This dataset presents a complete list of every individual commissioned as a Justice of the Peace in Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania) between 1804 and 1860, researched through a variety of primary sources. The temporal span of the data incorporates the very first commissions issued during the establishment of the initial settlement on the Derwent River in early 1804 and takes in the several years following the cessation of transportation to Van Diemen’s Land in 1853.
The successful identification of all the magistrates commissioned in this period — 734 in total — has allowed for the creation of a coding system, with each individual given a unique identifier (UID) number which also captures the commissions in chronological sequence. This dataset is put forward as the authoritative and universal coding system for the purposes of future data analysis and record linkage, beginning with the rapidly accelerating research being undertaken jointly by the University of New England and Digital Histories Tasmania.
The methodology is explained in D.A. Roberts and M. Strike, ‘Counting and Coding the Magistrates: A Report on a Project to identify the Justices of the Peace of Van Diemen’s Land, 1804-1860’, Journal of Australian Colonial History, Vol. 23, 2021. ISSN: 1441-0370.
This work forms a component of Margaret Strike’s PhD project, supervised by David Andrew Roberts, Hamish Maxwell-Stewart and Matthew Allen (funded by an Australian Government Research Training Program Stipend Scholarship).
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m researching Mr Frederick Roper who was a Magistrate in the Brighton, Oatlands area in the 1830’s in Van Diemans Land. What I would like to know is what other area/s he covered.
Henry Potticary, my 2x G. Grandfather was employed by Gamaliel Butler from 1831 – 1837ish, he had to appear in front of Mr Roper and I was wondering if it’s possible to narrow where this took place? Then Hopefully I will be able to find out which property Henry was working on.
Henry Potticarys Information :- CON 31/1/35 (Conduct Registers of Male Convicts arriving in the Period of the Assignment System. Surnames beginning with P)
Image 61 (p.39?) has:
Potticary Henry
“Eliza” 28 May 1831
Wilts. 27. December 1830
Transported for Machine Breaking Gaol Report Unknown Married 3 Children Such Report “true” Stated this offence “Machine Breaking” Married 3 Children Wife Elizabeth at Ashby” [sic]
Oct 29. 1832 G. Butler / Insolence to his Overseer. Repd/J. Roper/
Jany 14th 1836 J.L.[?] / Being out after hours, Admonished
Free Pardon No296 3rd Feby 1836.
Free Cert. 14 October 1837.
Thank You,
Leonie Kidman
Hi Leone. We are working a project at UNE on the magistrates of Van Diemen’s Land, 1804-1860. You can read about it here:
I’ll see if we have anything interesting about Mr Roper. We’d be keen for any info or stories you have about him.
Hello Leonie,
Archives Tasmania has online information about Frederick Roper. (See NAME_INDEXES: 1623993, Colonial Secretary Correspondence). Roper was appointed as a Assistant Police Magistrate at Kangaroo Point. Later, he applied for promotion to New Norfolk. There is correspondence related Roper applying for 1000 acres but willing to settle for 640 acres, (See CSO1-1-433 File Number 9732). Roper took up residence in Brighton in 1830 but the specific location isn’t identified. (See CSO1-1-1-400 File Number 9023). At this point, it would seem that Roper was primarily based in Brighton and had 10 acres there (Libraries Tasmania, NAME_INDEXES: 1757701, AD956/1/1, p. 128). His only child, Catherine Seaton Maria is believed to have been born in Brighton in 1835. At some point he moved to Hobart where he died on 11 January 1866 (Death Certificate of Frederick Roper, died 11 January 1866, Libraries Tasmania, NAME_INDEXES: 1146811, RGD35/1/7 no. 6025). Roper arrived in the colony in 1829 on the Clarence (‘Erratum’, Colonial Times, 22 May 1829, p. 4). However, to locate where Henry was working, I think it would be better to focus on properties owned by Gamaliel Butler.
