399-06 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Cane | Kildare Co | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | stealing wheat | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-018 | CANE THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-399-07 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Rafter | Kildare Co | 23 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | highway robbery | 7 years | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0056-186 | RAFTER PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-399-08 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Mooney | Kildare Co | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0056-161 | MOONEY JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-399-09 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | George | Dignum | Dunn | Kildare Co | 23 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | stealing cattle | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0056-045 | DIGNUM GEORGE per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8261-399-10 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | David | Kinsella | Kilkenny Co | 35 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | sheep stealing | life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-127 | KINSELLA DAVID per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-399-11 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Aylward | Kilkenny Co | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | a vagrant | 7 years | IV | 40 | Vagrancy | uneBV0056-002 | AYLWARD THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8261-399-12 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Blanchville | Kilkenny Co | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | having stolen sheep in his possession | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0056-008 | BLANCHVILLE PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-399-13 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Michael | Doocey | Kilkenny Co | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | treasonable practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-051 | DOOCEY MICHAEL per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-399-14 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Michael | Phelan | Kilkenny Co | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | treasonable practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-181 | PHELAN MICHAEL per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8261-399-15 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Darby | Doyle | Kilkenny Co | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | treasonable practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-054 | DOYLE DARBY per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-399-16 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Dowling | Kilkenny City | 29 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0056-053 | DOWLING JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-399-17 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Mathew | Hyland | McCabe | Kilkenny City | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-106 | HYLAND MATHEW per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | sawyer | 7-32.10 | |
2-8261-399-18 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Moran | Kings Co | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | burglary & robbery of arms | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-162 | MORAN THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | thatcher | 9-53.60 | ||
2-8261-399-19 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Edwards | Kings Co | 28 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | burglary & robbery of arms | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-060 | EDWARDS JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-399-20 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Owen | Murray | Kings Co | 32 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | burglary & robbery of arms | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-174 | MURRAY OWEN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-399-21 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Connor | Kings Co | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | burglary & robbery of arms | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-034 | CONNOR JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-399-22 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Terence | Foley | Leitrim Co | 38 | <[blank]> | July | 1814 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-075 | FOLEY TERENCE per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8261-399-23 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Hackett | Leitrim Co | 25 | <[blank]> | July | 1814 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-086 | HACKETT JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-399-24 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Francis | Collins | Limerick Co | 46 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-030 | COLLINS FRANCIS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-399-25 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | William | Curtin | Limerick Co | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | attacking a dwelling house by night | life | II | 16 | Burglary | uneBV0056-040 | CURTIN WILLIAM per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-400-01 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Meehan | Hogan | Limerick Co | 18 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | sheep stealing | 14 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-158 | MEEHAN JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8261-400-02 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Maurice | Roache | Limerick Co | 30 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-195 | ROACHE MAURICE per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8261-400-03 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Callaghan | Riordan | Limerick Co | 29 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-194 | RIORDAN CALLAGHAN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8261-400-04 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | O'Donnell | Limerick Co | 20 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-177 | O'DONNELL PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8261-400-05 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Michael | McMahon | Limerick Co | 35 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-154 | MCMAHON MICHAEL per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8261-400-06 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Condon | Limerick Co | 45 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | perjury | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0056-031 | CONDON JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8261-400-07 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | William | Walsh | Limerick City | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | uttering forged notes | life | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0056-223 | WALSH WILLIAM per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-400-08 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | William | Keating | Limerick City | 38 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | possessing forged notes | life | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0056-113 | KEATING WILLIAM per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | cotton weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8261-400-09 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Hogan | Magrath | Limerick City | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0056-097 | HOGAN THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | stonemason | 9-51.40 | |
2-8261-400-10 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Michael | Kiernane | Limerick City | 50 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-124 | KIERNANE MICHAEL per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-400-11 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Michael | Kane | Londonderry Co | 19 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | stealing a gun | life | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-110 | KANE MICHAEL per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 063-07] | house carpenter | 9-54.15 | |
2-8261-400-12 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Phelim | Hughes | Longford Co | 20 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | stealing a watch | life | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-103 | HUGHES PHELIM per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-400-13 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Edward | McCabe | Longford Co | 20 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | treasonable practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-143 | MCCABE EDWARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-400-14 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | McCabe | Longford Co | 26 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | treasonable practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-144 | MCCABE JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-400-15 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Michael | Reilly | Longford Co | 53 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | treasonable practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-188 | REILLY MICHAEL per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8261-400-16 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Francis | O'Heare | Louth Co | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0056-178 | OHEARE FRANCIS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | cooper | 8-19.30 | ||
2-8261-400-17 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Edward | McQuade | Louth Co | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-157 | MCQUADE EDWARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-400-18 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Jordan | Mayo Co | 54 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | treasonable practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-108 | JORDAN PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-400-19 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Trembull | Mayo Co | 41 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | treasonable practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-218 | TREMBULL THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | linen weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8261-400-20 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Anthony | Kelly | Mayo Co | 29 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | treasonable practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-119 | KELLY ANTHONY per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | hostler | 5-10.20 | ||
2-8261-400-21 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Walsh | Mayo Co | 34 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | bigamy | 14 years | I | 11 | Bigamy | uneBV0056-221 | WALSH THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-400-22 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Hill | Mayo Co | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | sheep stealing | life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-093 | HILL JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8261-400-23 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Charles | Richardson | Mayo Co | 42 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-192 | RICHARDSON CHARLES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8261-400-24 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Peter | McNulty | Mayo Co | 43 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-156 | MCNULTY PETER per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | stonemason | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8261-400-25 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Mulkline | Mayo Co | 35 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | uttering base coin | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0056-165 | MULKLINE JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-400-26 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Martin | Hughes | Mayo Co | 26 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0056-102 | HUGHES MARTIN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | hairdresser | 5-70.30 | ||
2-8261-400-27 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | McDonough | Meath Co | 44 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0056-149 | MCDONOUGH JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-400-28 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Ledwich | Meath Co | 21 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0056-130 | LEDWICH JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-400-29 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Daniel | Boyle | Meath Co | 48 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | horse stealing | 7 years | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0056-009 | BOYLE DANIEL per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-401-01 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | McMahon | Meath Co | 25 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0056-153 | MCMAHON JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-401-02 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Walsh | Meath Co | 23 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0056-222 | WALSH THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 14 years | M | houseservant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8261-401-03 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Whelan | Meath Co | 22 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0056-226 | WHELAN JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 14 years | M | Public servant | |||
2-8261-401-04 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Hamilton | Meath Co | 26 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0056-089 | HAMILTON PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-401-05 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Reilly | Meath Co | 23 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | taking illegal oath | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-187 | REILLY JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-401-06 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Michael | Larkin | Meath Co | 36 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-128 | LARKIN MICHAEL per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | flaxdresser | 7-56.35 | ||
2-8261-401-07 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Stephen | Kearns | Monaghan Co | 29 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0056-112 | KEARNS STEPHEN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 14 years | M | plaisterer | 9-55.10 | ||
2-8261-401-08 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Francis | Charters | Monaghan Co | 23 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | highway robbery | 7 years | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0056-023 | CHARTERS FRANCIS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | stable boy | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8261-401-09 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Hugh | Conlan | Monaghan Co | 23 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-032 | CONLAN HUGH per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 060-18] | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | |
2-8261-401-10 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Martin | Maher | Queens Co | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | treasonable practices | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-136 | MAHER MARTIN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-401-11 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Quinn | Queens Co | 28 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | riotous assembly by night | 7 years | IV | 39 | Indecent, riotous or offensive conduct | uneBV0056-185 | QUINN PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | nailor | 8-39.90 | ||
2-8261-401-12 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Cohen | Roscommon Co | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0056-028 | COHEN JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-401-13 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Dillon | Roscommon Co | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | treasonable practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-046 | DILLON PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-401-14 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Fallon | Roscommon Co | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-065 | FALLON JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-401-15 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Dolan | Roscommon Co | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-047 | DOLAN JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-401-16 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Malone | Roscommon Co | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | rape | life | I | 6 | Rape | uneBV0056-137 | MALONE PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-401-17 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Edward | Giveran | Roscommon Co | 20 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | sheep stealing | life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-082 | GIVERAN EDWARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | carpenter | 9-54.10 | ||
2-8261-401-18 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Fardy | Shane | Roscommon Co | 35 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-206 | SHANE FARDY per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | Sieve maker | |||
2-8261-401-19 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Maguire | Sligo Co | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0056-135 | MAGUIRE PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-401-20 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Gafney | Sligo Co | 28 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-077 | GAFNEY JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | stonemason | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8261-401-21 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Dowd | Sligo Co | 28 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-052 | DOWD JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8261-401-22 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Owen | Dolphin | Sligo Co | 28 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | shooting cattle | life | II | 24 | Unlawfully using horses or cattle | uneBV0056-048 | DOLPHIN OWEN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-401-23 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Dennis | Carrobine | Sligo Co | 38 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | shooting cattle | life | II | 24 | Unlawfully using horses or cattle | uneBV0056-019 | CARROBINE DENNIS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-401-24 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Dudley | Mulrooney | Sligo Co | 38 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | shooting cattle | life | II | 24 | Unlawfully using horses or cattle | uneBV0056-168 | MULROONEY DUDLEY per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-401-25 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Fennessy | Tipperary Co | 33 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-069 | FENNESSY JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1816 per Kangaroo [CON13-1-01: 060-19] | sawyer | 7-32.10 | |
2-8261-401-26 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Robert | Stack | Tipperary Co | 23 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-211 | STACK ROBERT per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-401-27 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Richard | Stack | Tipperary Co | 19 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-210 | STACK RICHARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-401-28 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Edward | Hogan | Tipperary Co | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-096 | HOGAN EDWARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-401-29 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Edmond | Richey | Hiford | Tipperary Co | 38 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | robbing Bleach Green | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-193 | RICHEY EDMOND per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8261-401-30 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Mara | Tipperary Co | 44 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-139 | MARA JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 240-13] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8261-401-31 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Laurence | Donohoe | Tipperary Co | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0056-050 | DONOHOE LAURENCE per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-01 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Daniel | Tierney | Tipperary Co | 20 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | administering illegal oaths | life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0056-216 | TIERNEY DANIEL per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8261-402-02 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Leonard | Tipperary Co | 24 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | administering illegal oaths | life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0056-132 | LEONARD PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-03 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Edmond | Ryan | Tipperary Co | 60 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-200 | RYAN EDMOND per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-04 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Patrick | Dwyer | Tipperary Co | 26 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-059 | DWYER PATRICK per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-05 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | William | Brien | Tipperary Co | 22 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-011 | BRIEN WILLIAM per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-06 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Edward | Dwyer | Tipperary Co | 28 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-058 | DWYER EDWARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-07 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Stapleton | Tipperary Co | 26 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-212 | STAPLETON JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-08 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Mathew | Ryan | Tipperary Co | 26 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-202 | RYAN MATHEW per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-09 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Moroney | Tipperary Co | 23 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-163 | MORONEY JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-10 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Murphy | Tipperary Co | 28 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-172 | MURPHY JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-11 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Fox | Tipperary Co | 22 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-076 | FOX THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-12 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Ryan | Tipperary Co | 24 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-201 | RYAN JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-13 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Barry | Tipperary Co | 68 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-003 | BARRY JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8261-402-14 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | McEvoy | Tipperary Co | 22 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-151 | MCEVOY JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-15 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Sliney | Waterford Co | 24 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | treasonable practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-207 | SLINEY JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-16 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Andrew | Mullowney | Waterford Co | 32 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | treasonable practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-166 | MULLOWNEY ANDREW per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-17 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Mullowney | Waterford Co | 25 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | treasonable practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-167 | MULLOWNEY JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-18 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | William | Whelan | Waterford Co | 26 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | treasonable practices | life | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0056-227 | WHELAN WILLIAM per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-19 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Mathew | Buckley | Waterford Co | 37 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-013 | BUCKLEY MATHEW per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-20 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Edward | Blanchfield | Waterford Co | 28 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0056-007 | BLANCHFIELD EDWARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8261-402-21 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Hickey | Waterford Co | 50 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0056-092 | HICKEY JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | tinker | 8-73.40 | ||
2-8261-402-22 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | George | Gumbleton | Waterford City | 46 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0056-085 | GUMBLETON GEORGE per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | mariner | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8261-402-23 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | William | Seery | Westmeath Co | 37 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-205 | SEERY WILLIAM per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-24 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | James | Kilduffe | Westmeath Co | 20 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-125 | KILDUFFE JAMES per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | ||
2-8261-402-25 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Edward | Farrelly | Westmeath Co | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-068 | FARRELLY EDWARD per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-26 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | McCormick | Westmeath Co | 22 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | burglary & carding | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-146 | MCCORMICK THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8261-402-27 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Thomas | Dalton | Westmeath Co | 37 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | mail robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-041 | DALTON THOMAS per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, Life | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8261-402-28 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | Edmond | Cleary | Wicklow Co | 29 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-027 | CLEARY EDMOND per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | baker | 7-76.10 | ||
2-8261-402-29 | GUILDFORD (2) | BV0056 | 1816 | John | Carrol | Wicklow Co | 27 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0056-021 | CARROL JOHN per GUILDFORD (2) 1816, 7 years | M | hawker | 4-52.20 | ||
2-8269-353-01 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Robert | Hughes | Armagh Co | 55 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0096-079 | HUGHES ROBERT per MARY I 1819, Life | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8269-353-02 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Gillespy | Armagh Co | 18 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-068 | GILLESPY JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8269-353-03 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | James | Mullan | Armagh Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | receiving stolen goods | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0096-116 | MULLAN JAMES per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-353-04 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Hugh | Gibney | Armagh Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | stealing hemp | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0096-066 | GIBNEY HUGH per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | ropemaker | 7-57.10 | ||
