2005, Volume 13, Paper 19

ISSN: 1883-5675

The Payoff from Generic Advertising by the Australian Pig Industry: Further Results Relative to the Payoff from R&D

Stuart Mounter –  School of Economics, University of New England, Armidale
Garry Griffith –  NSW Department of Primary Industries, Armidale and an Adjunct Professor in the Graduate School of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of New England, Armidale
Roley Piggott – Faculty of Economics, Business and Law, University of New England, Armidale
John Mullen -NSW Department of Primary Industries, Orange and an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Rural Management, University of Sydney, Orange


Australian Pork Limited collects producer levies and matching contributions from the Federal government (on some of the levy income), and uses these funds to invest in R&D, domestic and export marketing campaigns and strategic policy development. In 2003/04, more than $18 million in funds were available. Levy payers and other stakeholders want to know that these funds are being well spent to generate positive net returns to the industry. This issue is particularly important at present, with the Australian pig meat industry competing in a global market environment, producing significant quantities of pork exports but also facing significant quantities of pork imports for further processing.

An equilibrium displacement model of the Australian pig meat industry, described in an earlier paper in this Review (Mounter et al. 2005), was used to estimate the potential annual returns to producers and other industry sectors from different hypothetical R&D and advertising scenarios. The results indicated that pig producers receive the largest potential returns from effective bacon/ham advertising and from effective pork advertising that increases the domestic demand for these products by 1 per cent, and from effective R&D that reduces the cost of production of porkers by 1 per cent. Other investment scenarios generated substantially lower returns. However these results do not say anything about the cost of achieving the hypothetical 1 per cent shifts in demand or supply curves, so we cannot say which investments have the highest net returns. We can say though that investing in porker production R&D always provides the greatest share of total benefits to pig producers. We can also say, based on past empirical evidence, that it is very difficult to demonstrate any positive demand response to domestic pig meat advertising.

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