Butler was a solicitor and married to Sarah Paine. Two of their sons, Henry Butler (1821-1885) and John James Butler (1828-1896) later became magistrates. When Gamaliel and Sarah’s last two children Ellen Jane (born 1831) and Maria (born 1833) were born, the Butlers were recorded as living in Hobart. According to Gamaliel’s entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography,, Gamaliel ‘owned large properties far and wide in Van Diemen’s Land, and many allotments in Hobart’.
A search of newspapers on Trove might be helpful in locating Butler’s Brighton property. I don’t know the details of the closest historical society to Brighton, but that might be another source of land grant details in the district to help you locate the Butler property. also provides details of some of the land grants Butler acquired. See, Tasmania, Australia, Deeds of Land Grants, 1804-1935. Hopefully, the Brighton property details will be in the Ancestry catalogue. An image of Gamaliel and some of his family can be found in family trees on Ancestry.
I’ve looked at Henry’s conduct record and to help you, his record is on p. 59 rather than 39. The writing can be a bit tricky to read at times.
When Henry was sentenced on 14 January 1836, he had a Ticket of Leave (T.L.) and was admonished by the Chief Police Magistrate (C.P.M.).
I hope this information has been helpful.
Best wishes
Margaret Strike
Hi Margaret,
Leonie Kidman here again, last time I contacted you was the 23rd August 2023, I was searching for F. Roper and you sent me information on him which was very helpful.
it turns out I had the Wrong initial, it should have been J. Roper.
This is the information I sent last time:-
Henry Potticary, my 2x G. Grandfather was employed by Gamaliel Butler from 1831 – 1837ish, he had to appear in front of Mr Roper and I was wondering if it’s possible to narrow where this took place? Then Hopefully I will be able to find out which property Henry was working on.
Henry Potticarys Information :- CON 31/1/35 (Conduct Registers of Male Convicts arriving in the Period of the Assignment System. Surnames beginning with P)
Image 61 (p.39?) has:
Potticary Henry
“Eliza” 28 May 1831
Wilts. 27. December 1830
Transported for Machine Breaking Gaol Report Unknown Married 3 Children Such Report “true” Stated this offence “Machine Breaking” Married 3 Children Wife Elizabeth at Ashby” [sic]
Oct 29. 1832 G. Butler / Insolence to his Overseer. Repd/J. Roper/***
Jany 14th 1836 J.L.[?] / Being out after hours, Admonished
Free Pardon No296 3rd Feby 1836.
Free Cert. 14 October 1837.
I have found a number of J. Ropers in Van Diemans Land and the following are my best leads so far?? I’m finding it difficult to know how and if any my information would tie in with J. Roper/Overseer and G Butler, Henry Potticarys Owner and where Henry Potticary was living.
Joseph Roper 1st Battalion, 73 Regiment Royal Highlanders in c.a. 1813 Hobart.
My research has taken him back to Sydney in relation to a Court case there in c.a. 1814, I don’t know if he came back to Hobart and left the 1st Battalion (they were sent overseas) and became an overseer OR magistrate by 1836.
Superintendent of Stock at the Derwent see MCCARTY, Dennis; *** ROPER, Joseph
Census 1842 No 2 sub division Spring Bay. Township of Buckland
*** Constabulary Roper.
Brighton, 12th May, 1832.
SIR, – We, the Undersigned, anxious being to submit to His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, our sentiments on the very heavy rate of Quit-rents
about to be exacted, respectfully request that you will convene a Public Meeting at Brighton, in order that the Landed Proprietors of the Police District of Brighton may have an opportunity expressing of their opinion on this most important subject.
To J. Roper, Esq., \ **** IMPORTANT ****
Police Magistrate, \
In compliance with the Request contained in the above letter, the Land
owners of the District of Brighton are invited to attend at this Office, for the purpose referred to, on Thursday, the 31st day of May instant, at 12 o’clock
Police Magistrate.
Police Office, Brighton,
10th May, 1832
Hoping you can see a connection that I can’t see.
Kind Regards,
Leonie Kidman
Hi Leonie
I am also a relative of Henry Potticary (he is my 4x Great Grandfather). Some of my family members have been doing research on him, specifically trying to find out what happened to him after he received his pardon. Just wondering if you would be interested in exchanging any relevant info you/we have found about him?