2-8269-353-05 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | James | Morrison | Armagh Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-115 | MORRISON JAMES per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | stable boy | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8269-353-06 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Quinn | Armagh Co | 35 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0096-129 | QUINN JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-353-07 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Francis | Morgan | Armagh Co | 35 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | having stolen linen in possession | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0096-114 | MORGAN FRANCIS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8269-353-08 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Patrick | Greames | Griffy | Clare | 18 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-071 | GREAMES PATRICK per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8269-353-09 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Corneluis | Mahony | Cork City | 24 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0096-100 | MAHONY CORNELUIS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-353-10 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Walsh | Cork City | 56 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0096-158 | WALSH JOHN per MARY I 1819, 14 years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8269-353-11 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Samuel | Miller | Cork City | 24 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-111 | MILLER SAMUEL per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-353-12 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Patrick | Riordan | Cork City | 19 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | assault & robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-136 | RIORDAN PATRICK per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | carman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8269-353-13 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | James | Cleary | Cork City | 14 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0096-026 | CLEARY JAMES per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 241-25] | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8269-353-14 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Philip | Hyde | Cork City | 12 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0096-081 | HYDE PHILIP per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8269-353-15 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Francis | Davis | Cork City | 40 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | murder | life | I | 3 | Murder | uneBV0096-038 | DAVIS FRANCIS per MARY I 1819, Life | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8269-353-16 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Daniel | Deashy | Cork City | 14 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0096-039 | DEASHY DANIEL per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8269-353-17 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Murray | Cork City | 16 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0096-124 | MURRAY JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8269-353-18 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Keane | Cork City | 16 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0096-082 | KEANE JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | farmers boy | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8269-354-01 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Patrick | Keliher | Cork City | 14 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0096-087 | KELIHER PATRICK per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8269-354-02 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Brien | Cork City | 12 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0096-011 | BRIEN JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8269-354-03 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Michael | Ahern | Cork City | 36 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | robbing the King's stores | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-001 | AHERN MICHAEL per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-354-04 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | James | Murphy | Cork City | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | robbing the King's stores | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-118 | MURPHY JAMES per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-354-05 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | James | Creedon | Denis | Cork City | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0096-034 | CREEDON JAMES per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | carman | 9-86.20 | |
2-8269-354-06 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Donovan | Cork City | 36 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0096-045 | DONOVAN JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-354-07 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | James | Sweeney | Cork City | 38 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | larceny of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-151 | SWEENEY JAMES per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8269-354-08 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Denis | Doyle | Cork City | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-049 | DOYLE DENIS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | cooper | 8-19.30 | ||
2-8269-354-09 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | William | Murphy | Cork City | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | assault & robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-122 | MURPHY WILLIAM per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | stable boy | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8269-354-10 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Daniel | Leary | Cork City | 34 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | coining bank tokens | 7 years | III | 31 | Forging & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0096-094 | LEARY DANIEL per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-354-11 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | William | Lyons | Cork City | 16 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0096-097 | LYONS WILLIAM per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-354-12 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | William | Dwyer | Cork City | 17 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0096-054 | DWYER WILLIAM per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8269-354-13 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | David | Barry | Cork City | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | burglary & robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-007 | BARRY DAVID per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | carman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8269-354-14 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Patrick | Brien | Cork City | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-013 | BRIEN PATRICK per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-354-15 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Michael | Sullivan | Cork City | 58 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0096-150 | SULLIVAN MICHAEL per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-354-16 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Denis | Deashy | Cork City | 13 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | coining bank tokens | 7 years | III | 31 | Forging & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0096-040 | DEASHY DENIS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8269-354-17 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | James | Dill | Cork City | 50 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | coining | 7 years | III | 31 | Forging & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0096-042 | DILL JAMES per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-354-18 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Thomas | Rogers | Cork City | 13 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0096-139 | ROGERS THOMAS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8269-354-19 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Maurice | Mooney | Moroony | Cork City | 17 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | larceny of clock | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-112 | MOONEY MAURICE per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8269-354-20 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Connor (1st) | Cork City | 52 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-030 | CONNOR JOHN per MARY I 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-354-21 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Thomas | Twomy | Cork City | 32 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | killing three sheep | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0096-156 | TWOMY THOMAS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-354-22 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Flaherty | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | larceny of spirits | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-060 | FLAHERTY JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 241-21] | porter | 9-71.45 | |
2-8269-354-23 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | David | Keeffe | Cork City | 16 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | larceny of great coat | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-084 | KEEFFE DAVID per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-354-24 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Denis | Regan | Cork City | 18 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | larceny of a watch | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-135 | REGAN DENIS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | stonecutter | 8-20.90 | ||
2-8269-355-01 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Bartholomew | Keefe | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-083 | KEEFE BARTHOLOMEW per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-355-02 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Patrick | Keeffe | Cork City | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-085 | KEEFFE PATRICK per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-355-03 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Jeremiah | Deashy | Cork City | 56 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | coining bank tokens | 7 years | III | 31 | Forging & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0096-041 | DEASHY JEREMIAH per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-355-04 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Daniel | Mahony (2nd) | Cork City | 24 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow found in possession | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0096-101 | MAHONY DANIEL per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-355-05 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Daly | Cork City | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0096-036 | DALY JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | baker | 7-76.10 | ||
2-8269-355-06 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Daniel | Mahony | Cork City | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | larceny of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-102 | MAHONY DANIEL per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8269-355-07 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Timothy | Donoghue | Cork City | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-044 | DONOGHUE TIMOTHY per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-355-08 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Michael | Quinn | Cork City | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0096-130 | QUINN MICHAEL per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | cattle dealer | 4-10.20 | ||
2-8269-355-09 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Carey | Cork City | 19 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | larceny of a coat | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-020 | CAREY JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-355-10 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | William | Evans | Cork City | 54 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-058 | EVANS WILLIAM per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-355-11 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Joseph | Honours | Cork City | 16 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | burglary & felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-078 | HONOURS JOSEPH per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8269-355-12 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | White | Cork City | 15 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | burglary & felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-160 | WHITE JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8269-355-13 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Cavanagh | Cork City | 12 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | burglary & felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-024 | CAVANAGH JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | schoolboy | |||
2-8269-355-14 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Brown | Cork City | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | larceny of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-014 | BROWN JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-355-15 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Connor (2nd) | Cork City | 42 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | killing three sheep | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0096-031 | CONNOR JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-355-16 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Sheehan | Cork City | 36 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | larceny of several articles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-145 | SHEEHAN JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | machinist | 9-54.10 | ||
2-8269-355-17 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Michael | Brien | Cork City | 14 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | larceny from shop | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-012 | BRIEN MICHAEL per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8269-355-18 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | James | Dooley | Cork City | 13 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | larceny from shop | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-046 | DOOLEY JAMES per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8269-355-19 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Denis | Lee | Cork City | 13 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-095 | LEE DENIS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8269-355-20 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Jonas | Hilliard | James | Cork City | 17 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-077 | HILLIARD JONAS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | |
2-8269-355-21 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | William | Hennessy | Cork City | 14 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-075 | HENNESSY WILLIAM per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8269-355-22 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Dominock | Kennedy | Donegal | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-090 | KENNEDY DOMINOCK per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8269-356-01 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | William | Keegan | Drogheda | 22 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0096-086 | KEEGAN WILLIAM per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-356-02 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Frederick | Parks | Drogheda | 35 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | robbing the King's stores | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-127 | PARKS FREDERICK per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8269-356-03 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Michael | Casey | Drogheda | 55 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | having forged note | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0096-023 | CASEY MICHAEL per MARY I 1819, 14 years | M | clerk | 3-00.00 | ||
2-8269-356-04 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Daniel | Sullivan | Drogheda | 30 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0096-149 | SULLIVAN DANIEL per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | sailor | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8269-356-05 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Thomas | Burke | Dublin Co | 38 | <[blank]> | June | 1818 | felony of a bell | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-016 | BURKE THOMAS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | brassmaker | |||
2-8269-356-06 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Philip | McEntee | McEntire | Dublin Co | 30 | <[blank]> | June | 1818 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0096-108 | MCENTEE PHILIP per MARY I 1819, Life | M | stable boy | 6-24.60 | |
2-8269-356-07 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | George | Doyle | Dublin Co | 35 | <[blank]> | June | 1818 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0096-050 | DOYLE GEORGE per MARY I 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-356-08 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Michael | Quinn | Dublin Co | 15 | <[blank]> | July | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-131 | QUINN MICHAEL per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8269-356-09 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | William | Comber | Dublin Co | 20 | <[blank]> | July | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-027 | COMBER WILLIAM per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8269-356-10 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Andrew | Maguire | Dublin Co | 20 | <[blank]> | July | 1818 | stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0096-098 | MAGUIRE ANDREW per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | stable boy | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8269-356-11 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Thomas | Carroll | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | November | 1817 | perjury & fraud | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0096-022 | CARROLL THOMAS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | dealer | 4-10.30 | ||
2-8269-356-12 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | George | Slack | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | felony of bank notes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-146 | SLACK GEORGE per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | stable helper | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8269-356-13 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Patrick | Donnelly | Dublin City | 33 | <[blank]> | June | 1818 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-043 | DONNELLY PATRICK per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | sailmaker | 7-99.20 | ||
2-8269-356-14 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Kelly | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | felony of shutters | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-088 | KELLY JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | stable servant | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8269-356-15 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Michael | Bolton | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-008 | BOLTON MICHAEL per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | stable servant | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8269-356-16 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Michael | Spencer | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | June | 1818 | having forged bank notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0096-148 | SPENCER MICHAEL per MARY I 1819, 14 years | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8269-356-17 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Robert | Dwyer | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | June | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0096-053 | DWYER ROBERT per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8269-356-18 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Michael | Purcell | Dublin City | 15 | <[blank]> | June | 1818 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-128 | PURCELL MICHAEL per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 241-20] | slater | 9-53.20 | |
2-8269-356-19 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Thomas | Byrne | Dublin City | 27 | <[blank]> | June | 1818 | felony of a sheet | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-019 | BYRNE THOMAS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | chandler | 4-10.20 | ||
2-8269-356-20 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Peter | Cousins | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | June | 1818 | felony of calico | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-033 | COUSINS PETER per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | indoor servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8269-356-21 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Peter | Flynn | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | June | 1818 | felony of calico | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-062 | FLYNN PETER per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | plaisterer | 9-55.10 | ||
2-8269-357-01 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Thomas | Savage | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | June | 1818 | felony of calico | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-141 | SAVAGE THOMAS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-357-02 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Denis | Redmond | Dublin City | 16 | <[blank]> | June | 1818 | felony of candlesticks | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-134 | REDMOND DENIS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 241-19] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8269-357-03 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Patrick | Mahon | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | June | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0096-099 | MAHON PATRICK per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-357-04 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Murphy | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | June | 1818 | felony of handkerchiefs | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-120 | MURPHY JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | silver plater | 8-80.50 | ||
2-8269-357-05 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Patrick | Nowlan | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | July | 1818 | felony of tea & sugar | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-126 | NOWLAN PATRICK per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | indoor servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8269-357-06 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Clarke | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | July | 1818 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-025 | CLARKE JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | basketmaker | 9-42.20 | ||
2-8269-357-07 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Mathew | Tighe | Dublin City | 39 | <[blank]> | July | 1818 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-154 | TIGHE MATHEW per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8269-357-08 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Michael | Bardin | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | July | 1818 | burglary & felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-006 | BARDIN MICHAEL per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8269-357-09 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Allen | Galway Co | 37 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-003 | ALLEN JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8269-357-10 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Thomas | Hurley | Galway Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-080 | HURLEY THOMAS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-357-11 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Patrick | Swift | Floody | Galway Co | 47 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | stealing timber | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0096-152 | SWIFT PATRICK per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | carpenter | 9-54.10 | |
2-8269-357-12 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Laurence | Frene | Galway Town | 21 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-064 | FRENE LAURENCE per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8269-357-13 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Mangin | Mangham | Kildare | 26 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-104 | MANGIN JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | waterman | 9-81.90 | |
2-8269-357-14 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | William | McGrath | Shearon | Kildare | 23 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0096-109 | MCGRATH WILLIAM per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | baker | 7-76.10 | |
2-8269-357-15 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Edward | Thompson | Kildare | 22 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-153 | THOMPSON EDWARD per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-357-16 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Thomas | Doyle | Murphy | Kildare | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-051 | DOYLE THOMAS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8269-357-17 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Edward | Corcoran | Kildare | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-032 | CORCORAN EDWARD per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-357-18 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Michael | Norton | Kildare | 21 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0096-125 | NORTON MICHAEL per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-357-19 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | James | Kenny | Kildare | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | gaol breaking | 7 years | V | 52ss | Escaping from custody | uneBV0096-091 | KENNY JAMES per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-357-20 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Peter | Daly | Kildare | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-037 | DALY PETER per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8269-358-01 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Phelim | Mooney | Kildare | 45 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-113 | MOONEY PHELIM per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-358-02 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Patrick | Flanigan | Russell | Kildare | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | assaulting to rob | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-061 | FLANIGAN PATRICK per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | stableman | 6-24.60 | |
2-8269-358-03 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Dowling | Kildare | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0096-047 | DOWLING JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-358-04 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Edgworth | Kildare | 24 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | assaulting to rob | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-055 | EDGWORTH JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-358-05 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Terence | Byrne | Chance | Kildare | 26 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | assaulting to rob | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-018 | BYRNE TERENCE per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8269-358-06 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Patrick | Lemon | Kildare | 30 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | horse stealing | 7 years | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0096-096 | LEMON PATRICK per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-358-07 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Peter | Walsh | Kildare | 30 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-159 | WALSH PETER per MARY I 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-358-08 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Edward | Kinshela | Kildare | 31 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-092 | KINSHELA EDWARD per MARY I 1819, Life | M | canal boatman | 9-81.90 | ||
2-8269-358-09 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | James | Bannon | Laurence | Kildare | 25 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-005 | BANNON JAMES per MARY I 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 241-23] | laborer | 9-99.10 |
