Profitability from Dairying in Pakistani Punjab

Dairying and Whole-farm Economics of Crop-livestock Farming Systems - Comparing Arid and Irrigated Districts of Punjab, Pakistan
Sosheel S. Godfrey, Karl Behrendt, Thomas L. Nordblom, Peter C. Wynn, Ann Cowling, David M. McGill and Hassan Mahmood Warriach
2018, Volume 15, Paper 3
ISSN: 1449-7875

Profitable Pear Production

New Red-blushed Pear to Boost Grower Profitability
Kerry Stott, Mark O’Connell, Ian Goodwin, Susanna Turpin and Bill Malcolm
2018, Volume 15, Paper 2
ISSN: 1449-7875

Profitable Nitrogen Fertiliser Use

The ‘Dairy Nitrogen Fertiliser Advisor’ - a method of testing farmers’ fertiliser decisions against a meta-analysis N-response function
Kerry J. Stott, Bill Malcolm, Cameron J.P. Gourley, Murray C. Hannah and Matthew Cox
2018, Volume 15, Paper 1
ISSN: 1449-7875