Minor disruptions to myEnrol in myUNE

Please be aware that there are some changes being made to your myEnrol functions this afternoon 30th August that could cause some interruptions between 3.30 and 4.30pm. If you experience any issues please wait a while and try again after this time.

Notice Of Disruption Of Services – Domestic Water Shutdown – JSF Barker Building W011, St Marks Chapel W036 and St Marks Chapel Childcare, EBL Buildings (W037, W038, W039, W040, W042), ABRI Building (W041) and Sports Union Buildings

F.M.S. wish to advise that there will be an interruption to the following service due to works being undertaken: Location:   JSF Barker Building W011, St Marks Chapel W036 and St Marks Chapel Childcare, EBL Buildings (W037, W038, W039, W040, W042), ABRI Building...