2-8269-358-10 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | James | Gahan | Kildare | 26 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-065 | GAHAN JAMES per MARY I 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-358-11 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Dowling | Doolan | Kildare | 19 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-048 | DOWLING JOHN per MARY I 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8269-358-12 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | James | Conlan | Kildare | 20 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-028 | CONLAN JAMES per MARY I 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-358-13 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Edward | Walsh | Kildare | 26 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | having forged bank notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0096-157 | WALSH EDWARD per MARY I 1819, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-358-14 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Thomas | Allen | Kildare | 25 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | having forged bank notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0096-004 | ALLEN THOMAS per MARY I 1819, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-358-15 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Arthur | Hill | Kildare | 27 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0096-076 | HILL ARTHUR per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-358-16 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Mahony | Kildare | 24 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0096-103 | MAHONY JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-358-17 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Denis | Egan | Kildare | 24 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0096-056 | EGAN DENIS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-358-18 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Denis | Brennan | Branigan | Kildare | 23 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0096-009 | BRENNAN DENIS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8269-358-19 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Francis | Mulligan | Kildare | 26 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0096-117 | MULLIGAN FRANCIS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-358-20 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Patrick | Quirk | Kildare | 23 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-132 | QUIRK PATRICK per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | chandler | 4-10.20 | ||
2-8269-358-21 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Landrigan | Kilkenny Co | 19 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-093 | LANDRIGAN JOHN per MARY I 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-358-22 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Michael | Buchannon | Bohan | Leitrim | 20 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | murder & robbery | life | I;II | 3;18 | Murder;Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-015 | BUCHANNON MICHAEL per MARY I 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8269-358-23 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Owen | Farrell | Leitrim | 47 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-059 | FARRELL OWEN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | miller | 7-71.20 | ||
2-8269-359-01 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Christopher | Rafferty | Meath | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1817 | burglary & robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-133 | RAFFERTY CHRISTOPHER per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 241-24] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8269-359-02 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | William | Ennis | Meath | 26 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0096-057 | ENNIS WILLIAM per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8269-359-03 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Patrick | Carroll | Meath | 16 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0096-021 | CARROLL PATRICK per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-359-04 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | William | Murphy | Meath | 23 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-123 | MURPHY WILLIAM per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-359-05 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Brennon | Meath | 23 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-010 | BRENNON JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-359-06 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Patrick | McKenna | Meath | 30 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-110 | MCKENNA PATRICK per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8269-359-07 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Terence | Roe | Meath | 24 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0096-138 | ROE TERENCE per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8269-359-08 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Hand | Meath | 40 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | having forged notes in possession | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0096-073 | HAND JOHN per MARY I 1819, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-359-09 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | James | Daly | Meath | 26 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-035 | DALY JAMES per MARY I 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-359-10 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Thomas | Grogan | Meath | 24 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-072 | GROGAN THOMAS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-359-11 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Michael | Marron | Meath | 20 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1818 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-105 | MARRON MICHAEL per MARY I 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-359-12 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Gillespy | Tyrone | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0096-069 | GILLESPY JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-359-13 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | James | Gillespy | Tyrone | 43 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0096-067 | GILLESPY JAMES per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 241-22] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8269-359-14 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Terence | Du McIlhone | Tyrone | 22 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-052 | DUMCILHONE TERENCE per MARY I 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-359-15 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Patrick | McCavey | Tyrone | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0096-107 | MCCAVEY PATRICK per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-359-16 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | McCauslin | Tyrone | 36 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0096-106 | MCCAUSLIN JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-359-17 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Henry | Alcorn | Smith | Tyrone | 38 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | having forged bank notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0096-002 | ALCORN HENRY per MARY I 1819, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8269-359-18 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Murphy | Waterford Co | 35 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1817 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0096-121 | MURPHY JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8269-359-19 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | George | Byrne | Waterford City | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1817 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-017 | BYRNE GEORGE per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | gardeners boy | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8269-359-20 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Edward | Toreen | Foreen | Waterford City | 18 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1817 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-155 | TOREEN EDWARD per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | |
2-8269-359-21 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Robert | Hays | Waterford City | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1817 | street robbery | life | II | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0096-074 | HAYS ROBERT per MARY I 1819, Life | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8269-360-01 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Thomas | Connell | Westmeath | 31 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | having forged notes in possession | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0096-029 | CONNELL THOMAS per MARY I 1819, 14 years | M | wheelwright | 8-19.25 | ||
2-8269-360-02 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Henry | Rooth | Wexford | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1817 | having arms concealed | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0096-140 | ROOTH HENRY per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | slater | 9-53.20 | ||
2-8269-360-03 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Thomas | Kelly | Wexford | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-089 | KELLY THOMAS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-360-04 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Thomas | Scarfe | Wexford | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-143 | SCARFE THOMAS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-360-05 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | William | Scarfe | Wexford | 18 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-144 | SCARFE WILLIAM per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-360-06 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | George | Scarfe | Wexford | 39 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0096-142 | SCARFE GEORGE per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-360-07 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | John | Foley | Wexford | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1817 | having stolen goods | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0096-063 | FOLEY JOHN per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8269-360-08 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Thomas | Sparrow | Wexford | 44 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1817 | having stolen goods | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0096-147 | SPARROW THOMAS per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-360-09 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Jason | Graham | Edward | Wexford | 38 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-070 | GRAHAM JASON per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8269-360-10 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | Robert | Robinson | Wexford | 36 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-137 | ROBINSON ROBERT per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8269-360-11 | MARY I | BV0096 | 1819 | James | Murphy | Wicklow | 35 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0096-119 | MURPHY JAMES per MARY I 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-053-01 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Kelly | Armagh Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent Assizes | 1817 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-093 | KELLY JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-053-02 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Phillip | Tobin | Carlow Co | 53 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-164 | TOBIN PHILLIP per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8270-053-03 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Pat | Kirwan | Carlow Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0104-102 | KIRWAN PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-053-04 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Clowry | Carlow Co | 38 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-020 | CLOWRY JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | merchants clerk | 3-00.00 | ||
2-8270-053-05 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Clowry | Carlow Co | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-021 | CLOWRY THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | grocers man | 4-10.30 | ||
2-8270-053-06 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Hugh | Geehan | Carlow Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-067 | GEEHAN HUGH per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-053-07 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Mathw | Tomkin | Carlow Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-165 | TOMKIN MATHW per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-053-08 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | William | Mara | Carlow Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0104-113 | MARA WILLIAM per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-053-09 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | James | Grennan | Carlow Co | 33 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0104-069 | GRENNAN JAMES per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-053-10 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Garret | Roche | Carlow Co | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-150 | ROCHE GARRET per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-053-11 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Miles | Doyle | Carlow Co | 38 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-043 | DOYLE MILES per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8270-053-12 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | William | Dempsey | Carlow Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-040 | DEMPSEY WILLIAM per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-053-13 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Maher | Carlow Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | street robbery | 7 years | II | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0104-110 | MAHER JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8270-053-14 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Crainsborough | Carlow Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0104-034 | CRAINSBOROUGH THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-053-15 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Tobias | Butler | Carlow Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0104-016 | BUTLER TOBIAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-053-16 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Michael | O'Neill | Carlow Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0104-134 | ONEILL MICHAEL per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-053-17 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | William | Dowling | Byen | Carlow Co | 32 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | stealing a watch | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0104-042 | DOWLING WILLIAM per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | printer | 9-21.10 | |
2-8270-053-18 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Lawler | Carlow Co | 57 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-103 | LAWLER THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-053-19 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | McMahon | Clare Co | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-117 | MCMAHON JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-053-20 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Nicholas | Healey | Clare Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-075 | HEALEY NICHOLAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-053-21 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Connor | Fitzpatrick | Clare Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-054 | FITZPATRICK CONNOR per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-053-22 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Fitzgibbon | Clare Co | 31 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-053 | FITZGIBBON JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-054-01 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | McNamara | Clare Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-118 | MCNAMARA JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-054-02 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Brennan | Clare Co | 33 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-008 | BRENNAN THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-054-03 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Spillissy | Clare Co | 17 | <[blank]> | Summer Assizes | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-156 | SPILLISSY JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-054-04 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Patrick | Fitzpatrick | Clare Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-056 | FITZPATRICK PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-054-05 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Michael | Clancy | Clare Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-019 | CLANCY MICHAEL per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-054-06 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Patrick | Minouge | Clare Co | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-120 | MINOUGE PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-054-07 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Michael | Collins | Clare Co | 18 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-022 | COLLINS MICHAEL per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | cobbler | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8270-054-08 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Patrick | Coneen | Clare Co | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | burglary | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-023 | CONEEN PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-054-09 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | William | Doyle | Cork City | 54 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-044 | DOYLE WILLIAM per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-054-10 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Eugene | Quinn | Cork City | 18 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-142 | QUINN EUGENE per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | clerk | 3-00.00 | ||
2-8270-054-11 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Edmond | Quinn | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-141 | QUINN EDMOND per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-054-12 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | William | Corcoran | Cork City | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-030 | CORCORAN WILLIAM per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8270-054-13 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | William | Bryan | Cork City | 14 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-012 | BRYAN WILLIAM per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8270-054-14 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Josh | Rogers | Cork City | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-151 | ROGERS JOSH per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | sailor | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8270-054-15 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Edward | Murphy | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-122 | MURPHY EDWARD per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | kitchenmaid | 5-31.90 | ||
2-8270-054-16 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Wise | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-171 | WISE JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8270-054-17 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | William | Regan | Cork City | 35 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | felony of whiskey | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-147 | REGAN WILLIAM per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8270-054-18 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | James | Warren | Cork City | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | felony of whiskey | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-170 | WARREN JAMES per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8270-054-19 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | James | Hurley | Cork City | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-084 | HURLEY JAMES per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-054-20 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Corns | Sheehan | Cork City | 48 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-155 | SHEEHAN CORNELIUS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8270-054-21 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Quinn | Cork City | 15 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-143 | QUINN THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | schoolboy | |||
2-8270-054-22 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | David | Noonan | Cork City | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-132 | NOONAN DAVID per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8270-054-23 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Daniel | Foley | Cork City | 45 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-060 | FOLEY DANIEL per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-054-24 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Edward | Sullivan | Cork City | 15 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-159 | SULLIVAN EDWARD per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8270-055-01 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Owen | Martin | Drogheda Town | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent Assizes | 1818 | stealing mares | life | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0104-114 | MARTIN OWEN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-055-02 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Patrick | Connelly | Galway Co | 37 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | stealing a mule | 7 years | II | 30 | Other offences against property | uneBV0104-027 | CONNELLY PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | cow herd | 6-25.10 | ||
2-8270-055-03 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Peters | Galway Co | 32 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | stealing a mule | 7 years | II | 30 | Other offences against property | uneBV0104-135 | PETERS THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-055-04 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Edward | Beads | Galway Co | 32 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | uttering forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0104-004 | BEADS EDWARD per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 14 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8270-055-05 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Pat | Lenon | Leonard | Galway Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-106 | LENON PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8270-055-06 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Pat | Burke | Galway Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-013 | BURKE PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | porter | 9-71.45 | ||
2-8270-055-07 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | James | Cosgrove | Cosgrave | Galway Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-031 | COSGROVE JAMES per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8270-055-08 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Harris | Galway Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-072 | HARRIS JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | shipwright | 9-54.40 | ||
2-8270-055-09 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Sweeney | Galway Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-163 | SWEENEY JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | baker | 7-76.10 | ||
2-8270-055-10 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Pat | Beatty | Galway Co | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0104-006 | BEATY PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | tinker | 8-73.40 | ||
2-8270-055-11 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Kelly | Galway Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | stealing feloniously | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0104-096 | KELLY THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-055-12 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Pat | Beaty | Galway Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-005 | BEATTY PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-055-13 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Richard | Dwyer | Galway Co | 47 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-046 | DWYER RICHARD per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-055-14 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | William | Rainey | Kearney | Galway Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-145 | RAINEY WILLIAM per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | clerk | 3-00.00 | |
2-8270-055-15 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Richard | Sale | Galway Co | 53 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | coining | 7 years | III | 31 | Forging & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0104-153 | SALE RICHARD per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | porter | 9-71.45 | ||
2-8270-055-16 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Andrew | O'Donnell | Galway Co | 59 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | coining | 7 years | III | 31 | Forging & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0104-133 | ODONNELL ANDREW per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-055-17 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Pat | Malowny | Galway Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-111 | MALOWNY PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-055-18 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Hinnigan | Galway Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-081 | HINNIGAN JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | stable boy | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8270-055-19 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Denis | Ford | Galway Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-063 | FORD DENIS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-055-20 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Patrick | Connell | Galway Co | 39 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0104-025 | CONNELL PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8270-055-21 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Bryan | Moran | Galway Co | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0104-121 | MORAN BRYAN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | cooper | 8-19.30 | ||
2-8270-055-22 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | James | Fitzgerald | Galway Town | 21 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-052 | FITZGERALD JAMES per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | horse jockey | 1-80.20 | ||
2-8270-055-23 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Edward | Lee | Galway Town | 31 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | burglary & robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-104 | LEE EDWARD per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | stonemason | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8270-055-24 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Jones | Galway Town | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | stabbing a man | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0104-089 | JONES JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8270-055-25 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Lee | Galway Town | 15 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-105 | LEE JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | stonemason | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8270-055-26 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Sullivan | Galway Town | 39 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-161 | SULLIVAN THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8270-056-01 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Henry | Cullen | Galway Town | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-036 | CULLEN HENRY per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-056-02 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Mylan | Galway Town | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-128 | MYLAN JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | stonecutter | 8-20.90 | ||
2-8270-056-03 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Patrick | Head | Read | Kilkenny Co | 19 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0104-073 | HEAD PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | stable servant | 6-24.60 | |
2-8270-056-04 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | William | Carr | Kilkenny Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0104-017 | CARR WILLIAM per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | butler | 2-24.90 | ||
2-8270-056-05 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Nicholas | Roach | Kilkenny Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-149 | ROACH NICHOLAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8270-056-06 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Terrence | Hickey | Kilkenny Co | 33 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-079 | HICKEY TERRENCE per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | cooper | 8-19.30 | ||
2-8270-056-07 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Pat | Mackey | Kilkenny Co | 17 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | stealing cloth & Bank notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0104-108 | MACKEY PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-056-08 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Kelly | Kilkenny Co | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | stealing bank notes | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0104-094 | KELLY THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-056-09 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Pat | Hurley | Kilkenny Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0104-085 | HURLEY PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-056-10 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | William | Crowe | Kilkenny Co | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0104-035 | CROWE WILLIAM per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-056-11 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Henry | Stapleton | Kilkenny City | 19 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-158 | STAPLETON HENRY per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8270-056-12 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | James | Clancy | Kilkenny City | 24 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0104-018 | CLANCY JAMES per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-056-13 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Peter | Phelan | Kilkenny City | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | perjury | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0104-136 | PHELAN PETER per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | clerk | 3-00.00 | ||
