2015, Volume 12, Paper 1
How to think about what climate change might mean for a wool producer in Yass, New South Wales
Sari Glover – Formerly Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority, NSW; Currently South East Local Land Services, NSW
Email: sari.glover@lls.nsw.gov.au
Many future climate scenarios suggest that much of southern Australia could potentially experience higher temperatures and less rainfall. Consequently, livestock production is likely to become more challenging in the future. Managing these risks by examining the potential economic impact of alternative futures is a sensible approach for wool producers to consider in the face of predicted changes in climate. In this paper a way of thinking about the impacts of climate change is presented for wool producers in Yass, New South Wales. Continued genetic improvement will assist in reducing the impact of climate change on operating profit. The long term outlook for wool production and the demand from global markets needs to be considered in a whole farm approach.
Keywords: wool production, climate change, alternative futures
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