Publication Policy

Publication Policy

The Australasian Agribusiness Review is on the Register of Refereed Journals maintained by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR), Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC).

AAR offers a publication outlet and repository for received and new knowledge about agribusiness in an Australasian context. The Australasian Agribusiness Review aims to play the traditional role of the refereed academic journal in facilitating the necessary theoretical development of a subject area; in this case in the applied, interdisciplinary area of agricultural-related business activities.

The Australasian Agribusiness Review will consist of refereed articles. The main editorial criterion for publication in the Australasian Agribusiness Review is that articles make a contribution to knowledge which is judged to potentially be of an enduring nature. Such contribution to knowledge may be in the following areas.

  • Developments in agribusiness theory and analytical methodology;
  • an innovative application of known theory and method to agribusiness questions;
  • a survey or review of the state of development in agribusiness theory and methodology;
  • a substantial and insightful survey or review of an agribusiness activity or industry which provides valuable new information about the state of, and prospects for, development of agribusiness activity or industry.

The Australasian Agribusiness Review is published continuously throughout the year and articles are subject to peer review by experts in the field. Articles published will have been scrutinized by two recognised expert referees, and by the Editors. The Editors will actively seek, and commission, Australasian Agribusiness Review material.