2-8270-056-14 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Flinn | Kildare Co | 27 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0104-057 | FLINN JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8270-056-15 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Patrick | Conlon | Kildare Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0104-024 | CONLON PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-056-16 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Pat | Dane | Kildare Co | 34 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1817 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0104-038 | DANE PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8270-056-17 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Newland | Mayo Co | 33 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-131 | NEWLAND JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-056-18 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Hugh | Tunny | Mayo Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-166 | TUNNY HUGH per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-056-19 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Patrick | Murray | Mayo Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-126 | MURRAY PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-056-20 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Edmd | Brogan | Mayo Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-010 | BROGAN EDMD per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-056-21 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Michael | Murray | Mayo Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-125 | MURRAY MICHAEL per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-056-22 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | James | Gallagher | Mayo Co | 42 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-066 | GALLAGHER JAMES per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-056-23 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Auston | Jennings | Mayo Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-088 | JENNINGS AUSTON per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-056-24 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Patrick | Adereen | Meath Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | highway robbery | 7 years | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0104-001 | ADEREEN PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-056-25 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Archibald | McKeon | Meath Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0104-116 | MCKEON ARCHIBALD per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8270-057-01 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Timothy | Delany | Carrol | Queens Co | 37 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-039 | DELANY TIMOTHY per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8270-057-02 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Halahan | Queens Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-070 | HALAHAN JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-03 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Michael | Walsh | Queens Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-168 | WALSH MICHAEL per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-04 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Dens | Hyland | Dempsey | Queens Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-086 | HYLAND DENS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | sportsman | ||
2-8270-057-05 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Michael | Kennedy | Lawler | Queens Co | 27 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-098 | KENNEDY MICHAEL per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8270-057-06 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Brennan | Queens Co | 50 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-007 | BRENNAN JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | outdoor servant | 9-99.99 | ||
2-8270-057-07 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | James | Connelly | Queens Co | 45 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | passing forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0104-026 | CONNELLY JAMES per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 14 years | M | porter | 9-71.45 | ||
2-8270-057-08 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | William | Ryan | Queens Co | 44 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0104-152 | RYAN WILLIAM per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-09 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Patrick | Costigan | Queens Co | 52 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0104-032 | COSTIGAN PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-10 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Myhan | Queens Co | 55 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0104-127 | MYHAN THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-11 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | James | Cunningham | Queens Co | 36 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-037 | CUNNINGHAM JAMES per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1821 per Caroline [CON13-1-02: 121-01] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8270-057-12 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas Nowlan | Connelly | Queens Co | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0104-028 | CONNELLY THOMAS NOWLAN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8270-057-13 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Quinn | Queens Co | 32 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0104-144 | QUINN THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-14 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Pollard | Tipperary Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-137 | POLLARD JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-15 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Neill | Tipperary Co | 34 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0104-130 | NEILL THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-16 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Michael | Power | Tipperary Co | 18 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0104-138 | POWER MICHAEL per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-17 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Pat | Fanning | Tipperary Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | robbing a dwelling house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0104-050 | FANNING PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-18 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Brian | Neill | Tipperary Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | attempt to rob on the highway | 7 years | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0104-129 | NEILL BRIAN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-19 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Heelan | Tipperary Co | 51 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | administering oaths & appearing armed | life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0104-076 | HEELAN JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-20 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Stepn | Hefferan | Tipperary Co | 29 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | stealing goods | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0104-077 | HEFFERAN STEPN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-21 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Richard | Fennessy | Tipperary Co | 45 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | felonious assault | life | I | 14 | Assault, common | uneBV0104-051 | FENNESSY RICHARD per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8270-057-22 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Saml | Heady | Tipperary Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-074 | HEADY SAML per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-23 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Richard | Maran | Tipperary Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-112 | MARA RICHARD per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-24 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Daniel | Fitzpatrick | Tipperary Co | 45 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-055 | FITZPATRICK DANIEL per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-25 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | James | Meagher | Tipperary Co | 36 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-119 | MEAGHER JAMES per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | cooper | 8-19.30 | ||
2-8270-057-26 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | William | Dillon | Tipperary Co | 38 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-041 | DILLON WILLIAM per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-27 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Reddy | Tipperary Co | 29 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-146 | REDDY JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-057-28 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Corcoran | Tipperary Co | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0104-029 | CORCORAN THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-058-01 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Dwyer | Tipperary Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0104-047 | DWYER THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | sawyer | 7-32.10 | ||
2-8270-058-02 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Michael | Hickey | Tipperary Co | 29 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0104-078 | HICKEY MICHAEL per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-058-03 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Kennedy | Tipperary Co | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0104-097 | KENNEDY JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-058-04 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Edward | Fannin | Tipperary Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-049 | FANNIN EDWARD per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-058-05 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Woodlock | Tipperary Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-172 | WOODLOCK THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-058-06 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Dwyer | Tipperary Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-048 | DWYER THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8270-058-07 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Pat | Kieley | Tipperary Co | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-101 | KIELEY PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-058-08 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Fox | Tipperary Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-064 | FOX THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-058-09 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Barnwell | Tipperary Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-003 | BARNWELL JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-058-10 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Rieley | Tipperary Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | coining bank tokens | 7 years | III | 31 | Forging & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0104-148 | RIELEY JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8270-058-11 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Hughes | Tipperary Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | fraud & obtaining money | 7 years | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0104-083 | HUGHES JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-058-12 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Power | Tipperary Co | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-139 | POWER THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8270-058-13 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Madden | Tyrone Co | 36 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0104-109 | MADDEN JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-058-14 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Arthr | Kerr | Tyrone Co | 45 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-100 | KERR ARTHR per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-058-15 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Pat | Brien | Waterford Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-009 | BRIEN PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-058-16 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | James | Ward | Warden | Waterford Co | 33 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | stealing goats | 7 years | II | 30 | Other offences against property | uneBV0104-169 | WARD JAMES per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | sawyer | 7-32.10 | |
2-8270-058-17 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Harrington | Waterford Co | 32 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | stealing goats | 7 years | II | 30 | Other offences against property | uneBV0104-071 | HARRINGTON THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-058-18 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Samuel | Judd | Waterford Co | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0104-090 | JUDD SAMUEL per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | Toolman | |||
2-8270-058-19 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Lauce | Murphy | Hearn | Waterford Co | 33 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | burglary | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-123 | MURPHY LAUCE per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8270-058-20 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Daniel | Keane | Waterford Co | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0104-091 | KEANE DANIEL per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-058-21 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Drohane | Waterford Co | 34 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-045 | DROHANE THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-058-22 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Pat | Gairy | Waterford Co | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1817 | highway robbery | 7 years | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0104-065 | GAIRY PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-058-23 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Michael | Sullivan | Waterford Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-160 | SULLIVAN MICHAEL per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-058-24 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Kelly | Waterford Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0104-095 | KELLY THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-059-01 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Butler | Waterford Co | 33 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-015 | BUTLER JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-059-02 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | James | Bryan | Waterford Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-011 | BRYAN JAMES per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8270-059-03 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Hugh | McCabe | Waterford Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-115 | MCCABE HUGH per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | painter | 9-31.20 | ||
2-8270-059-04 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Flinn | Waterford Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-058 | FLINN JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8270-059-05 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Stephen | Flinn | Waterford Co | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | burglary & robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-059 | FLINN STEPHEN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | ostler | 6-24.90 | ||
2-8270-059-06 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Purcell | Waterford Co | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-140 | PURCELL THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8270-059-07 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Hogan | Waterford Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-082 | HOGAN JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-059-08 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Edward | Baldwin | Waterford Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-002 | BALDWIN EDWARD per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-059-09 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Patrick | Foran | Waterford Co | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-061 | FORAN PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-059-10 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Gorman | Waterford Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0104-068 | GORMAN JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-059-11 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Nicholas | Hinds | Waterford Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-080 | HINDS NICHOLAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | sailor | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8270-059-12 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | James | Sutton | Waterford Co | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-162 | SUTTON JAMES per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | Tobacco [ ] | 7-81.00 | ||
2-8270-059-13 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | John | Walsh | Waterford Co | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-167 | WALSH JOHN per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8270-059-14 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Pat | Foran | Waterford Co | 18 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-062 | FORAN PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | indoor servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8270-059-15 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | William | Murphy | Waterford Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-124 | MURPHY WILLIAM per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8270-059-16 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Edward | Kenny | Waterford Co | 17 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0104-099 | KENNY EDWARD per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8270-059-17 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | William | Kehoe | Wexford Co | 44 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | stealing pigs | 7 years | II | 30 | Other offences against property | uneBV0104-092 | KEHOE WILLIAM per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8270-059-18 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Dens | Hyland | Wexford Co | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0104-087 | HYLAND DENS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-059-19 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Maurice | Burnick | Wexford Co | 42 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-014 | BURNICK MAURICE per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-059-20 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Patrick | Cowman | Wexford Co | 39 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-033 | COWILLIAMAN PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-059-21 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Thomas | Sharpe | Wexford Co | 29 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0104-154 | SHARPE THOMAS per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8270-059-22 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | Pat | Stanton | Horton | Wicklow Co | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | having forged bank notes in possession | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0104-157 | STANTON PATRICK per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 14 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8270-059-23 | MINERVA I (2) | BV0104 | 1819 | William | Lynch | Wicklow Co | 17 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1818 | having forged bank notes in possession | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0104-107 | LYNCH WILLIAM per MINERVA I (2) 1819, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-015-01 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Francis | Murphy | Armagh | 35 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | stealing yarn | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-105 | MURPHY FRANCIS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-015-02 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | James | Earley | Armagh | 15 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-040 | EARLEY JAMES per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8274-015-03 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Sandy | Corry | Armagh | 32 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | stealing from Bleach Green | life | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-024 | CORRY SANDY per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | hostler | 5-10.20 | ||
2-8274-015-04 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Alexr | McKeown | Armagh | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | burglary | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-101 | MCKEOWN ALEXR per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8274-015-05 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Owen | Kelly | Armagh | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing from Bleach Green | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-077 | KELLY OWEN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-015-06 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | James | Devlin | Armagh | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | larceny from shop | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0125-036 | DEVLIN JAMES per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8274-015-07 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Owen | McKenna | Armagh | 36 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0125-099 | MCKENNA OWEN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-015-08 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | William | Fawsett | Armagh | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | robbery | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-043 | FAWSETT WILLIAM per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8274-015-09 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Pat | Earley | Armagh | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | larceny from shop | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0125-041 | EARLEY PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8274-015-10 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Michael | Lalor | Carlow | 28 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | stealing wheat | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-081 | LALOR MICHAEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | farmers man | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-015-11 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | William | Robertson | Carlow | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0125-125 | ROBERTSON WILLIAM per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | stableman | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8274-015-12 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | McEvoy | Carlow | 56 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-095 | MCEVOY PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | farmers man | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-015-13 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | James | Walsh | Carlow | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | street robbery | 7 years | II | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0125-140 | WALSH JAMES per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | stable boy | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8274-015-14 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Michael | Hart | Carlow | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0125-061 | HART MICHAEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | hawker | 4-52.20 | ||
2-8274-015-15 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | James | Carty | Carlow | <[60?]> | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | stealing <[…]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-015 | CARTY JAMES per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | wheeler | |||
2-8274-015-16 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Denis | McCabe | Cavan | 57 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | conspiracy to murder | life | I | 3 | Murder | uneBV0125-093 | MCCABE DENIS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-015-17 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Frans | McGowerin | Cavan | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-097 | MCGOWERIN FRANS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-015-18 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | James | Reily | Cavan | 16 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-123 | REILY JAMES per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | pedlar | 4-52.20 | ||
2-8274-016-01 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | William | Craig | Cavan | 47 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-027 | CRAIG WILLIAM per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-016-02 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | James | Brady | Cavan | 69 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-004 | BRADY JAMES per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | farming man | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-016-03 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | James | Duke | Cavan | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-039 | DUKE JAMES per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-016-04 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Laurence | Reed | Cavan | 37 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0125-121 | REED LAURENCE per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-016-05 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | O'Connor | Cavan | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-112 | O'CONNOR JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | farmers man | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-016-06 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Henry | Green | Clare | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-055 | GREEN HENRY per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-016-07 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | Conway | Clare | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-023 | CONWAY PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-016-08 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Denis | Murray | Cork City | 38 | <[blank]> | August | 1820 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-107 | MURRAY DENIS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-016-09 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Michael | Leary | Cork City | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1818 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0125-085 | LEARY MICHAEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | horse shoer | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8274-016-10 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | Sullivan | Cork City | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0125-135 | SULLIVAN PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | shopkeeper | 4-10.30 | ||
2-8274-016-11 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Daniel | Lane | Cork City | 40 | <[blank]> | lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-082 | LANE DANIEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8274-016-12 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Corns | Crowan | Cork City | 22 | <[blank]> | August | 1820 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-030 | CROWAN CORNELIUS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-016-13 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Pat | Burke | Cork City | 27 | <[blank]> | August | 1820 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0125-010 | BURKE PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-016-14 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Timothy | Horrogan | Cork City | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1820 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0125-069 | HORROGAN TIMOTHY per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | sawyer | 7-32.10 | ||
