2005, Volume 13, Paper 6

ISSN: 1883-5675

Consumer Acceptance of New Sheep Milk Cheeses

Michael Burton and Roberta Bencini – School of Agricultural and Resource Economics, and Animal Biology, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Science, UWA


This paper provides estimates of consumers willingness to pay for two new sheep milk cheeses, developed as part of a RIRDC research project. In 1998, following an
in-store tasting, a sample of 215 consumers were asked to reveal what price they would be willing to pay for portions of the cheese. Analysis of the data reveals the
probability that a consumer will purchase the product, as prices change. There are higher levels of acceptance of the soft cheese product as compared with the hard cheese,
and higher prices paid (per kilo) for smaller portions. It is shown that the structure of the price revelation process in the survey has also influenced the results.

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