On Friday the 28th of July, the Science and Technology Research Committee successfully held the first annual Research Conference, providing an exciting opportunity for researchers within the School to come together and share their research, collaborations and ideas. The Brain and Behaviour Research Group made a strong contribution to the conference, with PhD candidate Riya Thapa presenting research on the role the Blood Brain Barrier in the development of neurological autoimmune disorders. Lucy Farrow, lecturer in neurobiology, presented one of her thesis research projects where her and co-authors used a novel approach to quantify the neuronal densities of mammalian and avian species. Shabah Shadli, lecturer in clinical neuroscience, discussed the use of EEGs in establishing biomarkers in clinical anxiety and future measures for understanding anxiety. Professor Vicki Bitsika intrigued the audience through her research regarding early-stage trauma-related stress in children with autism, highlighting the difficulties associated with improving awareness and training in school systems. Finally, Professor Chris Sharpley raised awareness on melancholia, distinguishing it from other forms of depression, and discussing evidence of alpha wave asymmetry in sufferers and exemplified the importance of such research through a case-study. Overall, members of the Brain Behaviour Research Group demonstrated the diverse, strong quality of research being produced by the laboratory and showcased the potential for future interdisciplinary collaborations.
Image: Members of the Brain Behaviour Research Group presenting at the S&T Research Conference 2023. Top: Left – Vicki Bitsika, Right – Chris Sharpley. Middle: Left – Shabah Shadli, Right – Riya Thapa. Bottom: Lucy Farrow