2-8274-016-15 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Edward | Dee | Cork City | 45 | <[blank]> | August | 1820 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0125-033 | DEE EDWARD per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-016-16 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | James | Brien | Cork City | 35 | <[blank]> | August | 1820 | larceny from home | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0125-005 | BRIEN JAMES per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-016-17 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Brien | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | August | 1820 | larceny from home | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0125-006 | BRIEN JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-016-18 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Michael | Lane | Cork City | 19 | <[blank]> | August | 1820 | stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-084 | LANE MICHAEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-016-19 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | David | Lyons | Cork City | 26 | <[blank]> | August | 1820 | stealing wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-088 | LYONS DAVID per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | slater | 9-53.20 | ||
2-8274-016-20 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Daniel | Reardon | Cork City | 48 | <[blank]> | August | 1820 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-119 | REARDON DANIEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-017-01 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Michael | Noonan | Cork City | 19 | <[blank]> | August | 1820 | having stolen goods in possession | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0125-111 | NOONAN MICHAEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8274-017-02 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Timothy | Delany | Cork City | 19 | <[blank]> | August | 1820 | having stolen goods in possession | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0125-035 | DELANY TIMOTHY per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-017-03 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | James | Reddin | Cork Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-120 | REDDIN JAMES per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-017-04 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | William | Reiley | Cork Co | 36 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | abduction | life | I | 8 | Abduction | uneBV0125-122 | REILEY WILLIAM per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | farmers man | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-017-05 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Barthw | Riall | Cork Co | 29 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | burglary & felony | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-124 | RIALL BARTHW per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-017-06 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Edward | Sheehan | Cork Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-133 | SHEEHAN EDWARD per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8274-017-07 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Denis | Collins | Cork Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-018 | COLLINS DENIS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-017-08 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Guery | Cork Co | 34 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | horse stealing | 7 years | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0125-057 | GUERY JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-017-09 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Jerem | Tuomey | Cork Co | 19 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | horse stealing | 7 years | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0125-139 | TUOMEY JEREM per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-017-10 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | William | Daly | Cork Co | 42 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-032 | DALY WILLIAM per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-017-11 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Bryan | Cork Co | 43 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-008 | BRYAN JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | cooper | 8-19.30 | ||
2-8274-017-12 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Maurce | Gorman | Cork Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-054 | GORMAN MAURCE per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-017-13 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Cornelius | Connolly | Cork Co | 35 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-020 | CONNOLLY CORNELIUS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-017-14 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Daniel | Donovan | Cork Co | 33 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-038 | DONOVAN DANIEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-017-15 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | Connell | Cork Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-019 | CONNELL PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-017-16 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Michael | Mahony | Cork Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-091 | MAHONY MICHAEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-017-17 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Cronin | Cork Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-029 | CRONIN JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-017-18 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Thomas | Kennedy | Cork Co | 39 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-080 | KENNEDY THOMAS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-017-19 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Timothy | Callaghan | Cork Co | 32 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-014 | CALLAGHAN TIMOTHY per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-017-20 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Good | Cork Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0125-052 | GOOD JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-017-21 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Owen | Carty | Cork Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Spring | 1820 | stealing money | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-016 | CARTY OWEN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | house carpenter | 9-54.15 | ||
2-8274-018-01 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Thomas | Toole | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | stealing saddles | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-137 | TOOLE THOMAS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-018-02 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Bryan | Coyle | Dublin Co | 30 | <[blank]> | April | 1820 | stealing 8 shirts | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-026 | COYLE BRYAN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-018-03 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | Phillips | Dublin Co | 26 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-113 | PHILLIPS PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-018-04 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Michael | Minton | Dublin Co | 36 | <[blank]> | February | 1820 | having forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0125-103 | MINTON MICHAEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Fourteen years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-018-05 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | McFadden | Donegal | 29 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-096 | MCFADDEN PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-018-06 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John Sproul | Hall | Flanaghan | Donegal | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0125-058 | HALL JOHN SPROUL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | ploughman | 6-21.05 | |
2-8274-018-07 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | McAward | Donegal | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-092 | MCAWARD JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | hawker | 4-52.20 | ||
2-8274-018-08 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Fee | Fermanagh | 27 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-044 | FEE JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-018-09 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | William | Corry | Fermanagh | 34 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-025 | CORRY WILLIAM per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-018-10 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Hugh | Hogan | Fermanagh | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-067 | HOGAN HUGH per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-018-11 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | Gaffy | Galway Co | 34 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-050 | GAFFY PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | land steward | 6-29.60 | ||
2-8274-018-12 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | Goode | Galway Co | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | robbery of arms | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-053 | GOODE PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-018-13 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Quirk | Galway Co | 38 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0125-118 | QUIRK JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Fourteen years | M | farmers man | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-018-14 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | Nochoby | Galway Co | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing <[…]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-109 | NOCHOBY PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-018-15 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | Heenehan | Galway Co | <[..]> | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing money | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-062 | HEENEHAN PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-018-16 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Bernard | Rochford | Galway Co | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | X | X | Insufficient information to code | uneBV0125-126 | ROCHFORD BERNARD per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-018-17 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | Egan | Galway Co | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | <[blank]> | X | X | Insufficient information to code | uneBV0125-042 | EGAN PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | officer army | 5-83.20 | ||
2-8274-019-01 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Michael | Walsh | Galway Town | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0125-141 | WALSH MICHAEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Fourteen years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8274-019-02 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Sullivan | Kerry | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-134 | SULLIVAN JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-019-03 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Maurice | Barry | Kerry | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-002 | BARRY MAURICE per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | pavior | 9-51.60 | ||
2-8274-019-04 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | Burke | Kerry | 60 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | forgery of stamps | life | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0125-011 | BURKE PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-019-05 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Robert | Cronan | Denis | Kerry | 29 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-028 | CRONAN ROBERT per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8274-019-06 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Michael | Shea | Derby | Kerry | 36 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-132 | SHEA MICHAEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | sawyer | 7-32.10 | |
2-8274-019-07 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Thomas | Lynch | Kerry | 58 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-087 | LYNCH THOMAS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-019-08 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Daniel | Kenna | Kerry | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-079 | KENNA DANIEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-019-09 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | William | Picket | Kerry | 38 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-114 | PICKET WILLIAM per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-019-10 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Thomas | Sullivan | Kerry | 57 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0125-136 | SULLIVAN THOMAS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-019-11 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Michael | Griffin | Kerry | 48 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-056 | GRIFFIN MICHAEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-019-12 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Flanagan | Kerry | 50 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-048 | FLANAGAN JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-019-13 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Charles | Williams | Kilkenny Co | 29 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0125-144 | WILLIAMS CHARLES per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8274-019-14 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | McCormick | Kilkenny Co | 30 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0125-094 | MCCORMICK JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8274-019-15 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | James | Butler | Kilkenny Co | 48 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-012 | BUTLER JAMES per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-019-16 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Proctor | Kilkenny City | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-116 | PROCTOR JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | linen weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8274-019-17 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Hennessy | Kilkenny City | 29 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing <[…]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-064 | HENNESSY JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-019-18 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | William | Poole | Kilkenny City | 39 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing <[…]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-115 | POOLE WILLIAM per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-019-19 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Thomas | Johnston | Limerick Co | 50 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | burglary | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-070 | JOHNSTON THOMAS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-020-01 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Cornelius | Harrigan | Limerick City | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-060 | HARRIGAN CORNELIUS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-020-02 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Michael | Meade | Limerick City | 19 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-102 | MEADE MICHAEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-020-03 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | William | Kelly | Limerick City | 50 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-078 | KELLY WILLIAM per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8274-020-04 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Richard | Harkins | Leitrim | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | abduction | 7 years | I | 8 | Abduction | uneBV0125-059 | HARKINS RICHARD per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-020-05 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Charles | Rourke | Leitrim | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-127 | ROURKE CHARLES per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | indoor servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8274-020-06 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Michael | Connolly | Leitrim | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-021 | CONNOLLY MICHAEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-020-07 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Nolan | Longford | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1819 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-110 | NOLAN JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | farmers man | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-020-08 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Hicks | Longford | 70 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0125-066 | HICKS JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Fourteen years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-020-09 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | Dillon | Longford | 35 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-037 | DILLON PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-020-10 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Frans | Murphy | Longford | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-106 | MURPHY FRANS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8274-020-11 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Daniel | Rogan | Longford | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-128 | ROYAN DANIEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-020-12 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | Ward | Mayo | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0125-142 | WARD PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-020-13 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | Byrne | Mayo | 67 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-013 | BYRNE PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8274-020-14 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | Hesteen | Mayo | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-065 | HESTEEN PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8274-020-15 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Myles | Hendry | Mayo | 27 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-063 | HENDRY MYLES per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8274-020-16 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Dennis | Morrissy | Queens Co | 18 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0125-104 | MORRISSY DENNIS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8274-020-17 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | James | Kelly | Roscommon | 30 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-076 | KELLY JAMES per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-021-01 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Matw | Lane | Martin | Tipperary | 23 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0125-083 | LANE MATTHEW per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8274-021-02 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Thomas | Ryan | Tipperary | 44 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-129 | RYAN THOMAS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-021-03 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Maher | Tipperary | 38 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0125-090 | MAHER JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | carpenter | 9-54.10 | ||
2-8274-021-04 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | William | Horan | Tipperary | 51 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0125-068 | HORAN WILLIAM per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Fourteen years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-021-05 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Glenn | Tipperary | 21 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-051 | GLENN JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-021-06 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | William | Ahern | Tipperary | 23 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-001 | AHERN WILLIAM per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8274-021-07 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Daniel | Nelan | Tipperary | 44 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-108 | NELAN DANIEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | indoor servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8274-021-08 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Purtell | Tipperary | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | felony | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-117 | PURTELL JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8274-021-09 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Andw | Tracy | Tipperary | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | cattle stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-138 | TRACY ANDW per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | cooper | 8-19.30 | ||
2-8274-021-10 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Joyce | Tipperary | 25 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0125-071 | JOYCE JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | nailor | 8-39.90 | ||
2-8274-021-11 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Michael | Scott | Tipperary | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing & felony | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-130 | SCOTT MICHAEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | indoor servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8274-021-12 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | William | McKenna | Tyrone | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing goods <[…]> | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-100 | MCKENNA WILLIAM per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-021-13 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Neal | Keenan | Tyrone | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-074 | KEENAN NEAL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-021-14 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Thomas | Keefe | Waterford Co | 20 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | burglary | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0125-073 | KEEFE THOMAS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-021-15 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Fitzgerald | Waterford Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-046 | FITZGERALD JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | carpenter | 9-54.10 | ||
2-8274-021-16 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | James | Flinn | Waterford Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0125-049 | FLINN JAMES per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-021-17 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | Keilly | Waterford Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0125-075 | KEILLY PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-021-18 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Thomas | Leary | Waterford Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0125-086 | LEARY THOMAS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-021-19 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Michael | Whelan | Waterford Co | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0125-143 | WHELAN MICHAEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8274-021-20 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | Dalton | Waterford Co | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-031 | DALTON PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | boatman | 9-81.00 | ||
2-8274-021-21 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | David | Fitzgerald | Waterford Co | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-045 | FITZGERALD DAVID per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | fisherman | 6-41.00 | ||
2-8274-021-22 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Thomas | Fitzgerald | Waterford Co | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0125-047 | FITZGERALD THOMAS per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-022-01 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Keating | Waterford City | 20 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing a coat | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-072 | KEATING JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-022-02 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | James | Browne | Waterford City | 26 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing stockings | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-007 | BROWNE JAMES per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | nailor | 8-39.90 | ||
2-8274-022-03 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Clancy | Waterford City | 22 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | stealing a cloak | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0125-017 | CLANCY JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-022-04 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Michael | McGrath | Waterford City | 24 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | street robbery | 7 years | II | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0125-098 | MCGRATH MICHAEL per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-022-05 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Alexr | Burke | Waterford City | 18 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | street robbery | 7 years | II | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0125-009 | BURKE ALEXR per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-022-06 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Deegan | Wexford | 26 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0125-034 | DEEGAN JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Seven years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8274-022-07 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Joseph | Binnings | Wexford | 50 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | having forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0125-003 | BINNINGS JOSEPH per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Fourteen years | M | rough carpenter | 9-54.10 | ||
2-8274-022-08 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | James | Shanahan | Wexford | 48 | <[blank]> | Summer | 1819 | having forged notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0125-131 | SHANAHAN JAMES per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Fourteen years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-022-09 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | Patrick | Maddock | Wexford | 40 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1820 | uttering forged notes | life | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0125-089 | MADDOCK PATRICK per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8274-022-10 | PRINCE REGENT II (1) | BV0125 | 1821 | John | Connor | Wicklow | 28 | <[blank]> | Lent | 1817 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0125-022 | CONNOR JOHN per PRINCE REGENT II (1) 1821, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-019-01 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Michael | Oulster | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | November | 1814 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0060-123 | OULSTER MICHAEL per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Pilot [CON13-1-01: 092-07] | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | |
2-8279-019-02 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | James | Hogan | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | May | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-073 | HOGAN JAMES per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8279-019-03 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Michael | Byrne | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-010 | BYRNE MICHAEL per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-019-04 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | William | Dunn | Dublin City | 16 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-037 | DUNN WILLIAM per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | painter | 9-31.20 | ||
2-8279-019-05 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Kinsella | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-080 | KINSELLA JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-019-06 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | William | Higgins | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0060-071 | HIGGINS WILLIAM per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-019-07 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Patrick | Lowry | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0060-086 | LOWRY PATRICK per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8279-019-08 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Patrick | Moore | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0060-110 | MOORE PATRICK per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-019-09 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Andrew | Condon | Condron | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-021 | CONDON ANDREW per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | VDL: 1821 per Prince Leopold[CON13-1-02: 120-06] | servant | 5-40.10 |
2-8279-019-10 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | James | Power | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-126 | POWER JAMES per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8279-019-11 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Hugh | Woods | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | robbing a store | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-150 | WOODS HUGH per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1818 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 117-12] | stonemason | ||
2-8279-019-12 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Collins | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0060-020 | COLLINS JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | schoolmaster | 1-30.20 | ||
2-8279-019-13 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Blane | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | stealing apparel | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0060-004 | BLANE JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8279-019-14 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | James | Eagan | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | swindling | 7 years | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0060-040 | EAGAN JAMES per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | tallow chandler | 4-10.25 | ||
2-8279-019-15 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Michael | Hoey | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | robbing a store | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-072 | HOEY MICHAEL per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-019-16 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Patrick | Murphy | Murtagh | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | robbing a store | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-117 | MURPHY PATRICK per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8279-019-17 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Thomas | Bearfoot | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | robbing a stable | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-002 | BEARFOOT THOMAS per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-020-01 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Japhet | White | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | possessing counterfeit stamp dies | 7 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0060-149 | WHITE JAPHET per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | attorney | 1-21.10 | ||
2-8279-020-02 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Patrick | Garrigan | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | uttering forged stamps | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0060-053 | GARRIGAN PATRICK per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | attorneys clerk | 3-93.40 | ||
2-8279-020-03 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Samuel | Clayton | Dublin City | 38 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | uttering forged stamps | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0060-019 | CLAYTON SAMUEL per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | Engraver | |||
2-8279-020-04 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Charles | Reed | Dublin City | 35 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | possessing forged stamps | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0060-127 | REED CHARLES per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8279-020-05 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Reed | Dublin City | 38 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | possessing forged stamps | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0060-128 | REED JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8279-020-06 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Fogarty | Dublin City | 27 | <[blank]> | October | 1815 | possessing forged stamps | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0060-049 | FOGARTY JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | attorney | 1-21.10 | ||
2-8279-020-07 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Gerald | Hope | Dublin City | 56 | <[blank]> | February | 1816 | possessing forged stamps | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0060-074 | HOPE GERALD per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | silk dyer | 7-56.22 | ||
2-8279-020-08 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | James | McMahon | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | December | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0060-103 | MCMAHON JAMES per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | cooper | 8-19.30 | ||
2-8279-020-09 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | William | Hempenstal | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | December | 1815 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0060-065 | HEMPENSTAL WILLIAM per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8279-020-10 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Laurence | Fennell | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | December | 1815 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-046 | FENNELL LAURENCE per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | butler | 2-24.90 | ||
2-8279-020-11 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | George | McDonnell | Dublin City | 33 | <[blank]> | December | 1815 | robbing a stable | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-099 | MCDONNELL GEORGE per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8279-020-12 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Ennis | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0060-043 | ENNIS JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | smith | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8279-020-13 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Hugh | McCann | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0060-096 | MCCANN HUGH per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Pilot [CON13-1-01: 092-09] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8279-020-14 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | James | Dunn | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | stealing plate | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0060-036 | DUNN JAMES per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-020-15 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Michael | Farrell | Dublin City | 16 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | stealing plate | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0060-045 | FARRELL MICHAEL per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | ropemaker | 7-57.10 | ||
2-8279-020-16 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Bernard | Higgins | Magennis | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | February | 1816 | stealing a pistol | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0060-069 | HIGGINS BERNARD per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8279-020-17 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Francis | Malone | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | February | 1816 | stealing lead | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0060-092 | MALONE FRANCIS per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | plaisterer | 9-55.10 | ||
2-8279-020-18 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Conlon | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | February | 1816 | stealing lead | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0060-022 | CONLON JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | porter | 9-71.45 | ||
2-8279-020-19 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Michael | Finlay | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | February | 1816 | stealing lead | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0060-047 | FINLAY MICHAEL per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | porter | 9-71.45 | ||
2-8279-020-20 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Edward | Healy | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | February | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-062 | HEALY EDWARD per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8279-020-21 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Michael | Hanlan | Dublin City | 16 | <[blank]> | February | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-059 | HANLAN MICHAEL per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8279-020-22 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Brennan | Dublin City | 32 | <[blank]> | April | 1816 | robbing a store | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-007 | BRENNAN JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | shopkeeper | 4-10.30 | ||
2-8279-021-01 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Thomas | Callaghan | Dublin City | 36 | <[blank]> | December | 1815 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0060-014 | CALLAGHAN THOMAS per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8279-021-02 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Peter | Callaghan | Dublin Co | 22 | <[blank]> | December | 1815 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0060-013 | CALLAGHAN PETER per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-021-03 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | William | Connor | Dublin Co | 32 | <[blank]> | February | 1816 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0060-025 | CONNOR WILLIAM per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-021-04 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | James | Sheal | Shane | Dublin Co | 22 | <[blank]> | February | 1816 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0060-142 | SHEAL JAMES per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8279-021-05 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Joseph | McManus | Boldboy | Dublin Co | 22 | <[blank]> | February | 1816 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0060-104 | MCMANUS JOSEPH per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8279-021-06 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Weston | Dublin Co | 21 | <[blank]> | February | 1816 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0060-148 | WESTON JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | quarryman | 7-11.10 | ||
2-8279-021-07 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | O'Keefe | Clare Co | 26 | <[blank]> | August | 1816 | perjury | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0060-121 | O'KEEFE JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8279-021-08 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Denis | O'Brien | Clare Co | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | abduction | life | I | 11 | Abduction | uneBV0060-120 | O'BRIEN DENIS per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8279-021-09 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | William | Murphy | Cork Co | 28 | <[blank]> | August | 1815 | burglary & rape | life | II/I | 18;6 | Robbery & stealing from the person; Rape | uneBV0060-119 | MURPHY WILLIAM per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-021-10 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | David | Ronan | Cork Co | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | sheep stealing | life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0060-132 | RONAN DAVID per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-021-11 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Keefe | Cork Co | 34 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | sheep stealing | life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0060-078 | KEEFE JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-021-12 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Patrick | Harrington | Cork Co | 43 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | sheep stealing | life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0060-060 | HARRINGTON PATRICK per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-021-13 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Patrick | Goggin | Cork Co | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | sheep stealing | life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0060-054 | GOGGIN PATRICK per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-021-14 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Daniel | Savage | Cork Co | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0060-141 | SAVAGE DANIEL per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-021-15 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Stokes | Cork Co | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0060-145 | STOKES JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-021-16 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Carthy | Cork Co | 31 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-016 | CARTHY JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-022-01 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | William | Kirby | Cork City | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | street robbery | 7 years | II | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0060-081 | KIRBY WILLIAM per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-022-02 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Elias | Connell | Cork City | 48 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-023 | CONNELL ELIAS per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8279-022-03 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Ezekiel | Rogers | Cork City | 17 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0060-131 | ROGERS EZEKIEL per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-022-04 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Callaghan | Cork City | 41 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0060-012 | CALLAGHAN JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8279-022-05 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Lyons | Cork City | 15 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | robbing King's store | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-089 | LYONS JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Pilot [CON13-1-01: 092-10] | whitesmith | 8-73.40 | |
2-8279-022-06 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Matthew | Horogan | Cork City | 60 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | possessing forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0060-075 | HOROGAN MATTHEW per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | baker | 7-76.10 | ||
2-8279-022-07 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Humphrey | Henessy | Cork City | 16 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | robbing King's store | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-066 | HENESSY HUMPHREY per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8279-022-08 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Joseph | Mantle | Cork City | 23 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-093 | MANTLE JOSEPH per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | house painter | 9-31.20 | ||
2-8279-022-09 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Henry | Ford | Cork City | 18 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-051 | FORD HENRY per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | bootcloser | 8-02.55 | ||
2-8279-022-10 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Connor | Cork City | 17 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-024 | CONNOR JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | gilder | 8-95.20 | ||
2-8279-022-11 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Healy | Cork City | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0060-063 | HEALY JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | carter | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8279-022-12 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Patrick | Lynch | Cork City | 12 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0060-088 | LYNCH PATRICK per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8279-022-13 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Owen | O'Neill | Cork City | 13 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0060-122 | ONEILL OWEN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | schoolboy | |||
2-8279-022-14 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Michael | Lynch | Cork City | 13 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0060-087 | LYNCH MICHAEL per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | schoolboy | |||
2-8279-022-15 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Fitzgerald | Cork City | 17 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0060-048 | FITZGERALD JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8279-022-16 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Leary | Cork City | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0060-085 | LEARY JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8279-022-17 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Bryan | Laughlan | Drogheda Town | 26 | <[blank]> | July | 1815 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0060-082 | LAUGHLAN BRYAN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | stableman | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8279-022-18 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Cormican | Galway Co | 31 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | carding, administering unlawful oaths | life | V | 56 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0060-028 | CORMICAN JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | ploughman | 6-21.05 | ||
2-8279-023-01 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Peter | Dawley | Kerry Co | 58 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0060-033 | DAWLEY PETER per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8279-023-02 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Darby | Costello | Kerry Co | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0060-030 | COSTELLO DARBY per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8279-023-03 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Richard | Reily | Kildare Co | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-129 | REILY RICHARD per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-023-04 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Thomas | Corkeran | Kilkenny Co | 23 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | attacking houses by night | 14 years | II | 17 | Burglary | uneBV0060-027 | CORKERAN THOMAS per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-023-05 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | James | Callaghan | Kilkenny Co | 51 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-011 | CALLAGHAN JAMES per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | dealer | 4-10.30 | ||
2-8279-023-06 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Patrick | Kernon | Kilkenny Co | 18 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0060-079 | KERNON PATRICK per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | clerk | 3-00.00 | ||
2-8279-023-07 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Mathew | McCue | Kilkenny Co | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0060-098 | MCCUE MATHEW per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8279-023-08 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Peter | McLaughlin | Kings Co | 38 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | coining bank tokens | 7 years | III | 31 | Forging & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0060-101 | MCLAUGHLIN PETER per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 070-08] | cooper | 8-19.30 | |
2-8279-023-09 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Patrick | McTeague | Kings Co | 44 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-105 | MCTEAGUE PATRICK per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | carman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8279-023-10 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Martin | Rochfort | Kings Co | 31 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | burglary & robbery of arms | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0060-130 | ROCHFORT MARTIN per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | shepherd | 6-24.30 | ||
2-8279-023-11 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Anthony | Boylan | Leitrim Co | 19 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | administering unlawful oaths | life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0060-006 | BOYLAN ANTHONY per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8279-023-12 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Gunning | Leitrim Co | 27 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | administering unlawful oaths | life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0060-055 | GUNNING JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-023-13 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Thomas | Gunning | Leitrim Co | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | administering unlawful oaths | life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0060-056 | GUNNING THOMAS per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-023-14 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Michael | Bernie | Leitrim Co | 34 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | administering unlawful oaths | life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0060-003 | BERNIE MICHAEL per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-023-15 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Miles | Rorke | Leitrim Co | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | administering unlawful oaths | life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0060-133 | RORKE MILES per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-023-16 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | James | McGouran | Leitrim Co | 23 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | administering unlawful oaths | life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0060-100 | MCGOURAN JAMES per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-024-01 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Phelim | McCabe | Longford Co | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | administering unlawful oaths | life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0060-095 | MCCABE PHELIM per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-024-02 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Patrick | Thompson | Longford Co | 18 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | administering unlawful oaths | life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0060-147 | THOMPSON PATRICK per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-024-03 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Mulligan | Longford Co | 27 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | administering unlawful oaths | life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0060-112 | MULLIGAN JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-024-04 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Thomas | Smyth | Longford Co | 27 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | administering unlawful oaths | life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0060-144 | SMYTH THOMAS per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-024-05 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Patrick | Dogherty | Longford Co | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | administering unlawful oaths | life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0060-034 | DOGHERTY PATRICK per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-024-06 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Francis | Farrell | Longford Co | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | administering unlawful oaths | life | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0060-044 | FARRELL FRANCIS per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-024-07 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Thomas | Higgins | Limerick Co | 24 | <[blank]> | December | 1815 | seditious, riotous & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-070 | HIGGINS THOMAS per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-024-08 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Sullivan | Limerick Co | 22 | <[blank]> | December | 1815 | seditious, riotous & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-146 | SULLIVAN JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-024-09 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Denis | Ryan | Limerick Co | 30 | <[blank]> | December | 1815 | seditious, riotous & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-136 | RYAN DENIS per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-024-10 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Daly | Limerick Co | 42 | <[blank]> | December | 1815 | seditious, riotous & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-032 | DALY JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-024-11 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Bartholomew | Duffy | Louth Co | 37 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | grand larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0060-035 | DUFFY BARTHOLOMEW per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8279-024-12 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Edward | Murphy | Monaghan Co | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0060-113 | MURPHY EDWARD per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8279-024-13 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Edward | McCabe | Monaghan Co | 19 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | robbing a church | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0060-094 | MCCABE EDWARD per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-024-14 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Kearney | Sligo Co | 60 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0060-076 | KEARNEY JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-024-15 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Palmer | Kearney | Sligo Co | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0060-077 | KEARNEY PALMER per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-01 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | David | English | Tipperary Co | 30 | <[blank]> | March | 1815 | robbery of arms | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0060-042 | ENGLISH DAVID per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-02 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | James | Macklin | Tipperary Co | 36 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | riotous, seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-090 | MACKLIN JAMES per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | clerk | 3-00.00 | ||
2-8279-025-03 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | James | Ryan | Tipperary Co | 34 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | riotous, seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-138 | RYAN JAMES per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-04 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Daniel | Ryan | Tipperary Co | 28 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | riotous, seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-135 | RYAN DANIEL per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-05 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Patrick | Hickey | Tipperary Co | 24 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | riotous, seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-068 | HICKEY PATRICK per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-06 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | James | Hacket | Tipperary Co | 25 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | riotous, seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-057 | HACKET JAMES per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-07 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Fogerty | Tipperary Co | 30 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | riotous, seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-050 | FOGERTY JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-08 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Boyce | Egan | Tipperary Co | 30 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | riotous, seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-041 | EGAN BOYCE per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-09 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Corrigan | Tipperary Co | 34 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | riotous, seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-029 | CORRIGAN JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-10 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Carey | Tipperary Co | 21 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | riotous, seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-015 | CAREY JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-11 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Allen | Tipperary Co | 23 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | riotous, seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-001 | ALLEN JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-12 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | James | Meagher | Tipperary Co | 25 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | riotous, seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-107 | MEAGHER JAMES per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-13 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | James | Brien | Tipperary Co | 27 | <[blank]> | November | 1815 | riotous, seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-008 | BRIEN JAMES per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Prince Leopold [CON13-1-01: 212-15] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8279-025-14 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Dwyer | Tipperary Co | 26 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | wrecking, destroying & plundering a house | 14 years | II | 29 | Malicious Damage | uneBV0060-039 | DWYER JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-15 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Murphy | Tipperary Co | 23 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | wrecking, destroying & plundering a house | 14 years | II | 29 | Malicious Damage | uneBV0060-114 | MURPHY JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-16 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Roger | Murphy | Tipperary Co | 23 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | wrecking, destroying & plundering a house | 14 years | II | 29 | Malicious Damage | uneBV0060-118 | MURPHY ROGER per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-17 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Michael | Murphy | Tipperary Co | 21 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | wrecking, destroying & plundering a house | 14 years | II | 29 | Malicious Damage | uneBV0060-116 | MURPHY MICHAEL per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-18 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | William | Ryan | Tipperary Co | 23 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | wrecking, destroying & plundering a house | 14 years | II | 29 | Malicious Damage | uneBV0060-140 | RYAN WILLIAM per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8279-025-19 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | James | Ryan | Tipperary Co | 50 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | wrecking, destroying & plundering a house | 14 years | II | 29 | Malicious Damage | uneBV0060-139 | RYAN JAMES per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | quarryman | 7-11.10 | ||
2-8279-025-20 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Edward | Ryan | Tipperary Co | 26 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | wrecking, destroying & plundering a house | 14 years | II | 29 | Malicious Damage | uneBV0060-137 | RYAN EDWARD per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | farmer | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8279-025-21 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Thomas | Hackett | Tipperary Co | 22 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | wrecking, destroying & plundering a house | 14 years | II | 29 | Malicious Damage | uneBV0060-058 | HACKETT THOMAS per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | house carpenter | 9-54.15 | ||
2-8279-025-22 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Magrath | Tipperary Co | 24 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | wrecking, destroying & plundering a house | 14 years | II | 29 | Malicious Damage | uneBV0060-091 | MAGRATH JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | farrier | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8279-025-23 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Roger | Corcoran | Tipperary Co | 25 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | wrecking, destroying & plundering a house | 14 years | II | 29 | Malicious Damage | uneBV0060-026 | CORCORAN ROGER per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-24 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Joseph | Costelloe | Tipperary Co | 28 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | wrecking, destroying & plundering a house | 14 years | II | 29 | Malicious Damage | uneBV0060-031 | COSTELLOE JOSEPH per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-25 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Denis | Dwyer | Tipperary Co | 29 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | wrecking, destroying & plundering a house | 14 years | II | 29 | Malicious Damage | uneBV0060-038 | DWYER DENIS per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-025-26 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Michael | Leahy | Tipperary Co | 23 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | wrecking, destroying & plundering a house | 14 years | II | 29 | Malicious Damage | uneBV0060-084 | LEAHY MICHAEL per SURREY I (2) 1816, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-026-01 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Edmond | Fox | Tipperary Co | 25 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | riotous, seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-052 | FOX EDMOND per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-026-02 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Edmond | Power | Tipperary Co | 24 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | riotous, seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-125 | POWER EDMOND per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-026-03 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Thomas | Rubbery | Tipperary Co | 32 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | riotous, seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-134 | RUBBERY THOMAS per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1818 per Elizabeth Henrietta [CON13-1-01: 117-13] | house carpenter | 9-54.15 | |
2-8279-026-04 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | William | Pollard | Tipperary Co | 32 | <[blank]> | January | 1816 | burglary & robbery of arms | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0060-124 | POLLARD WILLIAM per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | slater | 9-53.20 | ||
2-8279-026-05 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Daniel | Mccarthy | Tipperary Co | 28 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-097 | MCCARTHY DANIEL per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | Jobber | |||
2-8279-026-06 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Philip | Casey | Tipperary Co | 42 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-017 | CASEY PHILIP per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | Woolen weaver | |||
2-8279-026-07 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Connor | Hayes | Tipperary Co | 30 | <[blank]> | April | 1816 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-061 | HAYES CONNOR per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-026-08 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Mathew | Murphy | Tipperary Co | 28 | <[blank]> | April | 1816 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-115 | MURPHY MATHEW per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-026-09 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Edward | Bourke | Tipperary Co | 28 | <[blank]> | April | 1816 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-005 | BOURKE EDWARD per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-026-10 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | Henessy | Tipperary Co | 22 | <[blank]> | May | 1816 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-067 | HENESSY JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-026-11 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | James | Meagher | Tipperary Co | 25 | <[blank]> | May | 1816 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-108 | MEAGHER JAMES per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-026-12 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Timothy | Brien | Tipperary Co | 27 | <[blank]> | May | 1816 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-009 | BRIEN TIMOTHY per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | VDL: 1817 per Pilot [CON13-1-01: 092-08] | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | |
2-8279-026-13 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Daniel | Meagher | Tipperary Co | 20 | <[blank]> | May | 1816 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-106 | MEAGHER DANIEL per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-026-14 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Laurence | Moore | Tipperary Co | 23 | <[blank]> | May | 1816 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-109 | MOORE LAURENCE per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-026-15 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Laughlin | Lawlor | Westmeath Co | 40 | <[blank]> | December | 1815 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-083 | LAWLOR LAUGHLIN per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8279-026-16 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Edward | Mullady | Westmeath Co | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-111 | MULLADY EDWARD per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-026-17 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Patrick | Heffernan | Westmeath Co | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | seditious & disorderly person | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0060-064 | HEFFERNAN PATRICK per SURREY I (2) 1816, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-026-18 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Edward | Smyth | Westmeath Co | 34 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | burglary & robbery of arms | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0060-143 | SMYTH EDWARD per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-026-19 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | Patrick | Clarke | Westmeath Co | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0060-018 | CLARKE PATRICK per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8279-026-20 | SURREY I (2) | BV0060 | 1816 | John | McLynn | Westmeath Co | 28 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0060-102 | MCLYNN JOHN per SURREY I (2) 1816, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-073-01 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Joseph | Rochfort | Dublin City | 36 | <[blank]> | February | 1817 | felony of tin | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-159 | ROCHFORT JOSEPH per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-073-02 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Michael | Kiernan | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | February | 1817 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-096 | KIERNAN MICHAEL per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8281-073-03 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | James | Rainey | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | February | 1817 | felony of till & money | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-148 | RAINEY JAMES per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | brassfounder | 7-24.20 | ||
2-8281-073-04 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | Wogan | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | February | 1817 | felony of dye stuff | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-180 | WOGAN THOMAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-073-05 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Christopher | Lawton | Lowther | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | April | 1817 | felony of candles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-098 | LAWTON CHRISTOPHER per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | house carpenter | 9-54.15 | |
2-8281-073-06 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Edward | Farrell | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | May | 1817 | felony of hat & spectacles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-056 | FARRELL EDWARD per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | school assistant | 1-30.20 | ||
2-8281-073-07 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Griffin | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | June | 1817 | felony of handkerchief & prayer book | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-067 | GRIFFIN JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | horse shoer | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8281-073-08 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | McKenny | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | June | 1817 | felony of watch chains | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-121 | MCKENNY THOMAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 242-13] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8281-073-09 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | Toler | Dublin City | 46 | <[blank]> | June | 1817 | having in possession base tokens etc | 7 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0090-173 | TOLER THOMAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-073-10 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Michael | Reilly | Dublin City | 27 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | felony of plate | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-154 | REILLY MICHAEL per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Prince Leopold [CON13-1-01: 213-07] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8281-073-11 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Patrick | Caddam | Dublin City | 49 | <[blank]> | October | 1817 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0090-014 | CADDAM PATRICK per TYNE 1819, 14 years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8281-073-12 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Francis | Little | Dublin City | 51 | <[blank]> | October | 1817 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0090-100 | LITTLE FRANCIS per TYNE 1819, 14 years | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8281-073-13 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Peter | Halpin | Dublin City | 50 | <[blank]> | October | 1817 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0090-074 | HALPIN PETER per TYNE 1819, 14 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8281-073-14 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Henry | McDonough | Dublin City | 55 | <[blank]> | October | 1817 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0090-118 | MCDONOUGH HENRY per TYNE 1819, 14 years | M | <[?]> | |||
2-8281-073-15 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Bryan | Murray | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | October | 1817 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-139 | MURRAY BRYAN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-073-16 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Collins | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | November | 1817 | felony of saddles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-025 | COLLINS JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | calico printer | 9-29.50 | ||
2-8281-073-17 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | James | McLoughlin | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | November | 1817 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0090-124 | MCLOUGHLIN JAMES per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | tallow chandler | 4-10.25 | ||
2-8281-073-18 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Mathew | Hynes | Dublin City | 32 | <[blank]> | November | 1817 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-082 | HYNES MATHEW per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8281-073-19 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Christopher | Halligan | Dublin City | 50 | <[blank]> | November | 1817 | felony of butter | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-072 | HALLIGAN CHRISTOPHER per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-073-20 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Peter | Lynch | Dublin City | 44 | <[blank]> | December | 1817 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-102 | LYNCH PETER per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | plaisterer | 9-55.10 | ||
2-8281-073-21 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | William | Fitzsimons | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of oil cloth & paint | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-061 | FITZSIMONS WILLIAM per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8281-074-01 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Elliott | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of money & wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-053 | ELLIOTT JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8281-074-02 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Mathew | Toole | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-174 | TOOLE MATHEW per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-074-03 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | Smith | Dublin City | 22 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0090-170 | SMITH THOMAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8281-074-04 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Cornelius | Hughes | Madden | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0090-080 | HUGHES CORNELIUS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | |
2-8281-074-05 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Robert | Vance | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | robbing his Master | 7 years | II | 22 | Embezzlement & stealing by servants | uneBV0090-176 | VANCE ROBERT per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | letter press printer | 9-21.10 | ||
2-8281-074-06 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | William | Coyne | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of bank notes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-031 | COYNE WILLIAM per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8281-074-07 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | William | Heffernan | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of butter | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-076 | HEFFERNAN WILLIAM per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | ropemaker | 7-57.10 | ||
2-8281-074-08 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Denis | Connolly | Dublin City | 50 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of butter | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-027 | CONNOLLY DENIS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-074-09 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Edward | Magrath | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-106 | MAGRATH EDWARD per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8281-074-10 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | Byrne | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-013 | BYRNE THOMAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8281-074-11 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Burke | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0090-011 | BURKE JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | locksmith | 8-39.30 | ||
2-8281-074-12 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | William | Cusack | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0090-036 | CUSACK WILLIAM per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-074-13 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Michael | Keegan | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0090-087 | KEEGAN MICHAEL per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | stable boy | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8281-074-14 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Richard | Nugent | Dublin City | 15 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of a watch | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-146 | NUGENT RICHARD per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | nailor | 8-39.90 | ||
2-8281-074-15 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Peter | Neill | Dublin City | 14 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-142 | NEILL PETER per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8281-074-16 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Christopher | Doyle | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of oats | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-045 | DOYLE CHRISTOPHER per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | stableman | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8281-074-17 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Nicholas | Reid | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-153 | REID NICHOLAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | horse shoer | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8281-074-18 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Peter | Griffin | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-068 | GRIFFIN PETER per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | shop boy | 9-99.99 | ||
2-8281-074-19 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Peter | Grumley | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of an iron safe | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-071 | GRUMLEY PETER per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8281-074-20 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | Dignam | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of a writing desk | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-042 | DIGNAM THOMAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | waiter | 5-32.10 | ||
2-8281-074-21 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | William | Moore | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of a writing desk | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-129 | MOORE WILLIAM per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | cabinetmaker | 8-11.20 | ||
2-8281-074-22 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | William | Duggan | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-051 | DUGGAN WILLIAM per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | house painter | 9-31.20 | ||
2-8281-074-23 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | George | Lynch | Dublin City | 16 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | house robbery | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0090-101 | LYNCH GEORGE per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | house carpenter | 9-54.15 | ||
2-8281-075-01 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | James | Rourke | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of shirts | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-162 | ROURKE JAMES per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | farmers boy | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8281-075-02 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Patrick | Flood | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | felony of shirts | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-062 | FLOOD PATRICK per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | farmers man | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8281-075-03 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | Anderson | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | picking pockets | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-001 | ANDERSON THOMAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-075-04 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Philip | Lynch | Dublin City | 35 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | larceny from shop | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0090-103 | LYNCH PHILIP per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-075-05 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | George | Bradshaw | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | felony of a watch | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-006 | BRADSHAW GEORGE per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8281-075-06 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Duff | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0090-050 | DUFF JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | silkweaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8281-075-07 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | William | Murphy | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0090-137 | MURPHY WILLIAM per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8281-075-08 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | Bourke | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | felony pf leather | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-005 | BOURKE THOMAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | dealer in cattle | 4-10.30 | ||
2-8281-075-09 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Hughes | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | felony of lead | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-081 | HUGHES JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | slater | 9-53.20 | ||
2-8281-075-10 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Patrick | Joyce | Dublin City | 40 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | felony of bridles & saddles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-086 | JOYCE PATRICK per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-075-11 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Patrick | Lawlor | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | felony of bridles & saddles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-097 | LAWLOR PATRICK per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8281-075-12 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | James | Brady | Dublin City | 34 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | felony of a dressing gown | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-007 | BRADY JAMES per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8281-075-13 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | James | McDermott | Dublin City | 36 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | larceny from a stables | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0090-116 | MCDERMOTT JAMES per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | wine cooper | 8-19.30 | ||
2-8281-075-14 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | Grocehart | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | felony of bank notes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-069 | GROCEHART THOMAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8281-075-15 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Ellis | Brady | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | felony of harness | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-054 | ELLIS JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | |
2-8281-075-16 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | William | Ivory | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | shop lifting | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0090-085 | IVORY WILLIAM per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-075-17 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | William | Tracey | Dublin City | 50 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0090-175 | TRACEY WILLIAM per TYNE 1819, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-075-18 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Slacke | Flanaghan | Dublin City | 15 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0090-168 | SLACKE JOHN per TYNE 1819, 14 years | M | sailmaker | 7-99.20 | |
2-8281-075-19 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Owen | Ingoldsby | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | perjury | 7 years | V | 42 | Perjury & Subornation | uneBV0090-083 | INGOLDSBY OWEN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | <[blank]> | <[na]> | ||
2-8281-075-20 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Peter | Flynn | Jnr | Dublin City | 23 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | felony of plate | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-064 | FLYNN PETER (Jnr) per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | knife cutler | 8-39.15 | |
2-8281-075-21 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Mark | Grogan | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0090-070 | GROGAN MARK per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-075-22 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | Smith | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0090-171 | SMITH THOMAS per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-076-01 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Richard | Ivory | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0090-084 | IVORY RICHARD per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-076-02 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Williams | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-178 | WILLIAMS JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8281-076-03 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Patrick | Martin | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | felony of shutters | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-110 | MARTIN PATRICK per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | errand boy | 3-70.40 | ||
2-8281-076-04 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Joseph | Bell | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | felony of shutters | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-003 | BELL JOSEPH per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8281-076-05 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Doyle | Dublin City | 17 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | felony of bank notes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-047 | DOYLE JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | painter | 9-31.20 | ||
2-8281-076-06 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Owen | Magee | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | felony of bank notes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-104 | MAGEE OWEN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | pavior | 9-51.60 | ||
2-8281-076-07 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Robert | Christmas | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0090-023 | CHRISTMAS ROBERT per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | soldier | 5-83.40 | ||
2-8281-076-08 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Smith | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | street robbery | 7 years | II | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0090-169 | SMITH JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | coachman | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8281-076-09 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Shepperd | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | felony of trunk & property | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-167 | SHEPPERD JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | glazier | 9-57.20 | ||
2-8281-076-10 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Patrick | Gillan | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-065 | GILLAN PATRICK per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8281-076-11 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Kelly | Dublin City | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | felony of bank post bills | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-089 | KELLY JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Prince Leopold [CON13-1-01: 213-04] | schoolboy | ||
2-8281-076-12 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | William | Moore | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-130 | MOORE WILLIAM per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8281-076-13 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Richard | Williams | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0090-179 | WILLIAMS RICHARD per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | groom | 6-24.60 | ||
2-8281-076-14 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Morgan | Dublin City | 16 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0090-131 | MORGAN JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | painter | 9-31.20 | ||
2-8281-076-15 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | Fitzgerald | Dublin City | 15 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | felony of trunk & property | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-060 | FITZGERALD THOMAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8281-076-16 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Patrick | Nixon | Dublin City | 18 | <[blank]> | April | 1818 | felony of pier glass | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-145 | NIXON PATRICK per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 242-12] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8281-076-17 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Daniel | Molloy | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | April | 1818 | felony of bank notes | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-127 | MOLLOY DANIEL per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Prince Leopold [CON13-1-01: 213-05] | servant | 5-40.10 | |
2-8281-076-18 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Edward | McGuinness | Dublin City | 15 | <[blank]> | April | 1818 | felony of sack & bread | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-120 | MCGUINNESS EDWARD per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | farmers boy | 6-11.10 | ||
2-8281-076-19 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | Farrell | Dublin City | 28 | <[blank]> | April | 1818 | felony of wearing apparel | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-059 | FARRELL THOMAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | sailor | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8281-076-20 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Leeson | Dublin City | 30 | <[blank]> | May | 1818 | intent to steal | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-099 | LEESON JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8281-076-21 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Christopher | Maher | Dublin City | 25 | <[blank]> | May | 1818 | intent to steal | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-108 | MAHER CHRISTOPHER per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8281-077-01 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Joseph | Creighton | Dublin City | 16 | <[blank]> | May | 1818 | felony of tea | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-032 | CREIGHTON JOSEPH per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8281-077-02 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Richard | Read | Dublin City | 20 | <[blank]> | May | 1818 | felony of tea | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-150 | READ RICHARD per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | coachsmith | 8-19.20 | ||
2-8281-077-03 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | Browne | Dublin City | 21 | <[blank]> | May | 1818 | felony of handkerchiefs | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-010 | BROWNE THOMAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-077-04 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Mathew | Flynn | Dublin City | 16 | <[blank]> | May | 1818 | felony of boots | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-063 | FLYNN MATHEW per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8281-077-05 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Patrick | Curran | Cullen | Dublin City | 19 | <[blank]> | May | 1818 | felony of tea | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-034 | CURRAN PATRICK per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | farmers man | 6-11.10 | |
2-8281-077-06 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Delany | Dublin City | 26 | <[blank]> | May | 1818 | felony of butter | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-041 | DELANY JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-077-07 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | Neill | Dublin Co | 21 | <[blank]> | October | 1817 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0090-143 | NEILL THOMAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8281-077-08 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Maguire | Dublin Co | 32 | <[blank]> | November | 1817 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0090-107 | MAGUIRE JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | gardener | 6-27.00 | ||
2-8281-077-09 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Christopher | Roe | Dublin Co | 28 | <[blank]> | November | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0090-160 | ROE CHRISTOPHER per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 242-11] | butcher | 7-73.10 | |
2-8281-077-10 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Carroll | Dublin Co | 67 | <[blank]> | November | 1817 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0090-019 | CARROLL JOHN per TYNE 1819, 14 years | M | linen weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8281-077-11 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Cavanagh | Dublin Co | 33 | <[blank]> | December | 1817 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0090-021 | CAVANAGH JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8281-077-12 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Pat | Doran | Dublin Co | 33 | <[blank]> | December | 1817 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-043 | DORAN PATRICK per TYNE 1819, Life | M | sawyer | 7-32.10 | ||
2-8281-077-13 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Higgins | Dublin Co | 24 | <[blank]> | December | 1817 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0090-077 | HIGGINS JOHN per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-077-14 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Anthony | McKeon | Dublin Co | 21 | <[blank]> | December | 1817 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-122 | MCKEON ANTHONY per TYNE 1819, Life | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8281-077-15 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Denis | McManus | Dublin Co | 27 | <[blank]> | December | 1817 | burglary & robbery | 14 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-125 | MCMANUS DENIS per TYNE 1819, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-077-16 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Mathew | Dease | Dublin Co | 23 | <[blank]> | December | 1817 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-039 | DEASE MATHEW per TYNE 1819, Life | M | nurseryman | 6-27.30 | ||
2-8281-077-17 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Michael | Corrigan | Dublin Co | 21 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0090-029 | CORRIGAN MICHAEL per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-077-18 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Mulroy | Dublin Co | 21 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | stealing a gun | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0090-134 | MULROY JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | blacksmith | 8-31.10 | ||
2-8281-077-19 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Charles | Murta | Dublin Co | 24 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0090-140 | MURTA CHARLES per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-078-01 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Cotter | Dublin Co | 58 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | stealing lead | 7 years | II | 24 | Larceny, other | uneBV0090-030 | COTTER JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | mason | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8281-078-02 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Peter | Moon | Dublin Co | 27 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-128 | MOON PETER per TYNE 1819, Life | M | cotton weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8281-078-03 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Laurence | Wall | Dublin Co | 21 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | cow stealing | 7 years | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0090-177 | WALL LAURENCE per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-078-04 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Martin | Regan | Dublin Co | 33 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | highway robbery | life | I | 13 | Assault, aggravated | uneBV0090-152 | REGAN MARTIN per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-078-05 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Michael | Cronan | Dublin Co | 21 | <[blank]> | February | 1818 | stealing shirts | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0090-033 | CRONAN MICHAEL per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | house painter | 9-31.20 | ||
2-8281-078-06 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | Rogers | Dublin Co | 35 | <[blank]> | April | 1818 | killing sheep to steal fat | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0090-161 | ROGERS THOMAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-078-07 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Joseph | Delandre | Dublin Co | 20 | <[blank]> | December | 1814 | stealing a ring | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0090-040 | DELANDRE JOSEPH per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | grocer | 4-10.30 | ||
2-8281-078-08 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Francis | Mullen | Armagh | 26 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | burglary | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-132 | MULLEN FRANCIS per TYNE 1819, Life | M | linen weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8281-078-09 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Patrock | Chartres | Drogheda | 18 | <[blank]> | July | 1816 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0090-022 | CHARTRES PATROCK per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | hawker | 4-52.20 | ||
2-8281-078-10 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Patrick | McCullen | McQuilton | Drogheda | 16 | <[blank]> | July | 1816 | vagrant | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0090-115 | MCCULLEN PATRICK per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | |
2-8281-078-11 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Owen | Kelledy | Kennedy | Louth Co | 24 | <[blank]> | February | 1814 | riotous & Disorderly person | 7 years | IV | 39 | Indecent, riotous or offensive conduct | uneBV0090-088 | KELLEDY OWEN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8281-078-12 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Patrick | Meehan | Peter | Louth Co | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | riotous & Disorderly person | 7 years | IV | 39 | Indecent, riotous or offensive conduct | uneBV0090-126 | MEEHAN PATRICK per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Admiral Cockburn [CON13-1-01: 242-14] | laborer | 9-99.10 |
2-8281-078-13 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Roger | Magennis | Louth Co | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1816 | riotous & Disorderly person | 7 years | IV | 39 | Indecent, riotous or offensive conduct | uneBV0090-105 | MAGENNIS ROGER per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | carter | 9-86.20 | ||
2-8281-078-14 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Patrick | Neary | Louth Co | 24 | <[blank]> | May | 1816 | riotous & Disorderly person | 7 years | IV | 39 | Indecent, riotous or offensive conduct | uneBV0090-141 | NEARY PATRICK per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | tailor | 7-91.00 | ||
2-8281-078-15 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | Kernan | Louth Co | 23 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | riotous & Disorderly person | 7 years | IV | 39 | Indecent, riotous or offensive conduct | uneBV0090-095 | KERNAN THOMAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-078-16 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Laurence | McDonald | Louth Co | 24 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-117 | MCDONALD LAURENCE per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-078-17 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | McGomery | Louth Co | 25 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-119 | MCGOMERY JOHN per TYNE 1819, Life | M | cooper | 8-19.30 | ||
2-8281-078-18 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Mulligan | Louth Co | 40 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0090-133 | MULLIGAN JOHN per TYNE 1819, 14 years | M | linen weaver | 7-54.32 | ||
2-8281-078-19 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | James | Callaghan | Louth Co | 21 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0090-015 | CALLAGHAN JAMES per TYNE 1819, 14 years | M | carpenter | 9-54.10 | ||
2-8281-078-20 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | McArthur | McArdke | Louth Co | 21 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | riotous & Disorderly person | 7 years | IV | 39 | Indecent, riotous or offensive conduct | uneBV0090-112 | MCARTHUR THOMAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | clerk | 3-00.00 | |
2-8281-079-01 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | James | Hogan | Louth Co | 34 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | riotous & Disorderly person | 7 years | IV | 39 | Indecent, riotous or offensive conduct | uneBV0090-078 | HOGAN JAMES per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | schoolmaster | 1-30.20 | ||
2-8281-079-02 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Mathew | Farrell | Meath | 35 | <[blank]> | July | 1816 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-057 | FARRELL MATHEW per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-079-03 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | James | Greehan | Meath | 22 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-066 | GREEHAN JAMES per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-079-04 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | McAnaspie | Tyrone | 28 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-111 | MCANASPIE JOHN per TYNE 1819, Life | M | quarryman | 7-11.10 | ||
2-8281-079-05 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | William | Barry | Tyrone | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0090-002 | BARRY WILLIAM per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-079-06 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | William | Murphy | Cork Co | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny from house | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0090-138 | MURPHY WILLIAM per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-079-07 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Denis | Carey | Cork Co | 23 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | pig stealing | 7 years | II | 11 | Offences against property | uneBV0090-017 | CAREY DENIS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-079-08 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Timothy | Keohane | Cork Co | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny from person | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-094 | KEOHANE TIMOTHY per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | seaman | 9-81.35 | ||
2-8281-079-09 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Darby | Ring | Cork Co | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0090-156 | RING DARBY per TYNE 1819, Life | M | shoemaker | 8-01.10 | ||
2-8281-079-10 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Denis | Regan | Cork Co | 35 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0090-151 | REGAN DENIS per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-079-11 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Jeremiah | Carthy | Cork Co | 58 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0090-020 | CARTHY JEREMIAH per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-079-12 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | James | Neville | Cork Co | 50 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0090-144 | NEVILLE JAMES per TYNE 1819, Life | M | miller | 7-71.20 | ||
2-8281-079-13 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | James | Daly | Cork Co | 57 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0090-038 | DALY JAMES per TYNE 1819, Life | M | <[?]> | |||
2-8281-079-14 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Michael | Curtin | Cork Co | 52 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0090-035 | CURTIN MICHAEL per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-079-15 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Denis | Daly | Cork Co | 23 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0090-037 | DALY DENIS per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-079-16 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Sheehane | Cork Co | 46 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0090-165 | SHEEHANE JOHN per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-079-17 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | William | Quinlan | Cork Co | 29 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0090-147 | QUINLAN WILLIAM per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-079-18 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Timothy | Sheehane | Cork Co | 46 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0090-166 | SHEEHANE TIMOTHY per TYNE 1819, Life | M | victualer | 5-10.50 | ||
2-8281-079-19 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Cornelius | Driscoll | Cork Co | 47 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | cow stealing | life | II | 20 | Cattle-stealing | uneBV0090-049 | DRISCOLL CORNELIUS per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-079-20 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | William | Condon | Cork Co | 34 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0090-026 | CONDON WILLIAM per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-079-21 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Edward | Kennedy | Cork Co | 41 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0090-090 | KENNEDY EDWARD per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-080-01 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Jeremiah | McCarthy | Cork Co | 39 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0090-114 | MCCARTHY JEREMIAH per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-080-02 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Horgan | Cork Co | 27 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0090-079 | HORGAN JOHN per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-080-03 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Callaghan | Cork Co | 22 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | life | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0090-016 | CALLAGHAN JOHN per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-080-04 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Michael | Brien | Cork Co | 40 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | killing sheep | life | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0090-009 | BRIEN MICHAEL per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-080-05 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Timothy | Corkery | Cork Co | 48 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | horse stealing | life | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0090-028 | CORKERY TIMOTHY per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-080-06 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Timothy | Murphy | Cork Co | 37 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-136 | MURPHY TIMOTHY per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-080-07 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Roche | Cork Co | 25 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-158 | ROCHE JOHN per TYNE 1819, Life | M | stonemason | 9-51.40 | ||
2-8281-080-08 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | James | Ryan | Cork Co | 44 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | house robbery | life | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0090-163 | RYAN JAMES per TYNE 1819, Life | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8281-080-09 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | William | Bentley | Dublin | 62 | <[blank]> | December | 1816 | fraud | 7 years | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0090-004 | BENTLEY WILLIAM per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | teacher | 1-30.20 | ||
2-8281-080-10 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Robert | Farrell | Dublin | 52 | <[blank]> | July | 1816 | fraud | 7 years | II | 27 | Fraud & false pretences | uneBV0090-058 | FARRELL ROBERT per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8281-080-11 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Patrick | Read | Dublin | 50 | <[blank]> | May | 1816 | felony of saddles | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-149 | READ PATRICK per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | servant | 5-40.10 | ||
2-8281-080-12 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Christopher | Murphy | Dublin | 58 | <[blank]> | June | 1817 | having in possession forged notes | 14 years | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0090-135 | MURPHY CHRISTOPHER per TYNE 1819, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-080-13 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Charles | McLoughlin | Leitrim | 19 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | burglary & robbery | life | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-123 | MCLOUGHLIN CHARLES per TYNE 1819, Life | M | VDL: 1819 per Prince Leopold [CON13-1-01: 213-06] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8281-080-14 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | James | Doyle | Louth | 50 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | robbery of Bleach Green | 7 years | II | 17 | Housebreaking | uneBV0090-046 | DOYLE JAMES per TYNE 1819, Life | M | shopkeeper | 4-10.30 | ||
2-8281-080-15 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Dominick | Marley | Marlow | Louth | 30 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | burglary & assault | 7 years | II | 18 | Robbery & stealing from the person | uneBV0090-109 | MARLEY DOMINICK per TYNE 1819, Life | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8281-080-16 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Sandy | Robinson | Tyrone | 54 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | having forged bank notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0090-157 | ROBINSON SANDY per TYNE 1819, 14 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-080-17 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Patrick | Burke | Tipperary | 26 | <[blank]> | July | 1816 | horse stealing | 7 years | II | 19 | Horse-stealing | uneBV0090-012 | BURKE PATRICK per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Prince Leopold [CON13-1-01: 213-03] | bricklayer | 9-51.20 | |
2-8281-080-18 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | William | Hanley | Tipperary | 21 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | Insurrection Act | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0090-075 | HANLEY WILLIAM per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-080-19 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Michael | Ryan | Tipperary | 27 | <[blank]> | October | 1817 | Insurrection Act | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0090-164 | RYAN MICHAEL per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | sawyer | 7-32.10 | ||
2-8281-080-20 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | James | Riggs | Antrim | 58 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | having in possession forged stamps | life | II | 26 | Receiving | uneBV0090-155 | RIGGS JAMES per TYNE 1819, Life | M | weaver | 7-54.00 | ||
2-8281-080-21 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Doyle | Dublin Co | 49 | <[blank]> | May | 1816 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0090-048 | DOYLE JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-081-01 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Laurence | Egan | Tipperary | 27 | <[blank]> | October | 1817 | Insurrection Act | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0090-052 | EGAN LAURENCE per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | VDL: 1819 per Prince Leopold [CON13-1-01: 213-08] | laborer | 9-99.10 | |
2-8281-081-02 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | James | Kennedy | Tipperary | 30 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | Insurrection Act | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0090-091 | KENNEDY JAMES per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-081-03 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Laurence | Kennedy | Tipperary | 22 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | Insurrection Act | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0090-092 | KENNEDY LAURENCE per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-081-04 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | William | Kennelly | Tipperary | 36 | <[blank]> | January | 1818 | Insurrection Act | 7 years | V | 41 | Conspiracy | uneBV0090-093 | KENNELLY WILLIAM per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8281-081-05 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | George | McBride | Tyrone | 56 | <[blank]> | July | 1817 | having forged bank notes | 14 years | III | 31 | Forgery & uttering forged instruments | uneBV0090-113 | MCBRIDE GEORGE per TYNE 1819, 14 years | M | roadmaker | 9-74.15 | ||
2-8281-081-06 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Andrew | Fahily | Tyrone | 21 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0090-055 | FAHILY ANDREW per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | victualer | 5-10.50 | ||
2-8281-081-07 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Patrick | Supple | Tyrone | 26 | <[blank]> | March | 1817 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0090-172 | SUPPLE PATRICK per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | butcher | 7-73.10 | ||
2-8281-081-08 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Patrick | Downes | Tyrone | 54 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0090-044 | DOWNES PATRICK per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 | ||
2-8281-081-09 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | John | Clanchy | Tyrone | 56 | <[blank]> | August | 1817 | vagrancy | 7 years | IV | 37 | Vagrancy | uneBV0090-024 | CLANCHY JOHN per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | surgeon | 0-61.10 | ||
2-8281-081-10 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Thomas | Brandon | Tyrone | 24 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0090-008 | BRANDON THOMAS per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | slater | 9-53.20 | ||
2-8281-081-11 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | Michael | Carmody | Tyrone | 23 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | larceny | 7 years | II | 23 | Larceny, other | uneBV0090-018 | CARMODY MICHAEL per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | baker | 7-76.10 | ||
2-8281-081-12 | TYNE | BV0090 | 1819 | James | Halpin | Tyrone | 27 | <[blank]> | March | 1818 | sheep stealing | 7 years | II | 21 | Sheep-stealing | uneBV0090-073 | HALPIN JAMES per TYNE 1819, 7 years | M | laborer | 9-99.10 |
Searching for James Tighe
Hi Pamela,
There is no James Tighe on the books up until 1822 (the period I have been researching), however there is a James Tighe arriving in Australia from Dublin in 1832 onboard the Dunvegan Castle (II). Not sure if that’s your man but it may be a place to start.
Do you have Patrick McNamara arrived aboard Isabella
Hi Kate. We haven’t included the Isabella as yet, but keep an eye on this site because we will expand it in due course. There were two Patrick McNamaras per Isabella, one tried in Kilkenny Co, the other in Mayo.
Researching Bridget Hyland arrived 1815 from Kildare. Listed as wife of Stephen Hyland. He had arrived in 1806 on the Tellicherry. Listed together at Parramatta. Had she committed a crime to make sure she could join him here ?
This is really interesting. I was trying to find what felony at large meant. Looking up the surname McCue I found my gg grandmother Honora. That was her charge and she got 7 years.
Also saw a Mathew McCue, his charge was burglary and robbery – described the same as felony at large but he got a life sentence. I wonder if the 2 year difference in the trials saw a softening of the law.
Hi I am looking fora James Meagher/Maher
riotous, seditious and disorderly person’, under the Insurrection Act of 1796 was his charge with 11 others
he come to Australia on The Surrey in 1816